The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 564: Blue Blood Knights Set (third, for the head of the World Health Council 1/5)

This chapter is for the head of the "World Warfare Bureau" to reward and add more, for the time being, and to complete the five more.


Magic net.

A fresh vocabulary, Liszt has never heard of it before, but for the time being is not the right time to understand what the meaning of the magic net.

Liszt is still accompanying Count Jonas and patrolling his territory.

The tour of the mushroom town ended, and the journey to the giant algae town, but these two towns have not yet been built, there is nothing to patrol. Then he went straight to Honghe Town, inspected the mangroves in the Red River Mouth, and saw the green caterpillar-green duck breeding base that has already been a large scale.

Green-haired ducks will be water arrows, and ordinary serfs will only raise and kill.

Hunting green-haired ducks has to use traps, and transferred to the trainee knight to shoot - of course, so far, in addition to Liszt mouth killed a few, the other mallards did not kill, in order to continue to breed new Mallards, only those duck eggs that cannot be hatched, will be included in the menu.

In the range of Black Horse Island, there are three mangroves in Mangrove Island, Honghekou and Gull Island, all of which can be used to breed green caterpillars and mallards.

At noon, I enjoyed a picnic in the town of Wrangler.

The black blood BMW of Shen Jun in the distance is undoubtedly very eye-catching, but it is not carefully distinguished. No one knows that this is a group of dragon stallions. And Liszt’s identity for them is Warcraft Stallion. Earl Jonas has no doubt that the number of dragon creatures is very small. He does not think that there are dragon creatures on such small islands as Heima Island.

However, even if it is only a Warcraft breeder, Jonas is still praised: "This Warcraft breeder will be able to provide a stronger combat power for your Knights once it has been multiplied. You can have your own Warcraft Stallion on the island. This is a huge fortune."

The horses are generally only available on large islands such as the Blue Dragon Island and the Iron Horse Island. It is difficult to exist on the small island.

There is a group of black blood horses on the Black Horse Island, which is rare to see - but to speak, the black blood BMW is slightly worse than the blue blood BMW of Dagong.

The team of Earl Jonas is carrying a blue-blooded horse of the gods - obviously, this blue-blooded BMW is part of the Blue Blood Knight suit.

Gao Da, Shen Jun's blue blood BMW, almost no lightning with the king of black blood, is not much worse.

Liszt said with some performances: "If you want to train the horses, you need to be infertile. The pasture of the Black Horse Island is also a little small, and it is not very suitable for raising horses."

“It’s really difficult to sell outside, it’s not difficult to supply your own Knights.”



in the afternoon.

Visit the thorn plantation along the thorny town and go to the green tea town to taste a few cups of bitter green tea. Like many people, Jonas did not like the taste of green tea for the first time. It takes time to accept this new tea that is sweet and fragrant.

Fortunately, the production of green tea is very low now, and Liszt has no urgent idea of ​​promoting it.

Just like it.

The last stop of the territory inspection was scheduled to be in Xingang Town. Liszt did not bring people to the dock, but simply looked at the seesaw workshop.

Gao Ertai said: "The Earl of Jonas, the court clerk, our seesaw workshop can produce small seesaws and dhows, but there are no manufacturing techniques for double-deck and three-masted sailing."

"This is only for the big nobility."

“The technical value is too high. The territory does not have the financial resources to purchase technology. We are all buying old ships for renovation. Currently, the trade is only between Coral Island and Dark Horse Island. Sometimes it will go to Beer Island, so the shipbuilding technology is not urgently needed. It may not be needed for a long time."

"Yes, you can buy it from the sapphire family shipyard."

Liszt said: "In fact, I want the fast sailing of the court. Unfortunately, Dagong does not sell it. It can only use slow merchant ships to transport goods, delay time and waste efficiency."

Everyone wants a fast sailing.

The sapphire family firmly controls the manufacturing technology of the three-masted sailboat, and does not spread out, so that no one on the sea can compete with the sapphire family. The technology of the sloop is also owned by the Grand Duchy of Sapphire, which makes it impossible for the mainland kingdom to compete with the sapphire family for sea power.

In the case that the dragon knight cannot be dispatched, the kingdom on the mainland can only be beaten passively.

In this way, the territorial tour ends.

On the moonlight, the group returned to the port town. In the temporary guest house, some time before the dinner began, Count Jonas finally got to the point.

"Count Li William, I am on behalf of the Grand Duchy of Sapphire to come to the Black Horse Island, to your followers, and your son, Liszt, to visit the honor. Now the territory inspection has ended, everything in the dark horse island is booming, in line with the Dagong Claim."

"Working hard for you." Li William beheaded.

Jonas continued: "Now, I am asking you on behalf of Sapphire Grand Duke, are you willing to accept the Dagong's recruitment of Viscount Liszt?"

Li William answered: "I accept the Dagong's recruitment of Liszt. If Liszt is willing to follow the Grand Duke, I sincerely hope that he can compete for glory for the Grand Duke."

"Then, Viscount Liszt, in the honor inspection you have already met the criteria for Dagong to choose followers. Are you willing to accept the recruitment of Dagong?"

Liszt responded calmly: "I can get the attention of Dagong. This is my glory, but I hope to push the time back a few years. I hope to help my lord, my father, and the Earl of William William. More battles bring more glory to the family."

Jonas is not surprised.

As early as in the previous chat, he has vaguely received the hints of Li William, Liszt and his son, knowing that Liszt hopes to help Li William compete for the position of the Marquis.

This is a good excuse, no one can say anything against it.

"I respect your choice, I believe that Dagong will understand your choice." Jonas nodded to the entourage behind him, and then said, "No matter how you choose, it does not hinder Dagong's emphasis on you, as the Grand Duchy. The young Sky Knight proved himself on the battlefield and you deserve a glory of the Blue Blood Knight."


He solemnly said: "I will represent the master of the sea, the lords of all the islands, the great sapphire grand prince, the seal of you, the lord of the dark horse island, the Viscount of Liszt, and become an honorary member of the Blue Blood Knights!"

"Thanks to Dagong! Liszt is willing to compete for glory for the sapphire family!" Liszt took the ceremony.

Get your own Blue Blood Knight Set.

A set of exquisite Mithril armor - blue blood armor; a sharp-edged sword with a sharp sword - a blue blood knight sword; a rock-and-wood gun, a gold-plated, mountain-copper-doped knight with a gun tip - Blue blood knight gun; the same set of half-length secret silver horse - blue blood horse stable; a special bow made of wood - blue blood riding a bow.

And a blue-blooded BMW that I knew before – this is an adult stallion and has been smashed.

Take the blue blood knight suit one by one.

Liszt officially became an extraterritorial member of the Blue Blood Knights, a member of the honorary nature. The suit he got was definitely a lot better than the regular knight suit, but for the Sky Knight who didn't need to charge and changed to a sword fight, this set of equipment represents more honor.

"Okay, my mission has been completed." Earl Jonas claps and the ceremony is over.

Liszt put the suit to his entourage and put it to the crowd: "The dinner is ready, Count Jonas, father, please come."

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