The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 256 Are you really not afraid of the way of heaven in the early days?

"You two, do you know what happened to this deity before?" Taoist Good Fortune asked?

The two people who asked frowned, seeing Taoist Good Fortune's solemn expression, it seemed that the matter was not simple.

"To be honest, the birth of Pindao is also an accident. Without that accident, there would be no Taoist Good Fortune." The Taoist Good Fortune said again: "Not long ago, this deity accidentally found a chaotic place. I was accidentally tricked by the Time Demon God hidden in it."

"What? What time? He's still alive?" Immediately, he couldn't hold back his aura when he raised his eyebrows.

I thought that the Chaos Demon Gods were all dead, but I didn't expect that there would be rebirths such as God's Rebellion and Reincarnation, and then there would be remnants such as Canglong and Nightmare.

Unexpectedly, even Shi Chen is not dead?

"But the first demon god of chaos, the demon god of time?" Hongjun said.


"Then? Him! How is Shi Chen?" He raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Dead, the body dies and the dao disappears, and the origin is burned." Good luck said humanely.

"Huh! That's good!" Raising his eyebrows, he didn't know what mood he was in. Even if he was happy but also regretful, no matter how he said it, he was rooted in the Chaos Demon God.

And Taoist Good Fortune said: "Therefore, I predict that the life and death of the Chaos Demon God is far less optimistic than we expected before. The time is like this, and fellow Taoists who raise their eyebrows are like this. Who can guarantee whether they are really dead due to cause and effect, good fortune, destruction, and ghosts?" What? Maybe it’s hiding somewhere, waiting to rise again?”

The two nodded after hearing this, thinking that it might be true.

The Taoist Good Fortune said again: "Just like the hidden world powers that we didn't know before, they didn't condense luck, let alone participate in any changes in the prehistoric, but they can still condense Dao Da Luo Dao Fruit. I don't believe that the Chaos Demon God is not involved."

"Yeah!" The two nodded, "What Fellow Daoist said makes sense."

"Just what are we going to do?" The two asked puzzled?

Could it be that the demon slayer killed these guys?

It's not necessary at all, people's stable cultivation didn't destroy the prehistoric world, and didn't provoke themselves, so there's no need to keep dying.

"The meaning of the original deity is that he is not afraid of them, but staring at them. If they do something harmful to Honghuang, then I will have the opportunity to earn merit. I can earn a lot of money by killing them." The merit and good luck of this kind of thing must not be missed!"

"This?" The two were sweating coldly.

I thought Taichu meant to make the two of us be more careful, but I didn't expect this guy to mean that?

This is treating these guys as fat meat. As long as they do something that runs counter to the way of heaven, it is an opportunity for them to wait for others to make money.

this! This is really very early!

"Of course, what I'm talking about is that on the premise that they are hostile, they can even become close friends without hostility. But..." The Taoist Taoist said: "The original deity said that he met many chaotic creatures, all of whom were hostile. This time it almost died with Shi Chen, which is very dangerous."

Immediately, Taoist Good Fortune smiled: "Hehe, I won't talk about this for now. In the beginning, the deity has been hidden in the world for a long time, so I asked the poor Taoist to ask the two fellow Taoists. Did any things that are not well-known to everyone happen during his retreat? "

"Indeed!" He raised his eyebrows and said:

"The three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin are not small. The phoenix clan is good. It doesn't suppress dissidents like the other two clans. Even if the suppression is much gentler, the behavior of the dragon clan and the kylin clan is no less than that of the previous big forces, even fierce beasts." .”

"These three clans seem to be following the path of the big powers before. It seems to be beautiful, but it is very difficult to end up fighting and annexing dissidents everywhere!"

"Indeed, it's like a reincarnation. The great powers of the past fought around for luck and resources, and few of them really got a good death? The battle of this race is also for luck and resources, but I don't know them. Can you get what you want?"

"I think it's very difficult. After all, when the Dao of Heaven was born, the rules have changed. It is extremely difficult to gather Dao Dao Dao Fruit, but the Dao Dao Fruit of Heaven is in the hands of Dao Dao. The big race headed by the three clans may not end well."


Listening to the conversation between the two, Taoist Good Fortune generally understood the situation of Hong Huang at the moment.

The three races of dragon, phoenix and kylin are growing bigger, and they are gradually annexing other races for luck and resources.

It seems to have condensed luck, but because of the birth of heaven, it is already very difficult to condense the fruit.

