"Deacon Xue!!!" It wasn't until his body fell to the ground that a belated exclamation sounded in the lobby.

The others could no longer sit still and crowded forward, looking at the body lying on the ground, the red line around the body's neck, and the blood-stained tea cup fragments beside him.

It's not as good as feeling cold in your heart.

The moment just now was too fast.

Even the person with the highest level of martial arts cultivation here didn't see clearly what happened, and Deacon Xue fell to the ground.

And the biggest suspect... they looked up.

But the gentle-looking host was still sitting there quietly, with steaming teacups in his hands.

His eyes widened slightly, as if confused: "Why did Deacon Xue fall down now? I haven't finished speaking yet.

"Everyone was speechless and watched his performance quietly.

The puzzled young man in white seemed to ponder for a few breaths, and then his face suddenly became clear.

"Could it be that Deacon Xue guessed that I had obtained evidence of his betrayal of Xiaoyao Tower, and committed suicide out of fear of crime?" He sighed, "...Why is this so!" His expression was too sincere, his gentle and affectionate eyes His eyes were filled with regret, but also with a bit of condemnation and shame.

Everyone who was still doubting him gradually changed their expressions, feeling guilty for no apparent reason.

The host has always been easy-going, very tolerant of others, and never harmed anyone.

How could they doubt him without reason? So...could it be that Xiaoyao Tower has some hidden power? By the way, the origin of the poster is mysterious, maybe he is a disciple of some hermit family, and he is followed by a master. Maybe the mysterious master couldn't stand Deacon Xue's deception and secretly killed him.

Deacon Xue could die inexplicably, but what about them? The more I think about it, the more I am afraid, and the more I am afraid, the more I think about it.

Everyone's bodies began to tremble slightly, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Deacon Xue committed suicide out of fear of crime, which makes me very sad.

" Yan Weilou concluded the death of Deacon Xue in a few words, looking at everyone, "But the rules of Xiaoyao Tower cannot be broken.

The evidence of other people's crimes is also in my hands. If they can confess frankly, they can be treated leniently, otherwise..." He did not continue, but just picked up the tea cup and took another sip of tea.

The terrifying silence fell again, and everyone froze in place, like wax statues.

Yan Weilou was calm and unhurried.

He didn't have any evidence at all, so he was just talking nonsense.

Yan Weilou didn't even know the full name of the unlucky guy named Xue who died just now, who he colluded with, and what he did.

He only knows one thing - no one standing here is absolutely innocent.

In the previous life, Xiaoyao Tower was dismantled and split up, and everyone had a share in this.

It seemed that he had been silent for too long, and Yan Weilou added thoughtfully: "If you are too embarrassed to speak up about your own mistakes, you can let others do it for you.

"The implication is to report and expose each other.

All the "wax figures" in the lobby raised their heads at the same time and looked at him.

I don’t know whether this is intentional or unintentional.

Thinking of the mysterious master hiding in the dark who could take their lives anytime, anywhere, and then looking at the young man in white who was still smiling and calm.

It seemed that for the first time, they experienced the feeling of fear from this poster, and the seeds of awe sprouted in their hearts unknowingly.

"...Time is limited, have you guys thought about it carefully?" The fragrance of tea floated, blending with the faint smell of blood in the air. The young man in white spoke softly, and the rising white mist blurred his expression.

After a silence in the lobby, someone finally took a step forward and knelt down in front of him: "Master, this villain is guilty and shouldn't..." "Fang Ming!" Another person immediately interrupted him, his voice was stern, "What nonsense are you talking about?" As soon as the words came out, a secret and threatening murderous intention suddenly fell on this man, stimulating every pore in his body.

His body stiffened, his expression changed suddenly, and he changed his words in an instant: "Ahem, what nonsense are you talking about? Of course the main blame lies with me.

I deliberately set up a trap to drag you into trouble, violating the rules of the building, embezzlement and embezzlement..." He knelt down on the ground and confessed all the things he had done. He also actively reported and exposed the scandals of others. One king and two nets.

Corruption and extortion are only minor, and many people have long been dissatisfied with the various regulations in Xiaoyao Building - Xiaoyao Building has many industries, and many brothels and gambling houses in Shengjing have also been included in them after they were renovated. However, they have always adhered to the principle of voluntariness and will not deliberately cause harm. Guests never force women who voluntarily enter Qunfang Pavilion to perform as entertainers without selling themselves.

However, these so-called principles are a complete hindrance to some people, and they have begun to openly violate them in private, but it has only been short-lived and has not yet led to disaster.

This man talked about it one by one, just like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

With the first one came the second, and soon many people began to expose each other's shortcomings and criticize each other. They no longer had the original gentleness, and each one was more vulgar than the other.

"Zhang Laosan, it's clear that you were the one who started this matter, and now you are slandering me with your bare mouth!" "Bah! Blind Wang, you still have the nerve to say that to me. Who was the one who almost starved to death and was saved by the host? He cried and cried on the spot and worked like a slave to repay the host? Is this your reward?!" "And you, they just gave you a wife, but you bewitched and confused you, and you opened backdoors everywhere. I don't know how much the host has lost..." This group of people used to be in collusion with each other, and I don't know how many scandals they knew about each other. Now they revealed them one by one, exposing each other's secrets, and a dozen of black materials were not enough.

Even if there are a few smart people who don't want to participate in it, but stand aside in silence, they can't help but deny it when they are mentioned.

However, these people only showed a little anger on their faces, and before they could refute, they felt a pain in their throats, and then their eyes went black, and they slowly fell to the ground.

So, the young man in white sitting at the head of the table was immediately startled again. After being startled again and again, his expression became more and more solemn. He was deeply saddened by the death of these subordinates who "committed suicide out of fear of punishment". He sighed over and over again: "Why did it come to this!" His eyelashes drooped, his expression was depressed, and his tone was full and emotional, as if he had infinite regrets.

Amidst these long sighs, the remaining living people had cold hands and feet, as if they were standing naked in the ice and snow, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Plop!" "Plop!" The sounds rang out one after another, like playing an uneven melody.

The whole hall was full of people kneeling on the ground.

Chapter 8 Xiaoyao Ke (4) Time passed unknowingly, and the sky became darker and darker.

In Xiaoyao Tower, a king and others knelt on the ground, and their hands hanging at their sides kept shaking.

"Royals, nobles, princes and princesses, even the princes far away in their fiefdoms, the disciples of the demon sect hidden in the dark... also put a hand in it?" The young man sitting on a mahogany chair at the top held the teacup in his hand and smiled slightly.

The mist curled up, and the transparent tea reflected his gentle and affectionate eyes, which were as deep as the abyss.

"...I didn't know before that Xiaoyao Tower was actually a big piece of fat meat, and there were so many jackals and hounds who wanted to share it.

" Hearing this gentle voice, the people kneeling below trembled even more, confessed repeatedly, and shed tears, complaining about how they were obsessed with the devil, and how they were blinded by money, but they sold the news of Xiaoyao Tower for a little benefit.

Even among those presidents of small chambers of commerce who were only in name only in Xiaoyao Tower, which of them had other plans, colluded with other forces, and secretly made some small plans... Everything they knew was dragged into the water one by one.

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