The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 68 Beast Death

The harsh and unpleasant sobbing screams instantly echoed throughout the Forbidden Forest. Soon after the screams started, they were mixed with the barking of dogs, the sound of rustling soil rolling underground, and the chaotic calls of birds...

call out!

Suddenly someone released red sparks into the sky.

Lind shook his head and threw a mandrake in front of him with one hand.

That's why he's so determined to be here.

This is the edge of the Acromantula Aragog's clan territory.

At the same time, he threw another mandrake at Quirrell. The ear-piercing scream came too quickly. Just as Quirrell stood up holding on to the wall, he covered his head with his hands and knelt on the ground, wailing.

At the same time, the unicorn's curse begins to take effect, and black smoke rises from Quirrell's body.

The dragon-skin earmuffs that Lind wore were completely incomparable to the mass-customized old-fashioned earmuffs in Hogwarts that had been used for an unknown period of time. The dragon-skin earmuffs basically isolated most of the sound.

I originally wanted to listen to it with earplugs. But his state just now didn't allow it at all.

In the original book, Harry encountered a total of three horses during his trip to the Forbidden Forest today, plus he had caused a violent explosion just now. Plus Harry and his team, the mysterious Dumbledore and others...

They could come here at any time.

Although the earplugs he wore blocked the sound of the mandrake, it also meant that he lost a lot of information from the outside world.

He had to run away quickly. He couldn't give Quirrell two more spells now and still have the energy to use other spells.

And it was still far away from the unicorn, so he had to rush back...

Under the hockey mask, his eyes glanced at Quirrell, who was lying on the ground and wailing, and then ignored him.

"Yagadim Leviosa——"

Feeling his light body, he then calmed down, tried his best to exclude the scream of Mandrake from his mind, and waved his wand.

"The wind is swirling suddenly——"

Lind's robe suddenly blew and his body flew into the air uncontrollably.

Under the moonlight, a figure flew high into the sky. His limbs were swinging uncontrollably, as if he was being pushed up.

The strong wind directly blew away Linde's already unsustainable water-retaining head-soaking spell. Linde held on to his earmuffs to prevent them from falling.

It would be troublesome if it fell and Quirrell picked it up.

After Linde flew into the air, he hurriedly looked around. The feeling of suspension and the strong wind blowing under him were so contradictory and strange.

"Found it!"

Relying on his familiarity with certain special terrains in the Forbidden Forest, he could see the direction he came from with just one glance, then readjusted the direction of the wind and "flyed" that way.

Below, after Lind flew away, Quirrell finally inserted his wand into the mandrake's rhizome, which looked like a humanoid baby.

The piercing scream finally disappeared!

disappear? ! Quirrell clearly remembered seeing the guy pull out two.

Quirrell raised his head with all his strength, and saw a huge Acromantula and a group of spiders not as big as this but not too small, staring at him. After that, there seemed to be more spiders coming one after another.

On the third sharp leg from the left of the largest spider was another mandrake.

It stared at Quirrell. At the same time, he also heard the intensive sound of horse hooves and the trembling barking of the dog that was getting closer and closer. He didn't know whether the dog was excited or scared!

Hagrid's voice came from the distance: "Fangya, keep up, this is our duty!"

"Go... idiot... you loser." Voldemort's weak voice sounded.

Quirrell's expression was not good either, and he glanced coldly at the ground behind him. There was a pool of blood there, which was left by Linde's right leg injury just now.

Quirrell endured the severe pain all over his body, wailed in his mouth, forcibly used the spell that turned his body into black mist, and then stepped back.

When passing by a place stained with Lind's blood, he picked up a leaf with his blood on it.

Quirrell flew high into the sky. Suddenly, an arrow penetrated his right shoulder from the side. He lost control of his figure and almost fell to the ground again.

Quirrell covered his right shoulder and continued to apologize to Voldemort tremblingly. "Sorry...sorry...master."

"Shut up! Go!" Voldemort roared at the top of his lungs. From the back of his head, Voldemort could see the two men chasing him behind him, and two more arrows were fired at him.

