In this way, even the Taishang Dao Sect, which was not originally a prince, would be offended by the Qi Wang Mansion.

First offend Xuantian Peak, then offend Taishang Dao Sect, let alone a mere Qi Wang, even the Great Yong Emperor may not be able to bear it, right? Qi Wang felt aggrieved.

Why did the owner of Xiaoyao Tower publicly admit that he had a close relationship with Yan Weilou, but was sympathized and admired by countless people? And when he cut off his relationship with Yan Weilou, no one was willing to believe it? This is simply unreasonable.

The top of the sacred mountain, a paradise in the earth.

Yan Weilou sat alone under a peach tree, holding a leaf in his hand, and the green leaf was close to his lips, and the quiet music sounded leisurely.

It was like the snow water in the mountains melted, fell leisurely along the mountain stream, passed through the forest and the stream, and melted into the river and the sea.

After a long time, Yan Weilou opened his eyes, blew a breath gently, and the leaf on his lips floated away.

Sharing consciousness with the vest, Yan Weilou was naturally clear about the changes in the situation in the martial arts world, not to mention that he had a hand in the Qi Wang Mansion.

Just now, a piece of news came.

The concubine of the Qi Wang Mansion, Yan Weilou's former cheap sister Yan Qingwan, really gave him a big surprise this time - in order to find the prince of Qi, three days ago, a mysterious master broke into the Qi Wang Mansion at night and interrogated the Qi Wang.

Princess Yan Qingwan happened to pass by and noticed something was wrong in the study. She quietly called for help. Although she saved the Qi Wang's life in time, the murderer's cruel means made the Qi Wang completely useless. He might have to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

When the Qi Wang fell, the palace was in chaos. The news was not blocked and spread quickly. As for the truth and falsehood of it, whether there was anyone behind the scenes who was threading the needle and fueling the flames, I'm afraid we have to ask Yan Qingwan.

Yan Weilou was indifferent to this. He just casually brushed away a snowflake that drifted to the side of his face, with a lazy and casual look.

"It seems that my life is not ordinary important. There are actually people willing to deal with a local lord for it..." Yan Weilou's lips curved slightly, and there was a bit of novelty in his eyes.

He felt neither sad nor happy about the King of Qi's affairs, as if he was a stranger, as if all this was not caused by him.

... In the past, the King of Qi deceived him to avoid disaster, and now it is his turn to pay it back.

Yan Weilou speculated in his heart that if it were not more beneficial to Yan Qingwan to save the King of Qi's life, I am afraid that his life would have been gone.

Everything was just as he expected.

After waking up from the coma, the King of Qi could not accept this fact. He sat on the bed with his eyes straight.

Not long after, several people came in. They were all the most trusted confidants of the King of Qi in the past.

Walking in front of these people was Yan Qingwan's brother, the second son Yan Weijing, who was born as a concubine but was recorded under the name of the princess.

When the eldest son was given away and sent to the Supreme Dao Sect, the King of Qi devoted himself to cultivating the remaining second son as his heir.

At this point, the King of Qi has almost become a useless man. The front-line troops are still fighting against Dayong. In order to maintain the stability of the army, the only way now is to give up the throne to the young heir Yan Weijing.

Barely controlling his expression, in the grief and depression of the whole room, the King of Qi showed a fatherly smile, and with trembling hands, he stamped the seal on the imperial edict of the succession.

"Father!" Yan Weijing took the imperial edict, and his originally sad face showed an uncontrollable surprise. After crying, his red and swollen eyes just now showed a complacent joy.

This crying and laughing look is very funny.

"Don't worry, father!" The young man who had just grown up was not so cunning. The fulfillment of his long-cherished wish made him look high-spirited. "I will definitely follow your will, strengthen Qi, and rule China in the future! Also, I will never let go of the thief who harmed my father, and I will definitely cut him into pieces!" A deep resentment flashed in the eyes of the King of Qi, and this resentment was fleeting. He trembled and held his son's hand tightly, pinching the other's hand red, and the obsession in his eyes almost turned into reality.

"Okay! Okay! You must never forget what you promised!" Yan Weijing looked at his father like this, and he was no different from every old man who was about to die. He felt that the tall and majestic image of his father in his heart had collapsed like a statue and turned into dust.

In addition to his sadness and unwillingness, he didn't know why he also had a secret joy.

It was like breaking free from some invisible shackles, overturning the mountain that once blocked the way, and the bird in the cage finally got rid of its shackles and could spread its wings and fly high.

With this indescribable joy and happiness, he bowed deeply to his father again, and then led his own staff and men to leave the bedroom.

There are still many things that need to be arranged by the new owner of the Qi Palace and even the entire Qi State.

This group of people came and left in a hurry. Under the urgency of the matter, there was no time to hold any grand coronation or abdication ceremony for the time being.

The bedroom returned to silence.

The King of Qi waved away the few servants.

"Awan..." He called softly in an old voice, while groping on the edge of the bed with his hand, as if pressing a certain mechanism.

A wall next to it slowly turned, and the girl's graceful figure was reflected on the wall. She walked out lightly, and her eyes fell on the King of Qi with concern, silent and well-behaved.

"Father..." She frowned slightly, tears in her eyes, and choked up as she spoke.

The King of Qi looked at his daughter who had always been ignored by him, and called out again: "Awan..." The King of Qi knew everything she had experienced since she was a child.

The princess had been forced to separate from her only son for many years, and had to watch the illegitimate son take over the inheritance. She vented all her anger on this illegitimate daughter and tortured her to the utmost.

Her biological parents and brother did not care about it and regarded her as a tool to comfort the princess.

The king of Qi had never cared about this daughter in the past.

But this time when death was about to come, it was this unfavored daughter who saved him.

Moreover, during this period of time, people's hearts were in turmoil. When others were either thinking about escaping or trying to please the new king of Qi, only this daughter came to serve every day, with undisguised admiration.

As selfish as the king of Qi was, it was rare for him to have a little fatherly love. He patted his daughter's hand gently.

"Awan has grown up so much. Father wanted to find a good marriage for Awan in the future. Now it seems too late..." He chattered, like an ordinary father, caring for his daughter gently, which really made Yan Qingwan cry, and she was reluctant to leave.

"Your brother has been spoiled since he was young. I don't know if he can help you, support the entire Qi State, be deceived by traitors, and be able to rely on you in the future..." "Father!" Yan Qingwan grabbed the man's big hand with her backhand, and said excitedly, "Don't say anything! There is still hope! As long as you find precious natural treasures, you will definitely be cured! Now that your brother is in charge of Qi State, he will definitely send people to find natural treasures..." When she said this, the eyes of the King of Qi became darker.

... Even if his good son really found natural treasures, would he be willing to offer them up, watch him recover, and compete with him for power in the future? This son is no longer reliable! "You saw it just now, your brother still cares about me? I only have you as my daughter now.

" Some secret thoughts turned, and the eyes of the King of Qi looking at his daughter became more gentle and loving.

Yan Qingwan didn't seem to notice his abnormality, but leaned against the father's bed more affectionately.

…This father and daughter, who probably hadn’t spoken so much in all these years, opened their hearts in the house and brought out their best acting skills. For a moment, there was a lot of warmth and affection, and all the knots in their past were untied.

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