"I didn't expect that Prince Qi's Mansion still had some wealth..." Yan Weilou drank from a pot of wine he took out of the flying boat and narrowed his eyes in contentment.

“If I had known earlier, I would have come to rob Prince Qi’s Mansion earlier.

"This flying boat was found from King Qi's private treasury. It is a masterpiece of ancient weapon refiners. It only needs to be regularly invested with spiritual stones to drive it.

Due to the lack of materials and the loss of technology, flying spiritual weapons that were popular in the past are now rare.

Lu Yiyu also had one before, and Yan Weilou also took a ride on it.

Since his rebirth, this is the first flying spiritual weapon that Yan Weilou has owned. Finally, he no longer has to rely on two legs to travel.

Although a great master can fly in the air, there are always times when he wants to be lazy.

——It is sad to say that Yan Weilou has conquered so many demonic sects and has browsed through their treasure houses, but he has never seen a single flying spiritual weapon.

After all, according to the previous situation where Dao eliminates demons and rises, which demon sect disciple dares to fly in a flying boat in the sky? Naturally, they don't collect flying spiritual weapons.

However, Su Xinghan had a sudden thought: "There are so many demons in the secret realm of the vast sea. There is no shortage of weapon refining materials, but there is no weapon refining inheritance.

Maybe give it a try? ” This reminded Yan Weilou.

...Yes, many refining techniques have been lost, and the fundamental reason is that the raw materials have become extinct.

The materials on demons are the necessary core for making many spiritual weapons. Since the demons disappeared from the vast land of China, those spiritual weapons no longer have raw materials, and the ancient weapon refiners will only follow the old tradition and do not know how to explore new materials and new materials. The secret recipe has led to the decline of this lineage.

But now, there is an almost endless supply of demons in the secret realm of the vast sea, and there is great potential for refining weapons using ancient methods.

Perhaps, this can also be used to completely subdue all the forces under his command and bring everyone back to their hearts.

"Mingguang is still thoughtful, but I ignored this.

" Yan Weilou smiled and praised, and then said, "...It seems that we will have to find a few weapon refiners in the future.

There are not many weapon refiners nowadays.

"Xu Xinghan said: "No need, I can do it.

" Yan Weilou looked at him in surprise: "...you? " "Um.

I can.

" It seems that he finally thought of a way to help Yan Weilou. His usually calm tone rose a little, and his eyes were filled with a faint light of excitement.

"I can even forge divine weapons.

"In this way, he is not at all distant, cold, or unattainable in the eyes of others. Instead, he is like a child who can't wait to present a gift, eagerly waiting for the smile on the face of the person receiving the gift.

People can't help but relax their hearts and be infected by this pure intention.

Yan Weilou couldn't help but smile, and made a solemn sword salute to him in a stern manner: "Okay, then I will leave it to you, my chief swordsmith.

"Chapter 132 Journey in the Sky (2) In the high and boundless sky, a little light and shadow quickly passed by, pushing away layers of clouds, carrying the vast blue sky, like a fish leaping in the sea, and the only sight was heaven and earth.

At some point, the clouds in the sky gradually became thinner, like a mirror covered with a layer of water mist being wiped clean bit by bit by an invisible hand, until finally, an extremely clean sky was revealed.

After walking forward a few miles, at the end of the two people's sight, layers of thick clouds gathered in the originally extremely pure sky. They were not ordinary clouds, but extremely rich spiritual energy.

The strong wind howled between the sky and the earth, and the spiritual energy that was so rich that it condensed into mist gathered together to form an illusory funnel-shaped vortex, which was like the eye of the sea in the storm.

In the center of the "sea eye", thunder and lightning flashed across from time to time, and the bright electric light split through the spiritual mist like a sharp sword, vaguely illuminating an illusory and hazy world.

There seems to be a roaring wind inside, ghosts wandering around, and endless evil energy trapped in it, constantly impacting the hazy boundary, as if it will break free at any time.

