“Hmph, did you use the leader’s power so quickly?” Diarmudo’s eyes were full of contempt, and those who grew up relying on the strength of others were not strong at all.

“Hmph, less verbose. Hurry up and destroy them,” Theodora hummed. The next blow will definitely destroy that Eusis to the scum. Scarlet’s eyes were filled with endless killing. Only in this way can you show your majesty. In the end, you can also get Aisha.

“Really treat me as your dependent, don’t forget, I was just ordered to stay by your side temporarily.” Dilmudor said coldly. I hate this demon very much.

“Hmph, didn’t you also receive orders to listen to my command,” Theodora said unceremoniously.

Swish!!! The red magic stabbed next to Theodora.

“But it’s appropriate, you think you can really order me?” Now I advise you to retreat first. The news is estimated to have been revealed, after all, the adults have already entered this battlefield. Forgot to tell you that the man named Juses is not as simple as you think. Dilmudor put away his magic and left in a flash, ready to go to the adult’s side.

Theodora’s face became ugly, this guy, when I have stronger strength, I must kill you.

At this time, Theodora was caught in a dilemma and did not retreat, his actions were probably already known by the family, and it is estimated that he has now been removed from the status of Astarot’s next head of the family. Retreat, then it is a failure to eliminate Eusys and the others.

In the end, for her own desires, Theodora chose to leave. I am still not strong enough, and when I can really be above everything, everything in the underworld will be mine.

That’s why Theodora cooperated with the Scourge Group. The other party uses the underworld as a bargaining chip to trade, as long as he cooperates with it, the underworld can promise himself.

But in reality, Theodora was not satisfied with this. Theodullah wanted to achieve his goals by using the Scourge Group. Become the master of the world. Theodora had already had a plan, and she couldn’t fail here.

Jusses, next time you definitely want to look good.

Theodora glared at Euthys vigorously, and finally cut a teleportation array and left.

“Gone,” Aisha pointed to Theodora, who had disappeared.

“It seems that I already know that I have been exposed, so I want to get out first,” Canna speculated.

“What now?” Yudou asked, what is the next step and continue the match? Or quit the battlefield?

“Now only we know the news, and the others are estimated to have not received the news yet. Suddenly quitting all of them will cause unnecessary speculation, and maybe panic,” Lias pressed her chin and thought of the various results.

“At present, it is better to go to other areas first, and unite with other teams to find the enemy, this is the way that can be done now, and when the outside world makes countermeasures, there will be some action.” Eusys said.

“Now it can only be like this” Everyone has no objection, Jenova will have another day to come in, and there is no way.


In the area of the Ice and Snow Palace, white is the main tone here, and everywhere you see is endless white, and the gray sky is constantly blowing with fierce winds and falling goose-feathered snow. The further you get to the center, the colder the temperature gets. The whole shape is circular, crisscrossing mountains, snow monsters and snow women haunting snowy mountains, and a huge palace in the central area. Constitutes the theme of the Ice Palace.

Somewhere in the Ice and Snow Palace, the space was torn apart, and several people jumped out of it. It was Dioladora, who had retreated from the Forgotten Forest, and his dependents who had not been eliminated.

Theodora did not pause in the slightest, and walked directly to an ice wall, which lit up for a moment, as if to check, and finally Theodora did not enter. Behind the ice wall, there is a wide space. At this time, demons continued to teleport in from a large teleportation array.

“I need an explanation, Cruzenier Asmontis.” Theodora shouted as soon as she came in, as if without giving an explanation, she wanted to say that Cruzenir Asmontis looked good.

“Explain what?” A man in an aristocratic suit sat on a long chair carved from ice and snow, and looked at Theodora, who was already jumping violently at this time.

“You are here, but there is no plan, why didn’t you inform me?” Theodora looked at the elegant man in front of him and said in a reprimanding tone.

“Temporary order, no time to inform you” Cruzenier did not mean to say anything explicitly.

“You fellow” Theodora rushed angrily at Cruzenir, and the heraldic spear began to condense black particles.

Dilmudor appeared on Theodora’s path with a gloomy face, and the red magic pointed at Theodora.

“Enough, Astalot’s. If you want to do it here, I don’t mind killing you. Adults won’t blame me,” Dilmudor said with killing intent.

Despite her anger, Theodora had to stop, seemingly a little jealous of the adult that Dilmudor had spoken of.

“Heh, that’s the quality of the pseudo-demon king’s faction.” Crunier scoffed. Creunier is a demon who serves the side of the Old Demon King and inherits the power of the Asmontis clan.

“You……” Theodora had never been so angry as she was today.

“Okay, stop arguing. Get ready now. Your actions have caught their attention. Diarmudo said.

“Very good, now is the time to let those pseudo-demon kings taste the pain of losing their loved ones.” A murderous look flashed in Krunier’s eyes.

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