The person in the corner explained.

"Yesterday I accidentally discovered that this person was invited in by the Seventh Young Master of Chongshan Clan without passing the examination of the guards at the gate.

It happened to be dinner time in the evening, and few people saw how he came in.

" This person thought he had lowered his voice, but he had already attracted the attention of many people, and those who had deeper cultivation than him cast their eyes on him.

Someone directly said: "No need to guess.

That's someone from the Tuoba Clan."

... The Tuoba Clan of Fengsheng City? Many people were surprised.

Although the Tuoba Clan is not as powerful as the Chongshan Clan, its status is very special.

It's because the Tuoba Clan is one of the three major clans in Fengsheng City.

As we all know, Tianzong is regarded as the state religion by Beimo.

Beiyuan Snow Mountain is regarded as a holy place and a place for gods and men to rest by Tianzong, so Fengsheng City at the foot of the mountain is naturally a place of pilgrimage and a place to serve gods in the eyes of Tianzong.

After listening to some people's explanation, outsiders who didn't know Beimo suddenly realized that the Tuoba clan, which had a certain status in Fengsheng City, must have a special status even if it was not strong, and might have a close relationship with Tianzong.

Their guess was not wrong.

The backer of the Tuoba clan was Tianzong.

To be precise, it was the great elder of Tianzong.

At the beginning, it was the Tuoba clan who accidentally obtained the Hanhai Order, but these people didn't know the value of it, so they thought of offering it to the great elder as a treasure.

When the great elder heard the description, he knew that it was the Hanhai Order, so he secretly sent his grandson to bring it back.

Unexpectedly, Su Xinghan happened to have a conflict with the Tuoba clan, and left Fengsheng City under the wanted order. He happened to run into the Tianzong team and snatched the Hanhai Order.

From then on, he had a series of grudges with Tianzong.

Of course, outsiders didn't know the inside story. They only knew that there was a man named Bai during this period - when talking about the Tuoba clan, someone mentioned this incident that happened not long ago.

Those who came from Dongli Dayong heard this for the first time, so someone asked curiously: "Who is this Bai Nian? How dare he be so bold? I wonder if he is alive or dead, or has he been captured by Tianzong?" The answer to this question came the next moment.

The young man who had been sitting by the window on the first floor and looking out the window intently suddenly stood up, with an extremely respectful look on his stern face.

A slightly cool breeze blew through the window, and cold snowflakes fluttered in with the wind. Suddenly, a faint sobbing sound of wind sounded outside the building.

Many people looked out after hearing the sound.

I saw that among the flowers in the lake, an exquisite building ship broke through the water, with two people standing at the bow and stern, all wearing masks and costumes, but there was no sense of funny, but rather an inexplicable weirdness.

"... People from Tianzong? Four great masters?!" The building ship suddenly arrived, and someone walked out of the ship, waded in, stepped on the clear blue waves, and walked into the Moon Viewing Tower step by step.

The four great masters followed closely behind him with their heads down.

Everyone stared at the man who suddenly appeared.

He was dressed in white, with faint embroidery on it, like an ancient sacrificial garment.

His face was also white, three points whiter than snow, looking a little sick, and also making his black hair as black as ink.

He was born with a very good appearance, standing here alone, he could make 90% of the beauties in the world pale in comparison.

But the first thing everyone noticed was not his face, but his eyes.

These were a pair of extremely empty and cold eyes, always covered with a layer of gloomy mist, as if nothing could be included in them.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The man in white walked upstairs step by step, coughing softly in his throat, with a cold face, and never looked at the people around him.

Strangely, everyone could not raise a trace of anger in their hearts, but instead felt that it was natural.

They stared at him in amazement, as if they were watching a statue of a god walk down from the altar and into the human world.

Chapter 79 Meeting (1) After staying in Xiaoye Village for a few days, Yan Weilou continued on his way.

This time he was no longer alone, but with Lu Yiyu and the other two.

Canghai Sword Sect is indeed one of the three holy places of the righteous path in the world, and it is very wealthy.

Lu Yiyu, a true disciple, actually has a small flying boat. Although it can only carry five people at most, his wealth is probably much richer than many great masters who have entered the path of Taoism from casual cultivation! If his two junior brothers and sisters had not been seriously injured and urgently needed to recuperate, I am afraid he would have rushed to Fenghuan City long ago.

It is well known that many artifacts and special spiritual artifacts in the vast land of Shenzhou - mainly spiritual artifacts related to space storage and flight, actually come from ancient relics, and it is difficult for today's refiners to refine them.

It is not because their level is too low, but because many necessary materials are gradually missing now.

Many raw materials in ancient times came from demons.

It is not difficult to understand why the people in Hanshi City behaved so greedily and crazily in the secret realm of the Vast Sea. Perhaps the existence of demons is a disaster for the Vast Sea Realm, but it is an important resource for the vast land of Shenzhou.

This is the first time that Yan Weilou has ridden a flying spiritual weapon in his past and present lives.

When he was not strong enough in his previous life, he only thought about how to get rid of the pursuit and how to fight back. How could he have time to consider flying spiritual weapons? When his realm was raised to the level of entering the Tao, the spiritual energy in his body circulated endlessly, and he could fly in the air for a long time, so there was no need to look for it specifically.

Under this rare and novel experience, he did not feel that the journey was boring.

The further north he went, the colder the weather became.

A few days later, the boundless North Plain appeared at their feet.

A city with a surface covered by ice and snow gradually emerged in their sight.

"Feng Huancheng has finally arrived!" The two most bored brothers and sisters cheered first, and Lu Yiyu controlled the flying boat to land.

In order not to attract attention, he landed on the snowy plain several miles away from the city gate.

He raised his hand and input his true energy, and the runes on the flying boat lit up.

As the formation flashed, the flying boat quickly became smaller and was soon collected by Lu Yiyu in the Qiankun Ring.

A group of four people stood on the vast snowy plain, looking at the towering city in the distance.

... As soon as they entered the city, Yan Weilou parted ways with Lu Yiyu.

This was also something the two had agreed on on the way.

The public statement was that Lu Yiyu was the protagonist of this duel, and with his shining golden sword, he would probably attract attention wherever he went.

Yan Weilou didn't want to receive so much attention.

Yan Weilou secretly thought otherwise.

With the transcendent status of the Canghai Sword Sect in the vast land of Shenzhou, he believed that Lu Yiyu would definitely receive super-standard treatment in Fenghuan City, and he might even live directly in the Chongshan clan.

If he followed him, his freedom would be greatly restricted.

And this was unacceptable to Yan Weilou.

Lu Yiyu didn't force him, but smiled and reminded him before leaving: "Brother Yan, don't forget to come and see me fight on the third day of March."

Yan Weilou also smiled and responded: "Don't worry, I won't forget."

Then he turned his eyes to the surrounding streets.

Although it was icy and snowy, the people of Beimo had long been accustomed to this kind of weather.

Especially those who have practiced martial arts and broken through several shackles, their physique is much stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, this street is extremely lively.

Yan Weilou walked around a few times and met many practitioners.

There were chains above the ninth level everywhere, and practitioners at the insight level were not uncommon. He even ran into a great master who had just entered the Dao.

Many people looked like they were from the Central Plains.

...It seemed that this martial arts competition really attracted a lot of people.

In the crowd "

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