Two days have passed since the Christmas holiday. After returning to school, the young wizards are extremely uncomfortable with the high-intensity study life. In addition, they still have a lot of homework to do, which makes them complain.

After dinner, most of the young wizards returned to the lounge. Of course, there are also many young wizards who are still wandering around Hogwarts. Some of them are dating, and some are playing. But there are also people like Lind.

He walked down the stairs on the eighth floor holding a book wrapped in black cloth, and the crow stood on his shoulder to rest.

If you want to learn the ballad, the best way is to read the book again. Then there are two methods.

The first method is to read the book in front of a main professor of Hogwarts (Quirrell, Trelawney, etc. are not counted). In this way, you can read the book and ensure your safety to a certain extent.

The second situation is to go directly to Dumbledore, and then explain the situation to him in a true and false way and read the book under his supervision.

The problem with the first method is that there may be a big accident, so big that the professors may not have time to react, or it may have caused a serious impact after they react.

The second method is that Dumbledore may refuse him and take the book away.

Keeping a steady heart, Lind decided to give the book directly to Dumbledore, because according to Dumbledore's character, even if he is not allowed to read the book now, he will allow it in the future. As the strongest wizard in the magic world, he does not need to restrict the development of a small wizard.

He went straight to the gargoyle on the third floor. Although he did not know the password, it was still easy to guess.

And based on the last conversation with Dumbledore, he was sure that Dumbledore had some way to monitor the basic situation of the school. Then as long as Dumbledore knew that he was coming for an important matter, there was no reason not to let him in.

The password was never important, but it could filter out some people he didn't want to see.

Sure enough, before Lind opened his mouth, the stone beast automatically made way for him, revealing the spiral staircase inside. I just don't know if it was the same last time Harry came.

Lind didn't know if the stone beast had intelligence, but he still thanked it before climbing the spiral staircase.

The heavy friction between the stones sounded, and soon, Lind arrived on the eighth floor.

"Welcome! Have you eaten, Lind." Dumbledore sat at the table and wiped his mouth. It was obvious that he had just finished his meal, but there was no food on the table. It should be the same as the long table in the Great Hall.

"I hope I didn't disturb your meal. I have eaten in the Great Hall, Professor." Lind greeted him and came to the opposite side of Dumbledore under the gaze of the portraits of the headmasters. I don't know why they didn't pretend to sleep today.

"Of course not, it's good that you have eaten. I remember that when I was your age, I often forgot to eat because magic was so attractive." Dumbledore smiled, opened the drawer and took out some candy as a dessert after dinner.

"Would you like some?" Dumbledore asked. Then Lind shook his head to refuse.

"Only sugar can make me feel sweeter, so I like to eat sugar very much. I am surprised that a child of your age does not like to eat these." Dumbledore said with a smile without any surprise.

"It feels boring if you eat too much. By the way, professor. The reason I came this time is because of it!" Linde planned to get straight to the point and put the book on the table.

Dumbledore used his wand to slowly open the black cloth wrapped around the book, revealing the blue cover inside.

"Mysterious Atlantis", I have read this book. It turns out that you are one of the people who borrowed books and did not return them that Madam Pince said!" Dumbledore said with a tone that caught Linde's pigtail.

Although Linde felt a little embarrassed, he still said calmly: "Professor, because I think this book is not suitable to be placed in the library anymore."

"Oh? Why is that?" Dumbledore looked at Linde with curiosity, and his eyes were more serious.

Then, Linde told how he and Jane found that there were multiple interlayers in this book.

"Then what?" Dumbledore continued to ask.

"Then...then I became a...half-merman." Lind hesitated to tell his change. Another reason for saying this was to see if the professor who allowed him to enroll knew his identity.

And after the Christmas incident, he was also a little confused. Was he the so-called "Atlantis ancestors" or a hybrid of humans and mermen?

"Half-merman?! Is it like eating gillyweed?" Dumbledore was afraid that Lind didn't know what gillyweed was. His wand emitted golden red mist and outlined the image of a human who had eaten gillyweed in the air.

"Yes, it's very similar! But not exactly the same." Lind told the truth.

"What about Miss Devo, who read this book with you?" Dumbledore asked.

"She should not have any changes, and because I was wearing thicker clothes, she didn't notice my changes."

"That is to say, this book, no, this story called the White Ship, has only had this effect on you so far."

Lind nodded.

Dumbledore's wand repeatedly tapped the book, and the book opened, became moist, then dry, and then was wrapped in golden light.

"There is no trace of magic on it!" Dumbledore said playfully, and he also became somewhat interested in this book.

"No?! It's impossible." Lind thought Dumbledore's playful expression was directed at him.

"Don't worry, Linde. Of course I believe you. It's entirely possible that there is some kind of strange magic in this book that I don't know about. After all, magic is a very profound thing. What I said is not always correct." Dumbledore comforted Lind, and as he spoke, he took out the book, opened the White Ship, and started reading.

He read extremely quickly and seemed completely unaffected by the messy lines.

Lind had been looking at Fox all this time, or at the cheerful silverware in the room.

"I heard that a few years ago when the principal of Hogwarts was about to change, the principal at that time would draw a portrait of himself in advance and put it under the table. Then he would let the portrait learn his smile, speech and behavior. I don't know. Not true." Linde thought, looking at the table inside.

I don't know if Dumbledore's portrait is hidden inside now.

Just as he was thinking, Dumbledore's voice interrupted him: "Lind, I don't think anything happened to me."

When Lind raised his head, he saw Dumbledore looking at him seriously.

Linde thought for a moment and then spoke. "Professor, I think I can read that book again. You can observe the changes in me."

Dumbledore almost blurted out "Sorry, I can't..."

Then he seemed to remember something. "Lind, are you sure you want to watch it again? Rather than... rather than something tempting you in your ears?" Dumbledore did not ask Lind at all why. Wanted to read the book again, but confirmed with him directly.

"Tell me what you really think." Dumbledore's voice seemed to contain some kind of magic. Especially when I say the word 'yourself', it seems like the air is rippled.

Linde felt a refreshing sensation in his mind. Many of his inappropriate thoughts were swept away, and his mind was extremely clear and rational. He felt that if he was given fifty intertwined headphone cables at this time, he could peel them off and separate them all.

"Yes, Professor. I had the idea to watch it again.

Moreover, aren't you still next to me? Since this book only affected me, the problem may not be one-sided only with the book. "

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