That is the forbidden land in heaven.

It is located at an altitude of three thousand meters above sea level, like a mirage projected in the sky, but it affects the surrounding areas for several miles, and the world and the world are in chaos.

Warriors who have entered the Tao don't even dare to approach at will, lest they be disturbed by chaotic spiritual ideas, causing imbalances in the body and chaos of true energy, ranging from serious injuries to ineffectiveness.

There is an invisible strong wind at an altitude of more than three thousand meters, which the flying spirit boat underfoot cannot resist. Moreover, this flying boat cannot fly to such a high altitude.

The two put away the boat and flew directly into the sky.

The strong wind blows against my face, and the higher it goes, the more chilling it hits my face. It is not just pure coldness, but also mixed with an aura of dead silence.

This coolness is pervasive, as if it wants to seep into all the limbs.

Yan Weilou noticed that this invisible force seemed to be targeting his soul, trying to freeze his soul inch by inch.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pull Su Xinghan to his side.

The energy and blood in Yan Weilou's body suddenly boiled, like burning firewood, and invisible "fire" suddenly emitted. It seemed as if a blazing torch was lit around the two of them in an instant, burning the evil-repelling energy around them.

The simplest way to deal with this kind of blocking energy is to use the power of human body's energy and blood to attack it.

This is one of the reasons why people with weak bodies are prone to evil spirits entering their bodies, but warriors with strong qi and blood are not afraid of demons and monsters.

At this time, Yan Weilou's body seemed to have a small burning stove, and the warmth was continuously transmitted from the palms of the two people's hands to Su Xinghan.

It caused his body temperature, which was always lower than that of ordinary people, to rise.

There seemed to be something vaguely screaming, and black air was bounced away from the two people, turning into wisps of smoke and dissipating in the air.

In this way, the two of them flew towards the mirage in the sky, and layers of black mist were constantly being bounced away by Yan Weilou with the power of his blood.

As it continued to rise, the surroundings became increasingly cold and biting. When the two of them penetrated the layer of clouds and mist where spiritual energy gathered, and came to the illusory boundary of the forbidden land in the sky, they were almost surrounded by resentment and evil spirits.

The surging spiritual energy in the sky is like a rewinding whirlpool, and the dense mist-like spiritual energy is excluded by a layer of illusory and hazy boundaries, like a cover covering the forbidden land in the sky.

The two of them were standing between this spiritual energy shield and the barrier of the forbidden land in the sky, surrounded by the cold-blocking black air that continuously seeped out from the barrier.

At this point, these obstructive energies such as evil spirit, resentment, and death energy finally no longer seeped pervasively into the bodies of the two of them, but instead drifted around randomly.

"We're finally here. Seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times.

" Yan Weilou looked at everything in front of him curiously.

"...Is this the forbidden land in the sky?" The palm was released, and the warmth disappeared. Su Xinghan rubbed his fingertips and pursed his thin lips.

Yan Weilou stretched out his hand to catch a wisp of invisible energy, felt it carefully for a while, and thought: "Blocking energy, evil energy, resentment, ghost energy... If you guessed correctly, this is a place of extraordinary spirits. I have seen it in ancient books. .

"The Land of Absolute Spirits cuts off the spiritual energy. I'm afraid it's not easy to enter here..." As he said that, he turned his head to look at Su Xinghan, his eyes suddenly startled.

The man in white has graceful and smooth lines running down his nose, outlining a picturesque profile.

The thick eyelashes were slightly drooped, and the clear pupils were slightly dazed due to trance. His pursed lips were a little more rosy, and the pale face was slightly bulging, as if he was sulking... Yan Weilou did something strange. He reached out and poked.

"Ahem!" After coming back to his senses, he subconsciously withdrew the troublesome hand and hid it behind his back.

As if this could be treated as if nothing had happened, and the childish behavior just now was not his.

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