Quirrell flew directly upwards, forcefully broke through the canopy of trees and flew into the sky, and then flew towards Hogsmeade.

The two of them were in extremely bad condition and had no conditions to go looking for the unicorn again. Moreover, the noise in the Forbidden Forest was so loud that Dumbledore might even have noticed it.

He, Voldemort, was afraid of no one but Dumbledore.

During the flight, a leaf was thrown out by Quirrell. It was the leaf stained with Lind's blood.

"He drank some kind of potion, and his blood was disturbed by the potion, so the tracking spell didn't work at all."

At this moment, he was even more sure that he had been tricked! The other party obviously knew that he would drink some special magic potion because he knew the tracking spell, but at the beginning he deliberately left traces of the spell for himself to chase him!

Treat yourself like a monkey!

What is it for?


Lind flew through the air at high speed. Before Quirrell broke through the tree canopy, he had already canceled the maintenance of the Whirlwind Curse in mid-air. He fell in mid-air in a parabola at high speed, and when he was about to enter the forest, a claw grabbed his clothes.

It was Andersen.

Andersen grabbed Lind with all his strength and flew Lind into the Forbidden Forest in a gliding manner. Then he rolled when he landed and successfully landed not far from the unicorn.

"Guga——(No one is around, everyone was attracted by the explosion!)"

"Okay!" Linde nodded and stood up with all his strength. He felt like he couldn't cast a single spell.

He walked over and looked at the unicorn. It had obviously lost consciousness, and only its chest was still beating weakly. Silver-blue blood spurts out from its nose from time to time, indicating that a large amount of blood has entered its lungs.

Not dead yet, but soon!

Fortunately, he had a lot of magical herbs in his pocket. Thinking about it, he took out the white fresh food from his pocket, crushed it and tried to apply it on its wound.

He will do everything in his power to save it!

It works! Not long after applying Bai Xian, the wound that had been bleeding before stopped bleeding!

Linde hurriedly took out the white fresh food from his bag and applied it to other wounds. But after applying it to two wounds that were no more than the length of a palm, he discovered something!

The white fresh food is gone!

No, I remember I bought a lot. Linde hurriedly rummaged through his bag and tried to find some fresh food.



Linde rummaged through his pocket and finally gave up looking for Bai Xian. Instead, he took out some magic potions that he bought before.

"Blood tonic, bruise ointment, burn ointment!"

Linde remembered that he had tried to look up some detailed information about healing unicorns in the library before, but he could not find any details! So I bought a bunch of healing potions for humans.

He gave everything he had to this unicorn, feeding it what needed to be fed and applying what needed to be applied!

After Linde applied the two ointments, he ran to its head, straightened its head, and then tried to feed it the blood-tonifying medicine!

The unicorn seemed to have recovered a lot. It opened its eyes with difficulty and felt the healing wounds on its body. It looked at Lind gratefully.

However, after a while, it fainted again.

This moment frightened Linde. Doesn’t it look like he’s getting better? Why again...

Could it be some internal injury? !

Thinking about it, Linde began to rummage in the bag again, and finally found something related to internal injuries after digging three feet into the bag.

A piece of bezoar has a strong detoxifying effect.

Linde stuffed the bezoar into the unicorn's mouth. Back away cautiously.

He had given all the medicine to the unicorn, so much so that he had yet to deal with his own injuries.

"Andersen?" Linde called softly, but didn't hear its response.

Just when Lind was a little confused, the unicorn suddenly coughed up blood violently and its limbs twitched wildly!

Linde went up and kept touching its head, trying to ask what was wrong with it!

The unicorn raised its head, roared at the sky unwillingly, and then hit its head heavily on the ground.


"How could this happen? Aren't they all fine? I've given everything to it!" Linde felt a little hard to accept.

Before Linde could react to what was happening, Andersen flew back with a cloth bag in his mouth.

Linde opened the cloth bag and found several small glass bottles piled inside.

These bottles contained wisps of silvery mist-like liquid.

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