One of the warriors lifted Chongshan Yue up like a chicken and replied with a smile: "That's it.

This guy owed our gambling house 30,000 taels of silver and refused to pay it back, and even tried to run away secretly.

After being caught by us, he actually said that he would use his child bride to pay off his debt! Hey! This kid's house is empty, where can he find a child bride? Even if there is one, it’s not worth thirty thousand taels! "That's not the case."

Qing'er..." Chong Shanyue was lifted up by his whole body. His limbs were limp and hanging down. The muscles on his face were twisted into a ball in pain, and he was still growling unwillingly.

"Qing'er, why did you lie to me! Why did you lie to me..." As he rambled on, Yan Weilou roughly understood what had happened to Chong Shanyue in the past few days.

After being tricked by Yan Weilou and Su Xinghan using illusions, the whole person's mentality collapsed due to the ups and downs of Chongshan Mountain, and he became more and more self-willed and degenerate.

He didn't dare to go to the brothel anymore, so he started hanging out in gambling houses every day.

In just one day and one night, even the large amount of monthly money issued by the Chongshan clan was spent.

Su Qing'er, the child bride, not only did not despise him, but instead comforted him every day. She even gave him her private room, claiming that she believed that he would be able to make a difference one day.

Chong Shanyue was so encouraged that he plunged into a gambling shop in an attempt to win back his money. However, he fell into a bottomless pit and owed more and more, eventually owing thirty thousand taels.

Chong Shanyue relied on Chongshan's name to temporarily delay the time, so he went home overnight to prepare to run away with Su Qing'er.

After all, he knew full well that Chongshan would never pay such a large gambling debt for him.

At this time, Su Qing'er stood up again and expressed her willingness to pay off the debt with her own body. She believed that Chong Shanyue would make a comeback, and the two reunited again.

So Chong Shanyue was moved to tears and stopped trying to escape. Instead, he slept peacefully at home for a night.

When he woke up the next day, Su Qing'er had already disappeared, and his home was empty, not even a penny was left.

Just when he had a bad premonition, the thugs from the gambling house had already blocked the door.

"Qing'er, why did you lie to me..." Chong Shanyue's trance-like murmur was still echoing in his ears.

Yan Weilou glanced at the disappearing figures of the group and shook his head: "You will not survive if you do your own evil.

" He said to Tongsu Xinghan with some humor: "In the original illusion, his child bride was still loyal to him, and her love was stronger than gold.

The reality is so completely opposite.

It can be seen that this person really has no self-awareness at all.

"Xu Xinghan said: "Illusions are based on reality. I think that person was really obedient to him before and made him forget about it. It's just that it has changed now.

" Yan Weilou nodded in agreement.

Thinking of the worries he had during this period, he had been worried that Xiu Xinghan was not deeply involved in the world and would be deceived by Ji Muyue. Although it seemed that he was not there now, he still took the opportunity to hint: "So, the facts of love are insignificant. Once entrusted, You're not human, it's too late to regret it!" He hinted crazily: Despite her good looks, Ji Muyue is actually as romantic and sentimental as the Chongshan Mountain in front of her, which is totally unbelievable! Mingguang, be careful! Su Xinghan didn't understand his hint at all, but argued: "If you meet someone, it will be different.

" He played with the ice lantern in his hand, looked at Yan Weilou through the dim light, and suddenly smiled.

The flying snow in the sky and the lights in the city all faded away with his smile and became an insignificant background.

“If he is happy, I am happy too.

"Chapter 85 We will meet again (7) The night breeze is slightly cool, and the man in white stands silently in the wind. The lights of the city and the stars in the sky seem to have all fallen into his eyes.

This made the curve of his lips even more indescribably tender.

Very light, very shallow, and very intoxicating.

He looked at Yan Weilou through an ice lamp.

Yan Wei subconsciously avoided looking, and he understood something deep in his heart, but that thought seemed to be separated by a layer of hazy white fog, and he could never see it clearly.

