"Yan Wulun" was not like other people who got furious when hearing such words. Instead, he looked at her thoughtfully.

Yuan Xiyuan's expression couldn't help but feel relaxed: "This involves the secret truth of the entire Hanhai Realm, Mr. Yan will know it at a glance.

"As she said that, she reached out and touched it from her waist, and a metal pendant that looked like a key suddenly appeared in her hand.

Yuan Xiyuan poked the pendant a few times, and a burst of magic light flashed through it.

The originally compact pendant suddenly disappeared, and what appeared in her palm was a jade book.

Immediately, she handed it to "Yan Wulun" seriously and made a gesture of invitation.

This jade book does not require turning pages like ordinary books. Instead, all information is stored in it and can be read through the soul.

"Yan Wulun" thought about it, and text after text suddenly flashed across the screen in his mind. They turned out to be official and unofficial history that had never been circulated in the Hanhai world. In other words, the content was completely different from what the mainstream knew.

"At the beginning of ancient times, demons were rampant and the human race was weak.

"Yuan" came to the world, slaying demons and destroying demons..." The initial records were the same as the rumors in the vast land of China. Later, a character who had never appeared in the vast land of China appeared in these history books-"White Emperor".

Just like the memories in the dream, history books record that "Bai" was a half-demon rescued by "Yuan". However, he was talented, extraordinary, and had good luck, and he had many adventures, and he quickly grew up. He became one of the top "Earth Saints" of the human race in that era, and his status was only lower than "Yuan".

After that, the human race rose up and their status with the demons was reversed.

Because there are too many demons and they reproduce too fast, even if the human race is stronger, it will be difficult to completely kill the demons.

Therefore, "Yuan" cut the land of China, drew the land as a prison, and drove out many demons and imprisoned them. Each generation of the "Tu Sheng" family selected one person to guard the cage and suppress the demons.

These people are also called gatekeepers.

"So, the Yuan family is the descendant of "Yuan"? "Yan Wulun" asked suddenly.

Yuan Xiyuan was stunned for a moment and quickly denied: "Of course not.

How dare we have such delusions! ""Not all the local saints in those days left descendants of their blood, there were also disciples of the saints who were given their surnames by the saints.

"Yan Wulun" suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and he continued to read.

In order to ensure smooth communication between the two realms, and to prevent demons from entering China.

There are a total of five keys, that is, five Han Hai Lings, which are kept in the hands of the earth gatekeepers in turn.

It can only be activated by two people.

——This is the origin of the Vast Sea Realm.

The human races in the Vast Sea Realm are all disciples and descendants of the "Earth Sage". They took root in the Vast Sea Realm and raised monsters as spiritual beast mounts, which were passed down from generation to generation.

"The Vast Sea Prison is complete, and the human race is at peace.

"Bai" suddenly plotted to harm the Holy Master, proclaim himself emperor, and seize the power of the human race.

If he fails, he will be imprisoned in Hanhai Prison and will never be released.

"The following paragraph corresponds to the scene in the previous dream. "Bai" was directly driven into the vast sea realm with the palace, and was sealed in the palace by "Yuan" with a divine formation.

If there is no accident, he will not be able to get out of trouble for eternity.

His holy position was also replaced by another strong human race.

"What is the title of White Emperor! He is clearly a traitor and white-eyed wolf, and he has the nerve to dress himself up like this!" Yuan Xiyuan spoke angrily when mentioning that period of history.

"About three thousand years ago, at that time there were not three major clans in the Vast Sea Realm, but the Tusheng Family.

Suddenly one day, all the peaceful spirit beast mounts went crazy for no apparent reason and began to attack humans... At that time, the ancestors thought it was just an accident.

"Unexpectedly, things got worse and worse. The spiritual beasts in the entire vast sea world went crazy. They kept returning to ancient times and degenerating into monsters. They began to eat raw meat and became crazy. They were extremely hostile to the human race. Many of them even awakened the bloodline of ancient monsters. memory.

The human race was caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

This is what the world now knows as "The Demon's Awakening."

