The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 60: Shadowless Divine Sharpness

"The Alajo Cave opens—"

Linde waved his wand in a low voice, and a faint light emitted from the wand.


The lock cylinder was twisted open by an inexplicable force. Linde hurriedly opened the classroom door and rushed into the Potions classroom.

The pungent smell suddenly penetrated his nose. To be honest, he couldn't get used to this smell no matter how many times he smelled it.

He came to the two solid wood cabinets in the corner. These two cabinets were filled with miscellaneous items. If his prediction was correct, the book should be placed in them now.

Using the unlocking spell again, Linde first opened a cabinet. Among the cauldrons stacked up and down, one of them still exudes a lingering stench. There is no liquid inside, but is covered with a layer of brown dirt. I don’t know what kind of magic potion it originally contained, or what it might be. It's not a magic potion at all.

There are also brass scales with some deformed weights. There was everything, but he didn't see the book he wanted.

Then he followed the same pattern and looked through other cabinets. Finally he found the book he wanted in a cabinet drawer.

"Advanced Potion Making" by Libasio Pollachi. The book looked extremely worn, with many cracks on the edges of the pages and curled pages at the corners.

Linde opened the cover of the book, and underneath it was written in Juanxiu's densely packed small characters: This book belongs to the Half-Blood Prince.

Linde did not rush to read the content of the book. Instead, he put the book into his robe and carefully put everything back in its place. Then he tiptoed out of the potions classroom and came to the Room of Requirement.

"The lock tongue seals the throat.

The toes are used against a stick, which looks like a variation of the incisor match against a stick.

The silent Simplification Charm of the Golden Bell was optimized by Snape, allowing Harry to successfully cast it on the first time, which is awesome.

Close your earplugs and listen! "Lind was flipping through the pages while praising him again and again. Snape is so awesome!

"Found it-" Linde's fingers touched the pages of the book.

"Shen Feng Wu Ying! What I want is you."

Lynde looked at the key points of casting this spell word by word. Snape wrote it in great detail. When he was young, his handwriting was small and neat. No one else, not to mention Harry, would have thought that this half-blood prince could do this. It's Snape.

Lind waved the fake wand transformed by transfiguration while correcting his pronunciation.

After practicing for a long time, Linde felt that he should be able to cast this spell successfully. He stood up and walked to the puppet.

"Shen Feng Wu Ying——"

The magic power surged out along the wand, but seemed to be blocked between the wands. Linde didn't care what the hell he was releasing, and directly put an armor on himself with his backhand.

The puppet was hit, shook, and then stopped again.

"Phew! Fortunately nothing happened. The last wave of the wand was a little too hasty." Linde breathed a sigh of relief.

Do it again.

"Shen Feng Wu Ying——"

This time it was even stranger, a stream of green smoke came out of the tip of his staff.

Failed again.

But this was also within his expectation. Even if talent factors are put aside, Harry's success in using the Shadowless Edge for the first time is inseparable from the foundation of spellcasting he has acquired over the years, his proficiency in controlling the wand, his control over magic, etc., which take time to develop. effort.

Linde straightened his posture again and raised his wand again...


"I should have started revising a long time ago. There are only eight weeks until finals." Hermione said sitting in the Gryffindor common room.

After spending more than half a year together, Hermione, Ron and Harry have already formed a deep friendship, and because Jane has always had a good relationship with Hermione, she also has a good relationship with Harry and Ron. But Ron still doesn't know who the person who punched him that night was.

Neither Hermione nor Jane said anything.

In the corner of the lounge, Linde sat expressionlessly on the sofa. The sofa faced the corner. Linde had his legs crossed. There was a brand new "Standard Spell: Level Three" on his lap. Of course, his cover was Linde wrapped it with something else.

A week ago, Linde officially completed the self-study of "Standard Spells: Level 2". To be honest, this was beyond his expectation. It seemed to be because he practiced Occlumency according to Professor Snape's requirements.

Just like a robot can always do better with standardized things, suppressing his own emotions makes him feel like a god when analyzing spell techniques and summarizing the reasons for failure and success.

And the emotions that were usually suppressed would flow out like a torrent when he cast the spell, and his spells were much more powerful.

Linde still maintains a confident attitude towards self-study "Standard Spells: Level 3". Although at level 3, the study of spells begins to deepen and is no longer limited to teaching you how to successfully cast a spell.

The magic theories in the book are numerous and difficult to organize into a system. Linde is considering whether to encourage Professor Flitwick to compile a textbook himself. It would definitely be a much better book written by him than the one I am using now.

But his confidence comes from the Charms Club, and the meetings every Friday are an eye-opener for him. The improvement of his horizons will be of great help to him in sorting out the theoretical system of third-level magic spells.

The book that Lind had spread out had not been opened for a long time, and his ears were shining with a faint fluorescent light that was difficult to detect.

This is a spell to increase hearing. During this period, he never stopped exploring the Forbidden Forest, and his relationship with Hagrid became much closer.

Hogwarts' management of the Forbidden Forest is not that strict. In the original book, Luna would walk barefoot alone in the Forbidden Forest and make friends with many small animals.

And Lind also went into the Forbidden Forest many times under the leadership of Hagrid in the name of understanding magical animals, and learned a lot of terrain. Now he has a map of the Forbidden Forest drawn by himself in his waist bag.

After listening for a while, he found that either Hermione was calling Harry and Ron to study or muttering about what he didn't understand enough, so he thought it was meaningless and walked up.

When everyone in the dormitory fell asleep, Lind put on his black robe again. Walk out of the dormitory.

He was about to go down the spiral staircase, but found that there were two elongated figures in the common room below, and they looked like they were sitting in front of the table.

Lind was not surprised by this kind of thing. Even in a place like Gryffindor where rough people gather, there will always be people who don't want to sleep every once in a while. In the middle of the night, they suddenly want to work hard and come to the common room to spread out a book to read, but they fall asleep directly in the common room.

Normally, in this situation, he would just go back to sleep as a pastime.

Today, just like usual, Lind was about to go back, but he heard a pleasant creaking sound.

The hole in the common room was opened. Then Lind heard a familiar voice, from Jane Devo.

"Stay away from me, you stink. Here, Harry, your Invisibility Cloak."

"It bit me!" Ron said.

"I can't hold a pen for a week. Let me tell you, the dragon is the most terrifying animal I have ever seen, but looking at the way Hagrid treats it, you would think it is a furry little rabbit. After it bit me, Hagrid didn't allow me to scare it. When I left, I heard him singing a lullaby to it."

"This thing is really terrible. It hasn't been out of the shell for a long time, but it has started to eat a whole box of meat." Jane also complained, and it seems that she was not bitten.

Lind squatted carefully on the spiral staircase and listened to them talking.

There was a slapping sound from the dark window.

"It's Hedwig!" Harry said, and hurried over to put it in. "It must have brought Charlie's reply!"

"Charlie! It looks like the dragon will be sent away soon!" Lind silently calculated in his heart.

Lind hadn't seen the dragon yet. Although he and Hagrid had a good relationship now, Hagrid didn't tell him about it. Maybe he thought enough people knew about it.

Then, there were some rustling sounds below.

"They will come to take Norbert away at midnight on Saturday. Let's go and tell Hagrid tomorrow! He still has three days to cherish! Although I really want that thing to disappear from Hogwarts now." Jane said bluntly. To be honest, she really doesn't look like a woman sometimes.

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