Hey, the demonic Jusis stepped on Kokbol’s head and looked at the extraterrestrial visitors in the sky.

Oh, the light mass dispersed, and one was dressed in silver armor, wearing a helmet similar to Gundam, and a pair of blue light wings looked so beautiful in the moonlight.

“Ahem, white… Dragon.. Also… Finish… Is it? By.. Red.. Pull.. Come.. Finish.. Is it? Kokbol said with difficulty, now that he is no longer able to protect himself, there is a white dragon again. And Is this demon king a dual personality? The strength has also changed too much.

“It’s white,” came Dolegou’s voice.

“Is that what you call a fierce enemy, the white dragon white dragon emperor?” Demon Jusyth said.

“Well. That’s right, it’s this guy, called Arubian,” Dolegu said.

“Long time no see, Shiro” Dolegu still has to say hello to his old friend and archenemy.

“You’re still alive, red,” the white dragon emperor’s wings flashed.

“It’s rare to see this scene.”

“Forget it, anyway, fate will fight sooner or later.” Arubian said.

“Yes, we now have a strong host, no worse than yours,” Dolegu said.

“Wait and see, red,” Arubion said.

“I can’t imagine that the dignified fallen angel cadre was actually beaten so badly, can you hand this man over to me?” The White Dragon Emperor’s host Vali said. But he was asked to take Kockball back for interrogation.

“I refuse,” the demonic Juses replied very crisply. Without the slightest hesitation. When did the Demon King want to listen to someone else? Well, Kockball was grabbed. The dignified cadre of fallen angels had become a cargo-like existence at this time.

White Dragon Emperor Vali and Demon Jusis looked at each other like this, and invisibly, two different momentum were climbing step by step. A white and a black aura began to fight, two beams of light rushed straight into the sky, the surrounding ground was cracking, and the ground was even a few points deeper.

“Lias, this is?” Canna’s voice came from behind. Lias turned around, and everyone from the student council had arrived.

“As you can see, the White Dragon Emperor is also okay with the Red Dragon Emperor, and the White Dragon Emperor is also !! against the Demon King” Lias said. At this time, his heart is also seven up and eight down, a person he cares about, the other is the support of his brother, or the dignified White Dragon Emperor.

“Demon King? When did that guy in Ichijo become the Demon King? And who is Eusys? Shirou wondered.

“I’ll explain it to you later,” Canna said. At this time, the situation is not optimistic, if these two people fight

Duh, the place where Eusys and the White Dragon Emperor stood could not directly withstand the momentum of the two people, and directly broke the card, and both of them dropped a few points.

The gaze that was originally silent has changed, suddenly transformed into sharpness, and the sharp qi has broken this heavy atmosphere. Euthys’s momentum was gradually pressed by the White Dragon Emperor. The darkness is gradually devoured, like a bubble being slowly flattened.

The eyes of the demonic eusis did not have the slightest, what kind of situation has not been seen? At the beginning, he had fought with tens of millions of angels, even the Supreme God.

Phew, centered on the demon euthysis, countless dark air currents poured in, and the huge air currents turned into a black vortex, and finally turned into a huge magic dragon, sharp dragon teeth, strong limbs and a thick tail. The demon dragon surrounded the demonic euthysis, and finally let it stand on the dragon’s head, and the hideous dragon head spit out a black dragon breath to crush the White Dragon Emperor’s aura.

“Divide,” White Dragon Emperor Vali stretched out his hand and emitted a strong light. The Red Dragon Emperor’s ability is to double his strength in blessings to others, while the White Dragon Emperor is the opposite, weakening the power of others and turning it into use. But… Boom, the huge dragon breath did not look weakened in the slightest, and directly flooded the White Dragon Emperor. Suddenly, a white shadow broke through from the black dragon breath.

“I can’t imagine that the White Dragon’s ability is actually ineffective against you. Forget it, I still have business, and people are estimated to not live in your hands. The next time we meet and fight again, my archenemy” Wali flew away. This is the first time that the White Dragon’s ability has failed. It seems that there will be opponents in the future.

“Whoosh” responded to the roar of the two-headed demon dragon.

Da, the magic Jusyth mobile phone grabbed Kokbol to the ground. Lias, Canna and the others all rushed over.

Sla-la, Kockball was thrown to the ground like a toy, streaked through a long trail. A black book appeared above the demonic euthysis, the Book of the Demon King appeared for the first time in the present of everyone, and mysterious runes swirled and flipped around the book, full of mysterious atmosphere.

“Whoever hurts my brother will be punished infinitely until his soul wears out” card, the Book of the Demon King opened, and a black vortex sucked into the panicked Kokbor. Then the Book of the Demon King entered Jussys’s body again. The demon dragon condensed by the power of darkness also dissipated again. It means that the battle is over for the time being.

“…. Are you the demonic Jussys? Lias asked cautiously with everyone’s common questions.

“Lias, as a candidate for the wife of the First Demon King of My Brother. You still need to do better!! The first sentence of the demonic eucise surprised everyone. The wife of the demon king? When was this? This also came too suddenly.

“Wife… Wife… Aisha’s face blushed and stammered, and finally she didn’t bear the sudden shocking news and fell into a coma.

“When is this?” Junai and Kitten had the same reaction. What the human Euthys did not mention, could it be that the Demon Eusis himself decided? But why the human nature of Euthyses?

“My brother?” This is Canna’s reaction. The most is what makes her care the most. The thinking ability of the president of the student union is really not covered, and he directly grasps the key points. Not my wife, but my brother.

“I’m sorry for my willfulness,” Lias bowed her head.

“Well, forget it, it’s not something you can handle now. This body is still too bad,” the demon Jusyth did not mean to blame Lias.

“Master” Meiya floated forward.

“Meiya, hurry up with that plan. The enemy is coming” Demon Eusys said something inexplicable, and only Miya and the parties knew what kind of plan it was.

“Yes,” Meiya replied. Meiya did not dare to have the demonic casualness in front of the human Jusses.

Poof, the body of the demon Yusis suddenly burst with golden blood everywhere, so it was not scary.

“Is the physical strength not strong enough? My brother didn’t deliberately strengthen it.”

Countless dark air currents once again condensed around the demon Jusses, and the demon Juses directly prepared to forcibly transform this body again, so that Yuses could exert tenth-level, even quasi-god-level abilities. This younger brother, I’m afraid the Book of the Demon King has not been turned over, is it a subconscious rejection? There are obviously so many ways to restore strength. In fact, the identity of the enemy himself has long been determined.

“Who the hell are you? What devil? Where is One City? Shirou on the side suddenly stood up and pointed at the demonic Yusys. My brother, Eusys, the Demon King, these have nothing to do with Ichijo. What is this man with a city face?

“Key, don’t cause trouble,” Canna warned. The Juses in front of him was very different from before, and those eyes did not care about everything, just like an audience. Terrible, this is Canna’s intuition telling him that the Jusyth in front of him is very terrible. Even the White Dragon Emperor couldn’t deal with it terrifyingly.

“Meiya, you explain,” the demon Jusys said and was wrapped in darkness into a ball. A little golden light emanated through the black ball.

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