And the condensed Heavenly Dao Dao Fruit happened to be under the control of Heavenly Dao, which made them quite uncomfortable.

But it doesn't work if you don't condense, you can only fight for it. But the fruit of the competition is controlled by the Dao of Heaven, which is a bit sad to say.

This is the general trend, one hair will move the whole body, and it will not work even if it does not move.

"It's good to have the Dao Fruit condensed. It's completely unnecessary for them to entangle the Dao Dao Fruit and the Heavenly Dao Fruit. In the future, if the Heavenly Dao directly doesn't allow the Dao Fruit to condense, it will be even worse." The good fortune said humanely.

"Huh, fellow Taoists think so too?" Hongjun asked, he was deduced by Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, and even said that Heavenly Dao instructed him.

"This is inevitable. Although the agglomeration of the Dao of Heaven will be manipulated by the Dao of Heaven. But at least there is a very important benefit, that is, the origin of the Dao of Heaven is immortal, and they are the same. This is true immortality, even if it is driven, I think , and many people follow suit.”

Fortune said again: "However, if it is an extravagant hope to even condense the Dao fruit in the future, then it will be called regret!"

"But? Two Taoist friends, the old Taoist doesn't understand. It's easy to explain if you can't condense the Dao Dao Fruit, but the Heavenly Dao Dao Fruit can't be condensed? Doesn't that mean that the future creatures, Da Luo will be the pinnacle, isn't it? Is there room for improvement?" Raising eyebrows, I don't understand.

"Hehe, this? Naturally someone will do it, and someone will solve this trouble. It will not only allow Heaven to better control the living beings, but also find a new way out for the living beings. Someone will do it." Taoist Good Fortune said with a smile.

Hongjun was taken aback, "Who is this person? He is so capable?"

"Ah! This? The heavenly secret must not be leaked!" Taoist Good Fortune smiled inscrutablely.

In fact, he really wanted to say, isn't it you?


"Two fellow Taoists, I wonder if Rahu can make any moves?"

The two thought about it for a while: "I haven't found this one. Ever since Luo Hu killed Shen Ni, he has disappeared. He has hidden it deeper than fellow Taoists. Many ordinary creatures don't remember this person."

"Fellow Daoist, did you find out?" The two asked.

Creation shook his head, "No, I just don't think it's that simple. Rahu has a conspiracy or a big plan."

Through the memory of the beginning, Good Fortune understands what Rahu is hiding. It is nothing more than refining the origin of God's Rebellion, so that his own origin and inheritance can be formally unified.

In addition, he got the Soul Eater Spear of God Rebellion, which happened to be combined with his God Killing Spear, formally advancing to the level of innate treasure.

possible? Rahu knows the ability to refine the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, so he is planning to refine the Four Swords of Jade Immortals?

With a god-defying body, together with the help of heaven and blood sacrifices to souls, plus his diagram of Zhuxian formation, Luo Hu is doing an astonishing feat that he could not do in the beginning.

First, the two spears are combined into one, creating the innate treasure of killing the gods.

Since then, he has refined the Zhuxian Sword Formation. I have to say that this guy is not simple, but very powerful.



Hongjun, Haohua, and Yangmei, after agreeing on everything, had another discussion. Hongjun raised his eyebrows and admired the way of cause and effect and the way of good fortune.

Especially raising his eyebrows, he knew the power of good fortune and karma, but he didn't expect that the good fortune Taoist was not only powerful in good fortune, but also in karma.

I thought: Fellow Daoist in the early days is really powerful, even a single avatar is so capable.

also! Not only did he raise his eyebrows to admire Taoist Good Fortune, but Nai Hongjun was the one he admired the most.

He has Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, so he naturally understands what the body of Good Fortune Taoist is?

When he learned that the good fortune Taoist was bred from the fragments of the good fortune jade butterfly at the beginning, he was completely stunned.

I thought: I didn't lie in the beginning, not because he was afraid of fate, but because Heaven didn't want to get involved with him.

It can be seen that Taichu was able to cultivate the fragments of the good fortune jade butterfly into an avatar, and Taichu really didn't have any worries!

Ten thousand years later, the three of them left the Absolute Beginning Realm after discussing the Dao.

When Hongjun returned to Yujing Mountain, he began to retreat, trying to create the method of the three corpses in his heart.

After raising his eyebrows, he lost his worries, and started the journey of traveling through the wilderness, feeling very carefree.


PS: Four updates today, the first update! Beg for a full order, beg for a genuine version, it's the last day of January, come on!

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