On the astronomy tower, Professor Aurora Sinister excitedly glanced at the telescope, and then hurriedly drew on the parchment scroll in her hand.

She was excited and exclaimed, "Ophiuchus, Serpens..."

If Lind could see the content of her parchment scroll at this time, he would definitely feel very familiar.

This is the task that Professor Sinister assigned to the first-year wizards at the beginning of the school year, which is the so-called star map when the stars return to their positions.

But the star map that the professor is drawing is obviously tighter, more complete, and more accurate.

Professor Sinister's ability to teach at Hogwarts naturally represents her high level of professionalism. And this time, the stars are also her first time to see them. Even with many classics and star maps drawn by predecessors, she still chooses to draw the stars she saw with her own eyes.

"No, why do I feel that each star is a little different from what I saw before?!" The professor compared the star map he drew with an ancient parchment scroll, and at the same time, an old book was spread out next to it, which also had a star map drawn on it.

There is basically no difference between the star map in the old book and the star map on the old parchment scroll, but the difference between this one and the one she just made is huge.

Each star has inexplicably deviated from its position, and the difference in the final star map is quite large!

She frowned and looked at the sky with a telescope many times.

"No problem! I drew it very standardly. Could it be that these old materials are wrong?

Or... the difference caused by the observation angle of the geographical location? That's not right either. This old parchment scroll was drawn by the previous teacher here.

Are the stars shifted?! Or did I observe it wrong, and this is actually another set of stars?!"

The professor picked up the two parchment scrolls and compared them repeatedly, but still couldn't figure it out.

"If it's the stars shifting..." She glanced at the divination classroom in the north tower.

"Forget it... It's better to listen to the nonsense of those centaurs than to listen to her. At least they can really understand it!" Professor Xingnista shook his head and looked at the sky again.

The star shift is now just her guess. The next thing she had to do was to re-grade the star maps that the children had drawn this semester.

Because she had previously graded the children based on the old parchment scroll, but now she found that the map was not symmetrical with the actual map, so she could only re-grade the children based on the star map she had drawn.


"I'll give you..." Lind said this in a slightly neurotic whisper, and the words he spoke became sour and refreshing.

At the same time, when he finished saying this, it was as if some kind of valve was opened, and a powerful and violent thought suddenly rushed into his mind after getting some kind of "permission".

It was as if he was a little white rabbit alone at home. When he was deceived by the big bad wolf and the "door" was opened, everything was no longer under his control.

Then Lind felt that his whole mind was floating, and he felt like he was wandering in the sky.

This brought him back to the moment when he read "The White Ship" in Dumbledore's office.

When he recovered again, he felt like he was watching a top-notch VR first-person movie.

He could see everything, but he had lost control of his body.

At this time, Quirrell was cutting the flesh of the barnacles growing on his waist.

Tick! Tick!

Water from nowhere seeped out from the ceiling and dripped on Quirrell's head.

"Human... bodies are really hard to use, but fortunately... after so many years of long-term transformation..."

As he spoke, Lind's hand, which was stepped on by Quirrell, slipped out as if it was covered with a layer of lubricant.

Before Quirrell could react, Lind flipped his palm, grabbed Quirrell's ankle and swung it violently, throwing Quirrell out directly.


The sound of joints breaking sounded.

However, this sound did not come from Quirrell, but from Lind who was overexerting himself. Even with the blessing of the water body, this broken eleven-year-old body would have to pay a price if it wanted to throw Quirrell, an adult wizard, out with one hand.

But Lind didn't care now, or rather, He didn't care. As mentioned before, He had already taken control of this body, so it would be difficult for Lind to stop his subsequent operations.

He stood up, shook his hand with a dislocated elbow, raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at Quirrell, while uttering an obscure and complicated spell.

A thin stream of rapid water shot out from Lind's fingertips. Quirrell had already reacted, and a series of armor spells were cast on himself.

This thin stream of water was unstoppable, directly breaking his first two layers of shields, and then slightly breaking the remaining shields. When breaking the last layer of shields, it was also deviated from the angle, and finally only regrettably shot through his shoulder.

Quirrell exclaimed softly, with a teasing and contemptuous tone.

He frowned and looked at the spell that came out from his fingertips.

"The development of the mind body is too poor", no wonder... no wonder you need that thing." He turned his head and looked at the magic wand lying in the water with disdain.

He hooked his finger, and the water surface swayed the magic wand and floated towards him. Then the water body turned into an anti-gravity rise, handing the magic wand to his hand.

Holding the wand in one hand, He rubbed the handle, feeling the amplification of this object on this body.

Then he put the tip of the wand on his ear and exerted force suddenly. The wand directly pierced the eardrum and reached the cerebral cortex.

The tip of the wand went deep into his brain and sprayed seawater in small streams. His cerebrospinal fluid flowed out of his nostrils.

After the seawater wrapped around the entire brain, it began to flow like the ebb and flow of the tide, and began to give this brain a never-ending massage.

And Quirrell watched the little wizard in front of him pierce the wand into his ear, and then his ear bled, and his nostrils flowed out of large streams of something like snot.

Just when he thought the other party was going to die suddenly, he didn't expect him to show a comfortable expression. Then he saw the other party open his eyes and look at him.

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other.

"It's so beautiful!" Quirrell thought involuntarily. He suddenly had the idea of ​​going out to enjoy the sea breeze, walking barefoot on the beach, watching the tide rise and fall, submerging his ankles, submerging his chest, and finally letting the tide submerge his... head.

Lind, no, it should be said that He spoke: "Humanity... is a rare plaything."

As he spoke, the tentacles on his chin seemed to flutter because of excessive excitement, and the whole room began to change.

"Be happy, you are one of the few people who can face the 'great' directly."

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