To make matters worse, five Tokens of the Vast Sea were lost inexplicably, and everyone was trapped in the Vast Sea Realm, unable to contact the vast land of China, and could only fight alone.

In the battle where the demons awakened, most of the Tusheng family was destroyed and suffered heavy losses. The human race was retreating steadily.

As we all know, the White Emperor appeared at this time, and as soon as he appeared, he turned the tide, repelling most of the demons that invaded the human territory, and was praised by everyone as a god.

Yuan Xiyuan gritted her teeth and said word by word: "I don't know how he escaped from the Holy Master's seal. Maybe he was causing trouble behind his back.

Later, the ancestors conducted a private investigation and found that those spirit beast mounts suddenly returned to the ancient bloodline. It was not an accident or coincidence. It was clearly someone secretly planning it - it must be him! ” Unfortunately, the situation has reversed at this time.

Bai Emperor is a great hero praised by the world, but most of the "Tusheng" family who know his true origin have been destroyed. A small number of them are secretly hunted and persecuted by Bai Emperor's minions, and dare not show their faces in front of others - they are alone and alone. Even if they came forward to tell the truth they investigated, no one would believe it.

Instead, he was slandered as a traitor who colluded with the devil.

“In order to save their lives, our ancestors had no choice but to change their names and go into hibernation.

"Yuan Xiyuan slowly told what happened that year, "After dormant for more than two thousand years, my Yuan clan finally rose from the bottom and became one of the three major clans.

But the ancestral precepts have been passed down from generation to generation. Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed and revenge will be taken! "However, now that the great revenge has not been avenged, the real eldest brother has been captured by the madmen in the Holy City, and he can't help but cherish the fate and not be anxious.

She knew how crazy and ferocious those Bai Emperor's fanatic followers were! I'm afraid if I delay any longer, all I'll see is my eldest brother's ashes! From the beginning to the end, "Yan Wulun" had been listening silently. When he saw Yuan Xiyuan's anxious and fearful expression, he asked warmly, "Then I wonder how I can help?" Yuan Xiyuan immediately smiled in surprise. , nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes! Mr. Yan's ability is perfect for him!" Without any warning, she suddenly knelt down with a "bang" and gave a big salute to "Yan Wulun".

"My little sister was originally saved by Mr. Yan. If Mr. Yan is in trouble, it doesn't matter if he gives up his life! I shouldn't bother Mr. Yan anymore, but when the life of my biological eldest brother is at stake, I have to shamelessly ask him to take action.

"Yan Wulun" didn't move away specifically, but looked at her with gentle eyes and said calmly: "You said it."

" His gentle and affectionate eyes were filled with a hint of sadness, and his eyes seemed to contain some kind of reassuring power. Yuan Xiyuan's mood calmed down unconsciously.

She looked up and smiled.

"I know that Young Master has a unique way of taming demons.

I also ask the young master to take action, drive the demons, create a wave of demons, and block the path of the Silver Armored Army... The entire Yuan family will be extremely grateful to the young master! "With the ability of "Yan Wulun", you can transform a big demon at will, and you can indirectly command the demon tide through the big demon.

"Okay, I promise you.

”…Seven days later, the Holy City was shaken.

A team of silver-armored troops was attacked by a demonic tide. Although they escaped safely in the end, the Tuyu names captured in the team were all rebellious and had "blasphemed the White Emperor and conspired with the demons", but they were all rescued in the chaos and disappeared.

This is undoubtedly a provocation to the authority of the Holy City.

After all, in one month there will be the Holy City Festival to commemorate the day when the White Emperor was born.

The priests of the Holy City specially sent several silver-armored troops to arrest rebels everywhere, just to declare the canonical punishment to the world on that day.

But now the sacrifice is gone.

As soon as this incident came out, the Silver Armor Army who went to other places became more and more cautious, and finally no more mistakes were made.

One after another, those who were about to be punished for their rebellion were transported into the Holy City.

The Holy City would not let those who were lucky enough to escape, and instead began to hunt them down.

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