“Huhh? Is this a confession? Zhu Nai touched his face and said.

“It should be,” Kitten’s answer was direct and decisive.

“Yusyth really has a hand,” Yuto Kiba sighed.

“Sue… Confession….confession” Aisha stammered, thinking about things beyond her imagination and various shy scenes, and her face was hot and she could be boiled eggs.

Everyone at the playing venue also thought that this was Jusyth confessing to Lias. If Eusys knew, he would definitely hit the wall. I didn’t plan to confess.

Burst. Like the sound of hitting leather, Juses punched Phoenix into the new school building, accompanied by the sound of smashing various objects. Phoenix is already downstairs.

“Brother,” Rebel shouted worriedly.

A cloud of fire rose up into the sky and ran through the entire floor, and Phoenix instigated a pair of large golden wings to rush out. The thick flame changed into a sword of flame in the shape of a giant sword rushing towards Jusses, and Phoenix had an obvious fist mark on his face, which showed that his immortal body had no way to eliminate the scars caused by Euthys, so Phoenix was angry, and a servant actually injured himself and used strange power to make his immortal tower ineffective.

When the sword of flame was less than a few tens of centimeters away from Yusyth, Yusyth blocked it with the dragon’s hand, and a black sword condensed in his free hand. In the pupils of Phoenix’s reflection, a sword qi containing a powerful dark power flew in front of him. In the cold eyes of Jusses, an arm with wild spray of blood broke away from Phoenix’s body.

“Ahh The broken arm is in hot flames and is repairing the injury, but pain is inevitable. This is also the result of Euthysis not using the broken soul. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to regenerate, and the curse of the broken soul itself exceeds the flame of the so-called immortal body. Jusses only intends to defeat Phoenix, and has no intention of killing him. Even if he is a beast [Eusys himself thinks].

“Ah, go and die. I, Reisel Phoenix, will never let you go” Phoenix clasped his hands together, the huge flames rushed towards Yusyth again, everything along the way was burned, with Phoenix as the center, the entire roof was collapsing, this is not a special attack move, pure fragmentation is caused by the terrifying energy emitted by Phoenix, the legendary undead bird. This time, he wants to completely eliminate Euthys and wash away his shame.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! A wave of flame energy erupted from Phoenix’s body, and the powerful energy frightened everyone’s hearts, and Lias was worried about Jusses.

The fiery flame energy roared unbridled in the sky, all locking onto Euthys, who stood still, this was a blow from Phoenix’s supreme and the wrath of the immortal bird.

Juses moved, flaring up the four wings behind him, but instead of dodging it, he rushed straight towards Phoenix. On the dark wings behind him, a deep black darkness shone, as if it was about to devour all the light, and the flames of Phoenix were all broken through the middle by the black sword in the hand of Eusys, without the slightest hindrance. When an angry undead bird meets an equally angry demon king, it means that the undead bird will be tragic.

“Ancient Broken Soul” A deep black sword mark pressed down from the sky, and the huge flame energy was swallowed up after almost only a few seconds in front of the black sword mark.

Click, this is the sound of houses being chopped, and the place where Phoenix stands is neatly cut off, smooth as a mirror. Phoenix has rushed to Jusses, Phoenix no longer underestimates this [soldier], this is the most terrifying opponent Phoenix has ever met, huge strength, absolutely calm judgment, cold means, the level has reached the level of the highest level demon.

Several huge flames passed in front of Jusses, and the high-speed flames illuminated Yuses’s eyes that were deeper than the abyss. “The First Strike of the Flame” Phoenix’s hand suddenly condensed four things similar to steel pipes, which were Phoenix’s converted attack weapons. Heh, countless hot white lights shot out from the steel pipe, which was a white flame with extreme temperature, and with the fury of Phoenix, it hit Jusses, who was like a four-winged fallen angel. Boom, like a volcanic eruption, a tsunami of the sea, the entire dormitory was destroyed, and the huge energy turned into a pillar of light that soared into the sky, rising up to a hundred meters long.

“Big brother”


Watching the terrorist attack in Phoenix made everyone wonder the outcome.

PS: Thank you for your support of Grassroots, QQ Morning Star, a**, Lost Time, Laughing Maniacally, and Silent Snow, and thank you to those who silently support me

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