The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 62: Horses and Grass

After delineating a rough area, Linde began to lay out the area using point diffusion while strengthening his understanding of the terrain.

This work took him three weeks.

This is not a good time for Harry. The famous Harry Potter, the hero of two Quidditch matches, actually caused Gryffindor to lose so many points. He and three other stupid first-year students .

Neville, Hermione and Jane.

Neville tried to find them on the night of the incident, but was also caught.

Harry, who was once one of the most popular and admired people in school, suddenly became a target. Even the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff didn't have a good look on him, because everyone had always wanted to see Slytherin lose the House Cup.

Hermione and Jane's life was not easy either. How can I say these two... they were both a bit unlikable.

Jane is a little better, but her temper is a bit grumpy.

Needless to say, Hermione was also reflected in the original text. She was a relatively self-centered character at the beginning, but was later changed by Harry and Ron.

Lynde had heard Harry say a week ago that he would never meddle in other people's business again. He no longer stalks around, spying on something. However, now it is said that he has begun to suspect that Snape has some ulterior desire for the Philosopher's Stone.

He must be trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone and become immortal. Harry said firmly in his heart.

Since setting up the Forbidden Forest, Andersen has a lot more work every day. He only occasionally clears the way for Lind when he goes to the Room of Requirement at night, and not often, because it is almost the end of the term, and many wizards in Gryffindor Start working overtime in the break room.

Most of the rest of the time it was either spying on Harry or flying into the Forbidden Forest.

Once it was almost bitten by a big snake on a tree. After that, Linde would cast armor spells on it frequently every day.

On weekends, Linde would spend some time in the Forbidden Forest to check and maintain the hands and feet he made in the Forbidden Forest. Some of them might have been damaged by the surrounding animals, and some might not be in the right position. Anyway, there are various All kinds of little accidents will always happen.

Linde also thought about bringing in some modern weapons at first, and Felix had a way.

Moreover, the Cold War ended some time ago and the Red Community announced its disintegration, causing a large backlog of arms to flow into all parts of the world. If Felix was willing, he could even get some high-power items.

But it's a pity that Felix was unwilling. He repeatedly denied Linde's "school danger theory", "magic danger theory", "magical legal loophole theory" and so on.

Thinking of this, Lind still felt a pity. If there were some firearms, this matter would definitely be much easier to handle.

In the forbidden forest, Lin De pulled apart a leaf and carefully observed its rhizome to ensure that it was growing well.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came from behind Linde, and the sound was only a few meters away from him.

What is it? !

Linde turned his head sharply, pulled out his wand, and twitched the corners of his mouth, ready to recite a spell at any time.

He saw a tall figure appearing in his field of vision. His upper body was that of a handsome human being. His eyes were the same light blue as Linde's, and his hair was platinum. However, underneath he had a pair of silver hair. The mane horse's body is more than two meters tall, and its tail naturally swings behind it.

He looked Linde up and down and said, "Hello, kid!"

"Um, hello. Are you a centaur?" Linde asked knowingly. He didn't know who was coming.

"Yes, I live here." As he said that, he looked at Lind's feet, the blade of grass he had just pulled away.

"My name is Firenze. Are you a student at Hogwarts? I've seen you and Hagrid together!" The centaur looked at them before speaking.

Have you seen it? when!

Anyway, Linde has never seen him.

Hearing him say that his name was Firenze, Linde felt relieved a little. This centaur also often appeared in the original work. He was considered to be close to the wizards. He didn't hate wizards so much, so he probably wouldn't cause trouble for him.

"Yes, I do often come to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, but this time he is not here. Do you have anything to do with me?" Linde and Hagrid were talking about their relationship. Almost all creatures with brains in the Forbidden Forest will give Hagrid face.

Firenze said gently. "Child, don't worry. I just want to ask: Did you plant some of the extra mandrakes in the forest recently?"

"Well, yes, I have planted them in different places, you know, because their planting conditions are a bit harsh, but I don't want to borrow the school's greenhouse. I think I should use a more natural way." Linde He touched his nose and said while thinking.

The cultural customs of Centaur and Horse seem to be much more direct, less convoluted. He asked directly: "It is indeed very harsh. Can I pick two of them when they mature? I have some use for them, so I am willing to take care of them for you. You will have a holiday soon, and I can help you by then." you."

Linde nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Mandrake, also known as "magic apple" and "poisonous ginseng nightshade".

Mature mandrake is a relatively rare herb, but its young plants are relatively cheap. The reason for this is that mandrake has a long growth cycle and a harsh growth environment.

It is because of its harsh growth that in the second part of the secret room, Professor Sprout's mandrake has to mature before making a potion to remove petrification and give it to the children.

The root of the mandrake is an ugly baby with a shrill cry, which can kill people. Mature mandrakes can be used to make potions to remove the petrification of basilisks.

Its roots can grow underground to 3 to 4 inches long. In ancient times, people believed that mandrakes could relieve pain and help sleep, and large doses could relieve symptoms of mental confusion and madness.

The Greek myth of Circe once used mandrakes to refine her most effective elixir of life, and this event was collected by the chocolate doll's cards.

Not only that, mandrakes also contain a large number of toxic hallucinogenic ingredients, and are also used for divination.

It can be used to make spells that make warriors invulnerable, make flying ointments and improve flying ability, and it is also regarded as a strong aphrodisiac.

Animagus also needs mandrake leaves.

This thing has many functions, a long maturity period, and harsh growing conditions, so its mature plants have always been a priceless thing.

This is one of the things Lindto Felix bought in Diagon Alley: a total of dozens of young mandrakes.

At first, Lind's idea was to use its scream to hit Quirrell. Its scream has strong persistence and strong magic-breaking ability. In the original text, even Professor Sprout would wear earplugs when facing them.

And that was only described in the original book. Lind himself also learned that people would die from the scream of mandrake grass every once in a while in history. He himself also experienced how powerful this thing was when he first entered Hogwarts.

In addition, in the environment of the Forbidden Forest, the young mandrake grass, which is cheap, easy to use, and also a herb, is definitely the best choice.

No matter how strong Quirrell is, he was cursed by the first unicorn he hunted, and then fought with the second unicorn, and then encountered the mandrake grass and other arrangements placed by Lind... and he didn't intend to target Quirrell only.

It is definitely unrealistic to kill Quirrell, but there is still some confidence in driving him away.

As a result, he did it too early, so he had to maintain the mandrake grass frequently during this period, and sometimes replenish new ones. He didn't know what kind of animals were so stupid to eat it.

Fortunately, it was cheap enough and he could barely afford it.

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