However, Bailihui’s response was: “Haha.

" He stood up and laughed unabashedly. His eyes moved across the other three shadow envoys, and finally landed on Wang Du. His little face with a little baby fat was expressionless.

"Wang Yingshi, do you think we are all fools, or have you made up such a perfunctory lie because of your recent rapid progress in cultivation and confidence?!" "Being able to connect to the ancient secret realm, there may even be treasures from the previous dynasty. Inside, I don’t need to tell you how precious the Hanhai Token is! Even the master of this pavilion deliberately mobilized the top experts hidden in Qi State to assassinate Princess Qi, so that he could barely impress the other party and let the owner of the token consider cooperation—— " He said coldly and sarcastically.

"How could Wang Yingshi be so virtuous and capable as to make the extraordinary and graceful Xiaoyao Building Master take the initiative to give orders as soon as he met him? Do you think you are one of those people like the Taizu of the previous dynasty, with the appearance of a dragon and a tiger, and the appearance of the sun? The stranger was very surprised when he saw it, and he immediately took the initiative to talk to him!" Bailihui, who had personally talked to Yan Wulun, the owner of Xiaoyao Building, several times in the past few days and had a good time every time, did not believe Wang Du's words at all! .

In his opinion, although the Xiaoyao Building Master was low in cultivation, his character and temperament were impeccable, and his grace and grace were unprecedented in his experience.

How could he give up the Order of the Sea under Wang Du's threat? What's more, as Wang Du had guessed before, he didn't think that the Han Hai Ling would be carried by Xiaoyao Louzhu, and it was probably still with the Crown Prince of Qi.

Xiaoyao Louzhu is just the messenger of communication between the two.

On the contrary, another guess is more reliable - "If you ask me, Louzhu Yan was probably hidden by you through some means.

This is really unwise! "Looking directly at Wang Du, Bai Lihui warned meaningfully: "Wang Yingshi, it's not too late to rein in the situation.

This Pavilion Master advises you to be less careful and hand over Pavilion Master Yan unharmed.

Wang Du was speechless by what he said, and his dark face turned red with anger: "What Wang said is true. I dare to swear to heaven that the person is indeed not in my hands."

” But obviously no one in the field believed what he said.

Even the three shadow envoys who had faintly fallen out with Bailihui were on the same side as Bailihui, and they all cast suspicious eyes on Wang Du.

——This person already has a history of being a solitary eater and is really not worthy of trust.

What does it mean to swear to the sky to these secret chamber killers? These people also said: "The Pavilion Master is right.

The facts are clear.

Wang Yingshi, please stop making excuses.

"Wang Du was so angry.

...How come it’s so clear? ! These people usually look pretty smart, why are they so stupid today? It’s rare for me to tell the truth, but no one believes me yet! Seeing his stubborn mouth, the three people immediately changed their tone: "We Ange brothers and sisters are all one body.

The Hanhai Order is of great importance. Does Wang Yingshi really think he can handle it alone? ” There was obviously a threat hidden in these words.

After hearing this, Wang Du, who was originally furious, seemed to have had a basin of ice water thrown in his face, and he suddenly calmed down.

Only then did he realize that everyone's eyes in the entire room were focused on him, with cold murderous intent in them.

On weekdays, these people are wary of each other due to internal fighting in the secret cabinet.

But now they are all targeting him.

Even though he has the cultivation of peak insight, there are still six beings present who are also in the insight realm, and two of them are not weaker than him in the slightest.

Once a conflict broke out, Wang Du had no confidence that he would survive the siege of these people.

He immediately changed his tone: "Okay, I'll say it.

It is true that I used a special moving formation to hide the Xiaoyao poster elsewhere.

I'll take you there right now.

"As he said this, he stood up.

The simmering tension in the room suddenly disappeared, and smiles appeared on other people's faces, expressing satisfaction with his knowledge.

But at this moment when the atmosphere was relaxing, Wang Du suddenly stepped back, then turned around and swooped down. His tall and majestic body crashed through the window like a giant bear and swooped out.

"Not good!!!" The others reacted and immediately flew out to chase him.

In a restaurant opposite the inn, there is a private room facing this room.

Through a hazy landscape screen, a pair of eyes silently watched this scene, watching Wang Du hit the window and escape, and others chased him out one after another... It was not until he watched those people leave one after another that he silently turned his gaze again. He took it back and looked at the hot food on the table.

He slowly picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

He commented lightly: “The aroma is sweet and mellow, with a long aftertaste.

The wine here is pretty good.

"The sky was clear and clear, and bright light shone in through the skylight, shining on his hand holding the wine glass. His fingers were three points more delicate than the white porcelain cup.

Looking up from this hand, there is a snow-white sleeve.

The snow-white clothes seem to have a faint fragrance of pear blossoms.

A hairband of the same color loosely tied up her long black hair, half of it hanging behind her back.

This man's clear and picturesque face is reflected in the sunlight slowly shining through the skylight, like a freehand landscape painting.

Under the long eyelashes, a pair of gentle and affectionate eyes quietly looked at the door of the private room, as if they were waiting for something, or evaluating something.

——It is "Yan Wulun".

Just now it seemed that he had used the Hanhai Order to leave, but that was not the case.

Don’t forget, this body is the incarnation of time projection and can disappear and condense at will.

Therefore, after he disappeared, he quietly appeared again and came here.

For a long time, after drinking less than half a bottle of wine, the door of the private room finally rang.

Yan Weilou said: "Come in.

"The door was pushed open and closed. In just a few breaths, a small figure came into the private room.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Bailihui? Yan Weilou greeted him: "Master Baili Pavilion.

Bailihui glanced at him curiously: "You don't look surprised at all."

" Yan Weilou said calmly: "I imagined that you might come to find him, or you might not.

This is just one of them realized.

" Bailihui suddenly choked, and it took him a long time to explain: "That's it.

Not long after I parted ways with you, Mr. Yan, I suddenly received news.

I learned that Wang Du was looking for you, so I left and came back.

Unexpectedly..." He told Yan Weilou everything that happened in the inn.

After his men chased Wang Du, Bailihui suddenly remembered that the owner of Xiaoyao Tower seemed to have hinted that he might appear in the restaurant opposite when they parted.

Then he treated the dead horse as a living horse doctor and came over to have a look.

I didn’t expect that people were actually here.

“I didn’t expect that Lord Yan could actually escape from the ancient formation that Wang Du found specially.

This is really unexpected! I'm afraid he never dreamed of it.

Bailihui sighed with emotion, looking a little anxious: "It's just that now other people know about the transaction between us."

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, shouldn't we do it as soon as possible..." "No rush, I think the first thing the Pavilion Master needs to do now is to solve the internal troubles around him.

"As soon as Yan Weilou said these words, Bailihui immediately understood what he meant.

If there wasn't a mole around him, how could his news be known to Wang Du and others so quickly? Bailihui nodded repeatedly, with a look of deep approval: "I really want to thank Lord Yan this time.

" Yan Weilou smiled and said nothing.

In fact, the moment Wang Du appeared in front of him, he had two guesses in his mind.

Either there was a mole around Bailihui, causing the news to be exposed; or Bailihui deliberately leaked the news inadvertently and let others know - there is some conspiracy theory, Bailihui has a dissatisfaction with the characters of those shadow envoys. I know full well that I am definitely not someone who can talk well and cooperate with others.

With this comparison, he can use the pressure from Chen Du and others to force Yan Weilou to completely lean towards him and agree to cooperate as soon as possible.

Maybe he also wants to use Yan Weilou as a spearman to deal with Chen Du and others.

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