The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 87 The house collapsed and the ground sank

Fawkes fluttered his long eyelashes, with a look of reluctance on his face, and slowly flew between Snape and Lynd.

Lynd quickly said goodbye to Dumbledore, and Fox grabbed Snape with one claw and grabbed Lynd with the other. A flame appeared from its center.

The flames rolled ragingly, but in the blink of an eye, they swept over the two people's bodies. In the next moment, it was like the space collapsed. The flames, the luggage, and the two birds among them all disappeared.

It seems that every magical animal that can move through space enters a different space.

If human apparation is like stuffing the body into a long and narrow pipe, then being apparated by Fox feels like passing through a flame pipe.

Flames surrounded him, the world was ablaze, and his body seemed to have turned into invisible flames. When he landed on the ground again, he felt that his body had turned into flesh again.

In the dark night, violent rain hit Linde's body. He quickly grabbed his robe and covered his head.

Snape's wand touched Lind's body gently.

Waterproof and moisture-proof

Fox cried softly, and then rolled up the flames again and disappeared. It particularly didn't like this environment.

Lind pulled up his two boxes and tried his best to identify the surroundings.

Where is this?

I saw two people standing on the lawn, and they could only see a few lights near and far. The sound of violent rain and thick clouds obscured the moon and starry sky.

The sound of rushing waves and other sounds from the seaside reached my ears.

Visibility to the naked eye is only a tiny bit. I could barely see the person next to me.

Thinking of this, Lind took off his hat again.

The rain covering his body gave him a sense of relief. His body began to change, his pupils became square, and his ears turned into fin ears.

However, his vision did not become much wider. An unbreakable thick fog shrouded this world.

Heavy rain-dense fog

This doesn't make sense.

He turned around and saw Snape standing next to him, with a solemn expression on his face and his mouth slightly open, as if he was mumbling something.

Linde could barely tell where he was.

This is indeed Knott Town, on the edge of Knott Town, not far from my home.

This strange scene made Lind a little uneasy. He clenched his luggage and looked at Snape.

Snape obviously knew this too. Seeing Lind looking over, he nodded and walked forward with his hands behind his back. In the hand hidden by his robes stood his wand, poised and ready.

Fawkes knew where he lived, and Snape seemed familiar with the place.

The moment the question came up, he put it to the bottom of his heart. There was always an uneasiness in his heart that could not be swept away, and the deep fog and dark rain ahead made him feel truly uncomfortable.

Maybe it should be more straightforward.

He was a little scared.

The two quickly walked to the asphalt road. Linde looked around carefully and tried his best to cover his most conspicuous finned ears with his hair.

Snape didn't know what spell he had used, and his vision was surprisingly good, but he was still affected by the thick fog.

As we walked, cracks and gravel began to appear on the asphalt road.

Linde looked forward, and there were more and more gravels ahead, and the cracks on the ground were getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this, his uneasiness rose to the top, he dropped his suitcase and ran forward.

The soil had been turned up onto the lawn, and the garden fence lay scattered on the ground.

Linde saw the old house where he lived. It still stands there just as it did when he left it.

But next to it.

Broken walls, rubble on the ground, and collapsed gardens.

With Felix's house as the center, a huge earthquake seemed to have spread, even spreading far and wide.

In addition to Linde's house and garden in the center being safe, the houses around Linde were affected to varying degrees.

"Felix! Big Bear! Big Bear!!" Lind shouted hurriedly and ran into Felix's garden.

Lind shouted as he pulled out his wand.


His roar was absorbed by the mist before it spread far, making it difficult to spread.

Snape shot out from behind Lind, and when he saw this, his eyes froze. He grabbed Lind's head with one hand.

At the same time, several tentacles suddenly wrapped around Snape's hand, seeming to want to grab his hand away.


The cool magic power was injected directly into Lind's mind, calming him down a little.

At the same time, the tentacles derived from Lind's chin and wrapped around Snape's hand also loosened, curled and rolled back to his chin.

Linde came to his senses instantly. He touched the tentacles of his chin in a daze, trying his best to calm the chaotic emotions in his mind.

"Luckily you haven't cast a spell yet! Do you know how troublesome it is for underage wizards to cast spells outside of school!"

Linde looked at the collapsed house in front of him.

"Professor, I'm a little nervous, sorry."

Snape released his hand from Lind's head and put his wand in front of his mouth. "There is indeed something wrong with the current situation. I just wanted you to calm down. Uncontrolled emotions can easily allow blood-cursed souls to take advantage of the situation.

As for spells, use them as appropriate after you calm down. But now - there's me. "

After saying that, the wand shook at the tip of his mouth and opened, accompanied by a faint sound of incantation.

"Trace flashes——"

Thick golden mist was blown out by Snape from the tip of his staff, and soon it enveloped this small garden and collapsed house.

"This spell can review and replay past events to a certain extent!" The sound of rain was too loud, so Snape had to explain loudly.

The golden mist began to roll violently when it appeared, and slowly began to outline the collapsed house in the form of light and dark.

Then, as if time was going backwards, the walls were rebuilt and the rubble was built back in place. Some faint human figures could be seen twisting quickly.

Suddenly, the golden mist that had begun to slowly form a visible image seemed to be disturbed by something, and suddenly turned from a recognizable pattern into an irregular turbulence.

In the turbulence, the golden mist began to outline again uncontrollably-

A hazy, chaotic and terrifying image vaguely appeared in the golden mist, exerting huge pressure on the two.

Snape's sweat and rain mixed with the temples, and he hurriedly raised the spell.

"All spells end--"

The spell flew over the golden mist, and the rolling changes of the golden mist began to be gradually curbed. Seeing this, Snape gritted his teeth with a solemn face, and sent out another spell of all spells ending and continued to output.

When the golden mist completely dissipated, Snape let go of his hand and sighed, looking a little tired. He said in a somewhat doubtful tone, "It is impossible to deduce!"

Snape's ear twitched and heard a trance voice.


He turned his head to the right. Linde turned his head and saw Snape turned into black mist and rushed over. At the same time, he swung his wand back and cast the Disillusionment Charm and the Armor Charm on Linde.

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