The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 97 People in the House

"You shouldn't pay attention to him, Arthur," Hagrid stretched out his hand to smooth Mr. Weasley's robes, almost lifting him up, "This guy is bad, his whole family is, and everyone knows it. The Malfoys are not worth listening to. The blood on them is bad, that's it. Come on, let's go out."

The clerk seemed to want to stop them, but he was only as tall as Hagrid's waist, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

The group walked quickly to the street, the Grangers were trembling with fear, and Mrs. Weasley was furious. "Setting a good example for the children... Fighting in public... What would Gilderoy Lockhart think..."

"He was so happy," said Fred. "Didn't you hear us when we came out? He asked the guy from the Daily Prophet if he could include the fight in the report - he said it would create a sensation."

Jane nodded in understanding. She felt that Lockhart was a flashy liar. She really couldn't understand why he would act so... exaggerated if the books were all about his personal experiences.

But Hermione didn't think so. She thought the same as Mrs. Weasley, "Gilderoy Lockhart just said he wanted to be her teacher, but today he staged such a farce in front of the new teacher. My God, what would he think..."

The noisy group finally quieted down a little when they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. They squeezed into the small bar and said goodbye.

Harry stayed at the Leaky Cauldron for two days that day. During these two days, he contacted Ron and moved into the Burrow at Ron's invitation. So the Weasleys and Harry had to use the Floo powder to go back to the Burrow.

Jane also had to use the Floo powder to go home, and Hermione's family had to go back to the street where they lived in the city.

"Hey! Hello, can you lend me a hand? Why is it so crowded?" A little guy tried to pass through a group of people holding a pile of books that was taller than him.

Ron heard the sound and tried to get out of the way, but he was tripped by someone, and then he tripped Harry and Ginny and their group, and the little guy holding the book who wanted to borrow it also fell to the ground.

The whole bar suddenly became a mess in front of the fireplace, and there were constant exclamations. In the corner, old Pasa watched the scene with interest, and the corners of his mouth twitched, with a half-smile.

The adults crowded together and became more noisy, and they all looked at their children. "Oh, damn it!" Old Tom hurried forward.

"Sorry, sorry." The little wizard stood up, covering his red elbow.

"Mr. Aesop, you shouldn't be so impatient, they'll be gone soon!" Old Tom said to the little wizard, pretending to be concerned.

"Aesop?" Jane, who was supported by Fred and didn't fall, looked at the little wizard she had just met.

"Sorry, because I have too many books! I want to put them back quickly so I can relax a little bit," Lind said apologetically.

"You're still so impatient!" Old Tom said. Then he started to help the children pick up the books.

Lind apologized while picking up all the books quickly. Among them, he also picked up a black notebook and put it in it freely.

For this scene, he bought several styles and colors of notebooks and put them in his bag. He saw them when Ginny passed by him when she returned to the Leaky Cauldron just now. Of course, he hid at the time and no one noticed him anymore.

Then he picked out the most similar notebook and a pile of books from his bag and held them high before walking into the Leaky Cauldron. Then pretended to collide with this scene.

Why not do it at Flourish and Blotts? Because he was worried that old Malfoy would be watching Ginny in the dark to see if she took the book away.

Old Malfoy was not a fool. How could he just throw the notebook away and leave without checking it again?

Linder picked up the book again after getting the notebook and thanked everyone. Then he ran upstairs quickly.

"What a polite child!" Mrs. Granger exclaimed after confirming that the children were fine.

"Yes, I think the book he took seems to be a set of books by Lockhart. Do you know him? Aesop, which Aesop?" Mrs. Weasley asked, first asking Ron, and then asking old Tom about the name.

"Aesop, Aesop of Aesop's Fables!" After saying that, he looked at Harry, "He moved in not long after Mr. Potter left."

Harry shook his head, "I don't remember this person in our school. I don't think I've seen him."

"Not like, I definitely haven't seen him. At least I'm sure I haven't seen him." Jane said, looking at the empty stairs, she felt that the name Aesop had a certain familiar style.

And that person looked very familiar.

Mrs. Weasley nodded and said nothing more. Then, everyone began to disperse.

Lind returned to the room, casually threw the pile of books on the ground, and then picked up the notebook and opened it.

On the first page, there was a name "Tom Riddle" written in ink, and every page after that was blank.

Lind walked to the table, took out the feather pen in the ink bottle, and casually dripped a drop of ink on the blank page, and then saw that the ink was slowly absorbed by the page.

Lind waited for a while, and sure enough, words appeared on the page, as if an invisible person was writing on it.

"Hello, my name is Tom Riddle..."


Lind slammed the notebook shut. After confirming that the notebook was Voldemort's Horcrux, he had no intention of communicating further.

He kept his distance from this kind of guy who might influence and control him.

Although he estimated that even if this guy entered his mind, he would not be able to do anything wrong, after all, there was a more troublesome guy in his mind...

"Andersen... Alas!"

Linde sighed, took out a rope, tied up the notebook and threw it into his waist bag.

"I still have to borrow Old Tom's owl!" Thinking of this, Linde walked out of the room and walked down.

"Godric's Hollow!" Jane's voice sounded, followed by the sound of the sudden expansion of the flame.

Linde walked down and saw that the large group of people who had just gathered in the bar had dispersed. He didn't think too much and went to the bar to find Old Tom.

"Hello, can I borrow the owl here!" Linde asked...


Gilderoy Lockhart finally ended this busy day after sending off the last batch of fans.

"That's great. I didn't expect to gain so much today." He was carrying a box, which was filled with letters that fans had just handed to him. He didn't even need to think about it. Seventy percent of them were confession letters, and the rest were letters of admiration, letters of requesting to study, and the least amount of insulting letters. He had already known all of these.

As for the gains he mentioned, of course, it was the announcement today that he would teach at Hogwarts. Originally, although this matter was not small, it was definitely not big. It was unlikely to make the headlines just based on this.

But I didn't expect to meet Harry Potter, the savior, today. With these two added together, tomorrow's headlines are inevitable.

Thinking of this, Lockhart became happier and walked briskly.

He, Gilderoy Lockhart, knew very well what he wanted.

He wanted fame, he wanted his name to be written in future history books, and he wanted to spend many classes explaining the content about him.

With this in mind, Lockhart opened the door.

Close the door, take off the coat and hat, they will automatically fly to the hanger and hang, throw out the box, and the box will fly to your desk by itself.

"Oh! You smile as brightly as in your photos! I thought these were all posed, but I didn't expect you to smile like this even when you are alone. Or did something good happen today?"

A strange voice sounded. He caught the box that Lockhart flew over, and then put it on the table, and then the man stood up.

Lockhart has always lived alone. Hearing this strange voice, he turned on the light and looked at the person who suddenly appeared in his home. The other hand was in his pocket, with muscles tense, ready to pull out the wand at any time.

It seems that this Gilderoy Lockhart is not completely a show-off.

"Mr. Fan? I think even I need a little privacy!" His face still had the iconic smile, which showed his strong self-confidence.

As the lights came on, the figure of the man also appeared in front of Lockhart. He has messy brown hair, sunken eye sockets and serious blackening. He looks at Lockhart with a smile on his face, and his front teeth are half broken.

If Lind is here, he must recognize this face.

This is a man who once claimed to be popular with women.

This is a kind-hearted man who sent Lind to London last year.

This is the brother who has always been kind to him brought by his surname Augustus!

Ray Romano.

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