Before he could clear his thoughts, the third day of March had arrived.

Early that morning, the entire Wangyue Tower was awakened by a sharp whistling sound.

I saw a ray of sword light coming from the sky, cutting through the wind and snow, and then suddenly fell on Mingyue Lake.

boom! It was like a thunderous explosion.

The water of the lake was cut open by the light of the sword, and hundreds of miles of water rose into the sky, almost turning into a curtain of water.

And a figure followed the light of the sword and stepped lightly on the water curtain, announcing his presence to everyone.

This is a young man who looks to be in his early teens.

Wearing a black and red warrior uniform, he set off his slender and tall body. His thick black hair was tied up at will, and most of it was scattered behind his back, with a few strands scattered on his forehead, adding a three-pointed look.

A scimitar was vaguely exposed from his sleeve, glowing with a faint blood color.

His nose is high, his eyebrows are straight, his face is full of the unique handsomeness of a man, his eyes are open and closed with a hint of unruliness, and he has a majestic aura.

Rather than being a descendant of the devil, he is more like a wanderer.

"Xiao has arrived, where is the golden sword?" The roar rolled away, spreading the mist on the lake and covering everyone, everywhere.

"I am coming.

"A clearer and more agile voice slowly sounded in everyone's ears, instantly dispelling the pressure brought by Xiao Wuyi.

Along with this voice appeared a young man with a fresh and handsome appearance, dressed in splendid clothes, who looked like a wealthy prince.

He was also standing on the lake, but his posture was very casual, with a lazy smile on his face as if he had not yet woken up.

Looking at the dim sky from a distance, Lu Yiyu yawned lazily: "It's still early, and you are a little too eager.

"Xiao Wuyi said: "It's been three months, this battle has been too late.

" He raised his hand, revealing the blood-red blade in his sleeve, and whispered three words: "Let's fight! " Lu Yiyu glanced at him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a bright smile.

Immediately, he drew out the golden sword from his waist.

"Okay, I got what I asked for!" Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the vertical and horizontal sword aura and saber energy covered the lake surface hundreds of miles around in an instant.

The ice and snow are falling, and the waves are rolling into the sky.

There are two reasons why Xiao Wuyi asked Lu Yiyu to fight.

One is the long-standing feud between Beidou Demon Officer and Canghai Sword Sect.

When Bi Luotian was at its peak, the devil's arrogance was so arrogant that even the three righteous holy places had to avoid its edge.

Even though Bi Luotian's banner disappeared inexplicably later, the demonic power was still extremely huge.

After losing the leader, a mixture of fish and dragons mingled, and from time to time some extremely vicious people would join the devil's path and run rampant in the world.

Among them, Beidou Demon Palace is the most important.

It is said that the first generation palace master has some relationship with the master of Biluotian.

If this development continues, it will now be a situation where Tao eliminates demons and rises.

However, the reality is not like this.

All this is because of one person.

——Xiao Baiji, Heavenly Sword.

The most talented genius in the Canghai Sword Sect for thousands of years, he was also the only swordsman before Lu Yiyu who rejected the divine sword Canghai and chose to use ordinary swords as weapons.

He was born three hundred years ago. As soon as he appeared, he killed the current owner of the Beidou Demon Palace with one sword, killed eight elders with the second sword, and smashed the mountain gate of the Beidou Demon Palace with the third sword.

The Beidou Demon Palace, which had reached its peak at that time, declined and almost collapsed.

The disciples of the disciples also gradually disappeared into the darkness under the pursuit of the right way.

Under the power of Xiao Baiji, the Heavenly Sword, the masters of the three righteous forces came out to eradicate countless demonic forces, large and small.

The rivers and lakes are cleared.

Xiao Baiji's sword was the beginning of the rise and fall of demons, but it caused the Beidou Demon Palace and the Canghai Sword Sect to forge a long-standing feud.

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