The lord of Xuantian Peak was furious, and the rolling sea of ​​thunder in the sky suddenly boiled up, and thousands of lightning bolts poured down like a storm. Fenghuan City was as small as a drop in the ocean in the sea of ​​thunder.

Everyone in the city was trembling with fear, as if they were sailing in the vast ocean, and in the surging waves, they felt as if the boat was destroyed and the world was turned upside down.

And a black dot suddenly flew out, getting bigger and bigger, turning into the boundless Shenshan Continent, and crashing head-on into the boundless sea of ​​thunder.

——Just when the phantom of "Xiao Baiji" had just dissipated, the second "bamboo slip" had been opened.

The two words "Baidi" on the "bamboo slip" suddenly lit up.

The second phantom appeared quietly.

This man was tall, wearing a black emperor robe, with a righteous look between his eyebrows, and a heroic and imposing manner.

He held a black seal in his hand.

Compared with Xiao Baiji, this man's name was undoubtedly unfamiliar, and there was no news of him in the world.

But Yan Weilou recognized it at a glance. This was exactly the appearance of the statue of Baidi in the secret realm of Hanhai.

Qiankun Daotu only records people of the present time. It seems that both Xiao Baiji and Baidi himself are still alive.

In the sea of ​​thunder, "Baidi" threw the seal in his hand.

The originally pocket-sized seal flew into the sky and turned into a towering sacred mountain in an instant.

The huge mountain, which was so high that it was unknown, carried endless thunder bombardment, passed through the center of the storm, and smashed steadily towards the Holy Lord, just like the stars in the sky falling down.

When the two fought, the earth shook and the stars fell.

Boom! The terrifying explosion and collision sounded throughout the world, and the white light that burst out was extremely dazzling.

Everyone lost their hearing and visual perception at this moment.

And the last bamboo slip has been unfolded.

The big word "Yuan" exudes a brilliant golden light.

A familiar figure who had just seen it not long ago appeared in Yan Weilou's sight.

A black robe from the ancient times, embroidered with noble and unusual patterns, symbolizing a god-like identity.

His black hair was scattered on his shoulders, and a half-god, half-ghost mask covered his face, revealing only the dark and deep pupils under the mask.

His whole body was full of vicissitudes, ancient, and desolate.

"Yuan" did not do much, but just looked up lightly, the flame-like golden color burned in his pupils, and the twisted and grotesque light-blocking force spread with it.

"What is this--" power? The voice of the Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak was so panicked for the first time, like a live fish being pressed on a chopping board and groping for where to cut.

Everyone's face was equally panicked.

Under their horrified gaze, an illusory river of time appeared around the Holy Lord, and the invisible river water washed over him.

His appearance kept changing.

At first, it was a young man of three years old, then a young man of two years old, then a boy of five or six years old, and a child of seven or eight years old... The Holy Lord's eyes became more and more panicked. He tried every possible way and used all his magical powers to resist, but there was no way to eliminate the strange power acting on him.

"Wow..." As a baby cried, the figure of "Yuan" in the air slowly dissipated, and the sky, which was originally covered with dark clouds, returned to its boundless vastness.

Under the faint sunlight, a group of people stood in the ruins of the pavilion, all of them pale, holding their hearts in a daze, and dared not even breathe deeply.

"That is... the power of the ancient saint master 'Yuan'? So weird and terrible!" "No, it's not important.

The important thing is that the Qiankun Daotu only records people of the present time.

This means-" The group of people looked at each other, and saw the doubt and indescribable awe in each other's eyes.

"This means... 'Yuan' is still alive!" Chapter 102 Shocking the Four (4) It was unknown whether they were shocked by the power of the "Yuan" phantom to reverse the light resistance, or were shocked by the fact that the other party was still alive. Everyone looked up at the sky where the phantom disappeared. They were stunned for a few breaths, and suddenly their foreheads felt cold, and they came to their senses.

- It's snowing.

The sky returned to the gray and white, and endless snow fell from the distant sky. The north wind swept the ground, and all the grass withered. The drifting snow fell and covered the entire Fenghuan City again.

The whole world was covered with white.

Everything seemed to have returned to the time before the arrival of the celestial being, and nothing had happened.

But everyone present knew that this was obviously impossible.

Before the auction started, no one had expected that the final result would be like this.

The whereabouts of the ancient demon Phoenix is ​​no longer the focus of everyone's attention. The most concerned thing is the sudden outbreak of the battle between heaven and man, and the many messages revealed in it.

The sudden arrival of the Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak; the so-called fate of the Lord of Zhitian Pavilion; the creation artifact Qiankun Daotu was actually conquered by Yan Weilou, and he can also summon the shadow of heaven and man to fight; even the top three of the Qiankun Daotu suddenly revealed, including the ancient saint master "Yuan" who lived at least ten thousand years ago, are still alive in the world... All these things, any one of them is enough to detonate the whole world, not to mention that they are stuffed into their heads, how can it not make people think deeply? But these can be considered later, and the most important thing now is the gift from heaven and man.

——A celestial being, the upper body of heaven, the lower self-cultivation, the perfect Dao essence, is a celestial being.

Once a celestial being dies, all his power will dissipate.

The Dao essence cultivated throughout his life will also return to heaven and earth in a short time.

Every flower, tree, grass, stone, and even spiritual tools exposed between heaven and earth...will be washed and baptized, and become natural treasures and the embryos of divine weapons. Even the Dao Stone was born under such a coincidence.

The most important thing is that if someone takes the opportunity to comprehend and capture the Dao essence scattered between heaven and earth, they may be able to make great progress in their cultivation and improve their cultivation potential, and have the opportunity to enter the realm of heaven and man in the future.

Therefore, the many benefits born in the process of the death of heaven and man and the return of spirit to heaven and earth are all called gifts from heaven and man, and are relics given by heaven and man to this world.

This is the rule of blocking the rotation of yang and the alternation of life and death.

After the cry of the baby, the shadow of the Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak was no longer seen in everyone's sight, and they were already half-believing and half-doubting his life and death.

At this time, the sky was restored, and the snowflakes floating all over the sky clearly contained the ethereal and invisible Dao essence, as if every snowflake was transformed by the law of the great way.

It was very similar to the rumored "the death of a celestial being, and the return of his spirit to the heaven and earth"! ——This seemed to confirm the death of the Saint Master of Xuantian Peak.

But no one cared about this at this time. Before such a rare adventure, even Lu Yiyu, Qiu Yuebai, Ji Muyue... these proud sons of heaven who were born in top sects could not hide their excitement.

In the past, if a celestial being died, they would often sit in the secret place of their respective sects, and most of the benefits would be contributed to the sect. Even they had this experience for the first time.

In an instant, anyone who understood the meaning of this image took action.

There were martial arts idiots who directly exposed themselves to the wind and snow and comprehended the rhyme of Tao on the spot; some people took the opportunity to start nurturing spiritual tools, trying to cultivate the embryo of a magic weapon; and some people began to search the city for possible natural treasures, and even violent conflicts broke out for this.

The whole Fenghuan City was in chaos.

All living beings were like this.

Of course, there are still a very small number of people who are obsessed with greed and ambition. They are not satisfied with even such a rare opportunity given by the gods, and have already set their sights on Yan Weilou who is holding the Qiankun Daotu - the terrifying magical power of the Qiankun Daotu, which can actually defeat a celestial saint head-on, is enough to make countless people jealous!

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