After a journey of about an hour, we finally reached the final station.

There were many people standing outside the car neatly outside, and upon closer inspection, it was a neatly dressed demon soldier, which was the army of Jimongli’s family. This is to welcome the return of Her Royal Highness Rias, the noblest princess of Gimonri.

The train slowly stopped. Everyone got off the train.

“Well, Mr. Assachel, aren’t you going to get out of the car?” Aisha asked, looking at Asashel who was still sitting in her seat.

“No, I’ll leave Jimonri’s territory and go to the Demon King’s Domain. Meet with Serjax. This is also called “invitation”. I’ll be back when it’s over,” Asachel explained why, lying down again and closing his eyes.

“This way,” Aisha said.

“Teacher Asachel, say hello to my brother on my behalf,” Lias said.

Say goodbye to Asachel and walk off the platform.

“Princess Lias, welcome back. Prince Eusys, welcome to Gimonri as a guest” came a roaring voice, crackling, and a salute. The soldiers fired their guns into the sky, and there were soldiers riding Yalong waving flags in the sky.

It seems that Lias is very popular here. Jusyses looked at the soldiers who looked at Lias with respect and affection. Gaspar dodged behind Euthys, there were too many people, Gaspar as a family squat, although he wanted to cultivate, but where to suffer this formation.

When I came down to the platform, I found that there were still many housekeepers and maids. As soon as Lias approached them, she bowed her head and said at the same time: “Princess Lias, welcome back.” Prince Eusys, welcome to Gimonry”

Kindness? Eusys wondered, why did he still greet me?

The housekeepers and the maids and soldiers have received orders from the head of the household, and this time a most special guest is coming, and the etiquette is to be done for me, and the highest treatment is to be given.

“Thank you all, I’m back,” Lias responded with a smile on her face. The housekeepers and maids smiled at the same time.

Gurefia appeared out of nowhere, “Miss Lias, welcome back.” Lord Euthys, welcome to Gimonry. The carriage is ready, and we are ready to move to the main house. ”

“That, Miss Gourefia. Why welcome me, didn’t everyone come together? Jusyses was puzzled.

“Because Lord Eusys is a demon king, it is a very solemn and sacred thing for a demon king to come to the Gimonri family. Although your identity has not been announced in the entire underworld for the time being, as an informed Jimonri family, this is a must. The rest of Miss Lias’s dependents are naturally gone,” Gurefia explained. Gurefia was also a little curious, which was a normal thing for the Demon King. What Gurefia didn’t know was that Juses still didn’t put himself in the position of the demon king, and the power given to him by the demon kings hidden deep in his body was still not accepted, and perhaps he could become a real demon king after Yusyth was completely unraveled from Dina’s death.

Led by Gurefia, came to the prepared carriage. There were two carriages, each accompanied by eight underworld-only flame horses, with dark flames on their manes and soles, and their eyes sharp and fierce. Jusses, Lias, Aisha, Jenova, and Gurefia sat in the first car. The rest sat in the second car. With the sound of Gada’s horses’ hooves, the carriage began to walk towards the main house of Gimonri. The army followed neatly behind. Everywhere you pass, there are pruned plants and flowers, and as a famous nobleman in the underworld, this is the most basic. The so-called aristocracy is very particular about etiquette and system in every aspect, cumbersome, boring but compulsory.

Walked for about ten minutes. An incomparably large building appeared in front of the road. It was a huge old castle, full of age and antiquity, and the coat of arms of Gimonri indicates that the castle belonged to the Gimonri family.

“Ah, what a big, beautiful castle” Aisha looked at the magnificent building in front of her with wide eyes, several times larger than any castle she had ever seen.

“That’s the main house, one of my homes,” Lias said. Gimonri’s territory is huge, and this is just one of them. I have to say that Lias in the underworld is a princess with a golden key, and Bai Fumei can no longer praise the nobility and elegance of Lias at this time, which is an insult to Lias.

When I walked in, I found that the castle was surrounded by flowers and fragrant incense. The road to the main entrance of the castle divides into two paths, and in the middle is a huge fountain full of artistic atmosphere, which is constantly spraying water, intertwined into beautiful patterns.

After bypassing the fountain, the carriage stopped after walking some distance. The road is paved with a red carpet, and butlers and maids stand crossed, bent over to welcome the return of the princess and the arrival of guests.

“Here we are.” Gurefia said. The butler had already opened the car door and stood aside.

“Miss Lias, Lord Jusses, and dependents, please come in,” said Gurefia.

Lias took the lead and walked in the direction of the castle, but the rest of the people always felt a little strange, and the atmosphere here was so solemn. As if feeling the discomfort of others, Lias turned around and said with a smile: “Everyone treat this place as their own home, feel free”

“Sister Lias, welcome back” A small figure ran from the maid line and ran towards Lias. Then hugged Lias. A red-haired teenager is nestled in Lias’s arms.

“Thank you, Miligas, I haven’t seen you for a while, you’ve grown up” Lias touched the boy’s head, very doting.

“This is Miligas Gimuri. He is the child of his brother, Lord Serjack Lucifer. My nephew,” Lias introduced the group to the boy’s identity. Don’t say you don’t know, say it’s shocking. It is the descendant of the demon king Lucifer, and he really looks very similar to Sergex. The big guys were staring at Miligas and staring hard.

“Miligas, say hello to my dependents,” Lias said.

Miligas nodded and faced the group. “My name is Miligas Gimoni. Nice to meet you, and Lord Euthys,” Miligas greeted politely.

“Yes, I’m glad to meet you too. I’m Aisha,” Aisha said.

“I am Jenova”




“I’m Jusses, but how do you know I’m Jusses?” Eusys crouched down and looked at Miligas.

“Because my father showed me a picture of Eusys and said that it was the future brother-in-law!!” Miligas said it directly. Let Eusis not know how to say it. Serjacks had already calculated it.

“Sister… Sister… Husband,” Aisha stammered again. Has the minister come to this point?

“The minister started so fast,” Jenova looked at the blushing Lias.

“Already decided?” Yuto was also involved in the discussion.

“Senior, come on, I support you,” Gaspar also said rarely.

“Miligas, don’t listen to your brother’s nonsense,” Lias said hurriedly. But the more you explain it, the darker it gets. Finally, his face was already red.

“Okay, stop messing around, Miligas. The head of the family is still waiting,” Gurefia said in an irresistible tone.

“Yes, Mother-sama”

“Huh?” All the dependents looked at Gurefia. Miligas is the son of Gurigas, who is Mirigas’s mother. That’s not to say that Gurefia is the Demon King Lucifer, the wife of Serjax.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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