The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 8 Nine and Three Quarters

Back at the Leaky Cauldron, Lind was about to walk out under the strange looks of the surrounding customers. The bar owner Tom suddenly stopped Linde.

"Mr. Augustus, please wait!"

The two of them turned back to look at the bar owner.

"Hello, my name is Tom Abbott. Just call me Tom. I'm the boss here. Um, what is this?"

As he spoke, he pointed to Linde's right hand.

Linde raised his right hand, holding a dark object on it.

Just like lifting a broiler chicken, turn the wings outward onto the back, and then pinch the base of the wings.

"Is this one? This is the chicken I just bought in Diagon Alley. I saw how pitiful it was in the cage, so I planned to buy it home and make soup."

Hearing this, Andersen began to struggle anxiously again.

"Oh, okay! It looks very energetic. It would be a pity to make soup." Tom was already old, and the lights in the bar were dim and the raven was surprisingly large, so he also thought it was a Chicken.

"I still think it would be better to make it into a roast chicken. Oh, by the way, you two gentlemen have something you haven't picked up yet."

With that said, Tom took out a pamphlet from the bar and handed it to Felix.

Linde glanced at it and saw it read "What you need to do if your child is a little wizard." 》

Tom continued, "This is for the parents of new Muggle-born wizards to read... um... how do you put it?"

Tom thought for a moment, "Promotional brochure, yes, that's what those guys from the Ministry of Magic said.

The above are some common sense that every Muggle parent should know because of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. "

As he spoke, Tom leaned out of the bar, leaned forward with his rickety body and whispered to them, "You know, not every professor is as good as Dumbledore, and they often don't teach you these things.

Just like that Professor Snape, he certainly didn't tell you this. "

Although Felix didn't know who Dumbledore was, he still nodded hesitantly, "Yes, he doesn't seem to be easy to get along with."

"That's for sure, after all." Tom hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say the words.

"After all, he is usually very busy, so I took over this job a few years ago."

Linde did have a guess about what he was going to say. It should have been said that Snape once served Voldemort, but he didn't say it in the end. Maybe it’s because there are so many people here!

After thanking Tom, the two walked out of the Leaky Cauldron and embarked on the road back to Knott Town.

On the train, Felix opened the brochure with great interest.

Then he fell asleep unexpectedly.


August 30

Linde came to the town cemetery holding white chrysanthemums. He walked in silence to a tombstone in the cemetery.

This tombstone does not look old, it should have been erected within a year.

There are countless flowers placed in front of the tombstone, some have dried up, and some have corollas still in full bloom. Apparently, the flowers here have never stopped blooming.

Linde also placed the flowers he was holding in front of the tombstone. I wanted to clean it up and found that the area around the tombstone was clean. He just sat in front of the tombstone, not knowing what he was thinking in his head.

The next day, Lind packed his luggage early and had breakfast with Felix, who rarely got up early.

"You really don't need me to send you off?" Felix wiped away the non-existent tears, while Xiong Da Xiong Er was sobbing and reluctantly rubbing Lind's trousers.

"Don't give it away. Do you think I don't know what you want? You hope I leave early and go back to sleep." Linde waved his hand.

"If you don't hurry up and get in the car, you brat, I'm going to be sleepy to death." Felix laughed and helped him lift the box and put it in the trunk of the car.

The original plan was for Felix to send Linde to London. Although he was reassured about his brother, it did not mean that he would be reassured about the social environment.

But it happened that Romano was also going to London. He was the guy with half of his front teeth missing and said he was attracted to women. And the other party was very willing to take Linde for a ride, although he didn't know where Linde was going to study.

Moreover, Romano was relatively reliable in doing things, so he simply asked Linde to go with Romano.

Lind smiled, raised his head and motioned to Andersen, who was standing on the chimney, to follow him in the car. He said goodbye to Felix, got in the car and embarked on the journey to London.

In the evening, Romano dropped Lind off at a record shop on Charing Cross Road.

"Are you there tonight?" Romano gestured to a small hotel opposite the record store.

"Well, our school should have booked this hotel for freshmen from far away. You don't have to send me off anymore, go get busy!" This was the rhetoric that Linde had thought of before.

Romano was famously warm-hearted in town, and if he hadn't said so, he would have carried her luggage all the way to the hotel room.

But he was thinking of staying at the Leaky Cauldron tonight, not the hotel.

"Okay! After the semester, tell me that you picked up some girls in London." Romanotti nodded to Lind and drove away.

Seeing Romano and his car turn out of sight, and Andersen flying obediently onto his shoulder, Linde pushed his luggage into the Leaky Cauldron bar next to the record store and invisible to ordinary people.

Linde didn't expect that Gringotts was still in business. Maybe the goblin's work schedule and working hours can't be completely copied from the Muggle society.

After exchanging gold bars for some Galleons, Linde stayed in the Leaky Cauldron for one night and set off for King's Cross Station early the next day.

Old Tom had already told him the specific location, although he just described it verbally.

Linde, pushing the luggage cart, walked slowly along the platform. He just saw a man rushing into the platform pillar. He was about to rush in, but found that the pillar was between the seventh and eighth platforms. He didn't know where the wizard train was going.

It should be a train that didn't appear in the original book. After all, the magic train technology should not be used only by Hogwarts.

Coming to the middle of platform nine and ten, he followed a wizard to platform nine and three-quarters.

The thick smoke of the crimson steam train filled the sky above the chaotic crowd, and cats of various colors ran around under people's feet. Amid the buzz of people talking and the noise of dragging heavy luggage, owls also hooted harshly, one calling and the other responding.

He looked back at the place where he came from. The wall turned into a wrought iron archway with "Nine and Three Quarters" written on it. He could see someone outside trying to rush in, and then he quickly pushed the luggage cart forward.

Andersen stood in front of the luggage cart and quacked. Unlike most people who stayed on the platform, Lind was alone and only needed to squeeze forward. After a while, he boarded the train called Hogwarts Express.

Finding an empty carriage, Lind walked in, closed the door, and pulled out his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa——"

This was one of the simple spells he tried at home during the holiday, because from his experience of reading the original book in his previous life, the Ministry of Magic would not care even if the young wizard who had not yet entered school cast a simple spell. Only after he officially entered school would the trace take effect.

But he didn't dare to try too much skillful spells. It's better for Simo to be called a genius of blasting. So he spent most of his time reading, soaking in water, and reading.

The suitcase floated up tremblingly. He was not some extraordinary genius. What he could do now was his limit. He glared at Andersen.

Andersen was startled by his look and quickly grabbed the grip on the suitcase to help him put the luggage away.

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