——This is the place where "Yuan" once fought. Perhaps a scratch on the city wall is the sword mark left by his life-and-death fight.

It was not until later that he cut off the vast land of China and formed its own realm of the vast sea. This city filled with memories of the past also fell into the secret realm of the vast sea.

"Yan Wulun" couldn't help but look blankly, with a very faint look of despair in his eyes.

"I see...this city is used to worship the White Emperor..." He lowered his eyes and thought to himself.

"It's a pity..." Those who can come to the pilgrimage without fear of hardships are undoubtedly Baidi's fanatical believers.

Among the happy and enthusiastic crowd around him, "Yan Wulun" with a calm expression on his face was undoubtedly an anomaly.

If it were anyone else who behaved like this, they would probably be arrested for disrespect.

But he has a picturesque appearance, wearing a long-sleeved robe, and there is a hint of nostalgia in his light expression, which makes people involuntarily think of the Son of God in the painting who benefits the world and cares about the common people. Against the background of the fanatical believers, there is an increasing sense of divinity that makes people dare not easily approach and blaspheme.

"...Who is this? Is it the new priest?" Many people subconsciously raised such questions.

However, the strict hierarchical brainwashing in the Holy City prevented them from speaking out. Instead, they respectfully moved out of the way.

Even the guards guarding the city at the door did not dare to conduct too many inquiries and respectfully invited the gentleman in.

"Yan Wulun" looked calm from beginning to end. He was neither frightened by the people's worship nor proud by the guards' respectfulness. He didn't even have a trace of confusion in his walking pace.

He just walked unhurriedly along the path that everyone had made way for, smiling and nodding his thanks to everyone, carrying with him the aura of a traveler from afar, like the frost and dew of the morning, the dew of the early spring. Morning breeze.

He entered the city quietly.

"This, Mr. Yan is too..." Luo Jiu, who was mercilessly lining up to enter the city, was looking at this scene with a blank expression and admiration. It took him a long time to utter a complete sentence, "It's too bold.

"Actually, what he wants to say is that he is too good at acting and can pretend too well.

If they hadn't known the other party's details, they would have thought that this was the return of some big shot from the Holy City! It's almost impossible not to help but feel a sense of worship.

Yun Qi's expression also changed a little.

There were too many people at the city gate and it took a long time. When they entered the city with their pre-arranged identities, they could not find any trace of "Yan Wulun".

After looking around blankly for a moment, the group found an inn to settle down.

Waiting until midnight, "Yan Wulun" finally appeared and said: "Master Yun, if I had not rescued you halfway, according to your original plan, were you planning to escape on the eve of the festival?" Yun Qi was surprised for a moment and asked: "Yan How did the young master know? Is there something wrong with the previous arrangement?" Just as "Yan Wulun" guessed, someone in the family wanted to frame him, and Yun Qi was not clueless.

But at that time, he heard that his friend Luo Jiu was taken away by the Silver Armor Army, so he put the plan into a trap. While luring out the hidden enemy, he also followed Luo Jiu by the way. After finding out the situation, he could cooperate with his subordinates and lead Luo Jiu. Escape together.

Otherwise, even if Luo Jiu was taken away alone and without knowing anything, it would be difficult for him to make arrangements calmly and rescue people.

Before being captured by the Silver Armor Army, Yun Qi arranged for his subordinates to come to the Holy City in advance and arranged the steps to rescue people.

Could it be that those people had an accident and were exposed in advance? Yun Qi suddenly felt scared.

“No, not yet.

"Yan Wulun" lowered his eyes and smiled, "All this is just my guess."

"" After entering the city today, I investigated in detail the matter of the Silver Armored Army arresting sacrifices and offering sacrifices to Bai Emperor.

""The Silver Armored Army has superb strength and strict discipline. With your strength, you will not have a chance to escape until you are brought to the Holy City; and after being brought to the Holy City, all prisoners will be immediately imprisoned and imprisoned. The heavily fortified Temple Dungeon.

It is said that there are hundreds of priests in the temple, and there are three teams of silver-armored troops patrolling nearby. The person with the lowest cultivation level also has the third level of insight. There are many restrictions in the dungeon. It is harder to escape than to reach the sky..." "Yan Wulun "No hurry, no slowness, orderly.

“Only three days before the festival, the sacrifices in the dungeon will be released and cleaned together.

All priests will also burn incense, bathe, and pray quietly during these days..." "This is when the temple's defenses are at their weakest.

As long as you bribe the servants who clean and guard the sacrifices in advance, and arrange your manpower at the critical moment, you may have a chance to escape.

" At this point, he smiled.

"I've found out.

Just one day ago, several silver-armored soldiers stationed in the temple were attacked by unknown forces and suffered hidden injuries that have not healed yet.

There was also a maid who served the priests in the temple. Not long ago, her family encountered a demon outside, and her body was not found.

In addition, there are..." After naming all the wrong things that happened during this period, "Yan Wulun" said quietly: "If it is the eve of the festival, while the priests are burning incense and praying, the servants are unaware and let the priests Pin ran out, and the direction of his escape 'happened' to be the patrol of several Silver Armored Army soldiers who were secretly injured - according to my calculation, if the injuries on these people were suddenly caused in a clever way, it would happen to be the patrol of the Silver Armored Army. The circle was blank for half a quarter of an hour. During that half-quarter of an hour, the northwest corner of the temple was safe, enough for two people to escape.

" Yun Qi's face, which was more beautiful than a woman's, gradually showed shock, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes. It was the first time he lost his composure like this.

He really didn't expect that there was someone in this world who could collect so much information in less than a day, and could also unravel all his arrangements one by one.

The original plan was hastily formulated after Luo Jiu was arrested. Yun Qi never thought it was perfect. He just caught the blind spot of "no one has ever escaped before the Holy City Festival, and the Temple must have never been prepared", and arranged everything in a targeted manner.

This does not mean that his layout is so clever.

But being seen through in less than a day, even if "Yan Wulun" is equivalent to looking for clues with the answer, it still hit Yun Qi hard.

He smiled bitterly and became more respectful to "Yan Wulun": "It seems that I was too naive.

If it weren't for Mr. Yan's rescue, maybe both of us brothers would become dead souls on the altar.

" Yan Wulun shook his head: "I knew your plan a long time ago, so I paid attention to check it.

I almost forgot to ask, why do you insist on coming to the Holy City?" Yun Qi hesitated for a moment, his eyes quietly staring at the young man's gentle and clear eyes like autumn water, and suddenly smiled with relief, which was beautiful.

"It's okay to tell you this, but it's just for a secret that I don't know whether it's true or not.

" "As everyone knows, the road is boundless, but the practice is limited.

Even if you are a celestial being, you can only live for 800 years.

" "When the White Emperor was born, he killed the demons and ruled Hanhai for hundreds of years, and then disappeared without a trace.

Although the Holy City claimed that the emperor fell into a deep sleep, most people in the world believed that he died of old age.

" In the dark night, the expression of the young man was blurred by the hazy night, and his voice was inexplicably bewitched.

"However, there is another rumor that the White Emperor is not dead, and has lived for thousands of years... and the secret of his longevity is in the temple.

" "Yan Wulun's" expression was also blurred by the gradually thickening night, only his eyes were as clear as before, and he seemed unmoved: "So, you want to live forever?" Yun Qi hurriedly shook his head: "That's not the case.

My Yun family started out by exploring secrets.

Suddenly knowing such a big secret, how can I suppress my curiosity and not explore it? "

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