After being praised by their senior brother, the two wounded men looked at each other and laughed happily.

Although they had experienced a lot since coming down the mountain, and had several experiences of exterminating demons and defending the Tao, what happened in Xiaoye Village this time was particularly different. Even though the two of them did not participate in the whole process, they were still very interested and excited. to discuss.

After talking for a while, the little junior sister suddenly asked: "By the way, senior brother, I heard you heard all this from the mouth of the pretender, but why is it that Mr. Yan, who actually did such a big thing, is nowhere to be seen? ?" Lu Yiyu felt helpless when he heard him mention Yan Weilou.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Brother Yan, he said that none of this has anything to do with him, and the few people he caught were left to the villagers' disposal.

He went to bed by himself.

" When he said the last sentence, his tone became even more helpless.

In the past, in the Canghai Sword Sect, he, Lu Yiyu, was notoriously lazy. Apart from practicing, he did not do any serious work all day long. People in the sect who were doing business in the sect would not be able to find him, but he could easily find him when it came to stealing wine.

When it comes to the name Lu Yiyu, all the brothers and sisters have a headache.

Unexpectedly, after coming down the mountain, he would become like his senior brothers and sisters, taking the blame for others all day long.

It's better to relax in the mountain gate.

This is really unreasonable! After hearing Lu Yiyu's indignant complaints, the two junior brothers and sisters not only showed no sympathy, but could not help but smile with gloating.

...can actually cure Senior Brother Lu. It seems that Mr. Yan, whom he has never met before, is also an interesting person.

·A few days later, early in the morning.

There had just been a heavy snowfall the night before, and the weather was a bit cold.

Yan Weilou pushed open the door and saw Lu Yiyu practicing his sword in the courtyard.

In swordsmanship, swordsmanship and other martial arts, ordinary beginners or people with stupid talents can often only mechanically copy every move in the martial arts. However, practitioners with a little talent or who have already mastered swordsmanship can But he can integrate them all and no longer stick to fixed moves.

Lu Yiyu is known as the Golden Sword in the world, and he is ranked in the Qiankun Dao Map due to his talent. His attainments in swordsmanship are naturally not shallow.

Even though he didn't use the superb sword moves of the Canghai Sword Sect, he just used his sword skills as he pleased, and each move was executed with ease, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

For example, water flowing eastward and vegetation regenerating have the implication that the way of heaven is constant and natural.

Yan Weilou nodded secretly: "Not bad.

"When he got excited, he waved his sleeves, and the fluffy snow on the ground suddenly floated up, like catkins all over the sky, dancing in the air under the pull of his true energy.

"Go!" Pieces of flying snow whizzed away.

Lu Yiyu, who was practicing his sword, suddenly became alert. The next moment, he saw flying snow coming from the sky.

In his eyes, every snowflake seemed to turn into a whistling illusory sword. The sharp sword energy cut through the air and enveloped Lu Yiyu's entire body.

His eyes were focused, but his expression was calm, and he swung his sword calmly, and the yellow golden sword flashed a golden light in the sun.

The sword light shuttled through the flying snow in the sky, and in just a few breaths, it differentiated into hundreds of rays, so that it looked like stars suddenly appeared, many rays of light flashed one by one in mid-air, and the flying snow in the sky was wiped out. .

Lu Yiyu sheathed his sword, turned around casually, looked in the direction of Yan Weilou, and praised with bright eyes: "Brother Yan, I thought you were a pure swordsman, but I didn't expect you to have such superb swordsmanship.

The one hundred and two earthen snowflakes just now contain one hundred and two earthen sword moves..." At this point, a smile appeared on his face.

In just a few breaths, he had cracked all the one hundred and two earth-style sword moves.

"Really?" Yan Weilou seemed to see what he was thinking. He just shook his head and smiled, then strode to the courtyard door, opened it, and looked out of the courtyard with a leisurely expression.

"...Huh?" Lu Yiyu behind him looked at the young man's contented back, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this moment, he felt a sudden chill on his forehead. He stretched out his fingers and touched them, and saw slightly damp water stains on his fingers, as well as faint residual snow that had not completely melted.

Lu Yiyu was stunned on the spot. It took him a long time to exhale and murmured: "Awesome!" He was not a fool. He had fully realized what had just happened.

...The snowflakes shot by Yan Weilou just now were not one hundred and two pieces of earth at all, but one hundred and two pieces of earth.

I don’t know when the last piece of it had already been silently placed on his eyebrows.

And this is not the best.

The most brilliant thing is that snowflakes are cold, and logically speaking, he should react the moment they come into contact.

But he didn't notice it at all. He didn't notice its existence until the zhenqi surrounding the snowflakes dissipated. If Yan Weilou really had murderous intentions, he might have been dead just now.

After thinking about this clearly, Lu Yiyu looked at Yan Weilou with an unprecedented solemn look.

This young man who met by chance is by no means a simple person.

Of course, Lu Yiyu did not belittle himself.

In fact, neither of them was serious just now, let alone used their full strength.

It's just a game.

He will not assume that he must be inferior to the other person because of this.

At this time, Yan Weilou, who was standing at the door of the courtyard, suddenly called out: "Brother Lu, someone is looking for you.

Lu Yiyu walked over curiously: "Who is it?" ” However, as soon as he reached the door, he regretted it.

...I shouldn't have such a strong curiosity, nor should I come over as soon as someone calls me! Appearing at the door were the village chiefs and goddesses from various villages, including Xiaoye Village. The little girl Manman's grandmother, Grandma Li, stood at the front with a haggard look on her face - it seemed that she knew it was her after learning the truth. I feel regret for having harmed my granddaughter with my own hands.

Lu Yiyu felt a headache when he saw these people. He immediately remembered those days when he was so exhausted, and he was afraid that trouble would come to his door again! This time he learned the lesson and refused to answer! He was about to slip away, but the villagers all bent down and said in prostration: "Thank you two gentlemen for your kindness!" Lu Yiyu almost jumped up in shock and waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, this matter has nothing to do with me. I didn't contribute much.

Everyone should thank Brother Yan. He went alone and went there in person..." "No need to thank me.

"Yan Weilou was very calm and just smiled and said, "My original intention was not to save people, just to make myself happy.

" He has neither good nor bad feelings towards these villagers. He went to Xu Hui just to follow his own wishes.

If this were not the case, he would not leave other things to Lu Yiyu and not show up himself.

He didn't need the gratitude of these people.

The villagers were confused by what he said.

Grandma Li took a step forward: "Whether the young master is venting his anger or enjoying himself, he has finally eliminated great harm to our village and made me, an old woman, no longer blind. The young master is our great benefactor!" Villagers They all reacted: "Grandma Li is right, the young master is our great benefactor!" After thanking the two of them profusely, these people carefully revealed their purpose - it turned out that they wanted to know what those who had done in the past years Did the sacrificed child leave any sequelae?

If it's like Manman, is there any way to make up for it?

Yan Weilou had nothing to do about this. He pointed at Lu Yiyu beside him and decisively took the blame: "Brother Lu comes from the Holy Land of China, so maybe he can find a solution.

"..." Lu Yiyu, who was surrounded by the villagers eagerly, looked at the back of a certain figure who once again threw away the pot and disappeared, and could only silently accept the pot.

"Master Yan!" Deep in the courtyard, a boy and a girl saw Yan Weilou returning and greeted him with a smile.

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