The reason why he was so keen on finding the "Heaven Repairing Art" was not because he wanted to obtain a peerless magic skill like others, but because of his trust in himself.

He believed that this magic skill created by himself must have a deeper secret hidden in it, perhaps related to the truth of the past.

If the "Heaven Repairing Art" is really as simple as he guessed, this general outline is the most important part. He does not want to rely on others, but wants to get it back himself.

What's more, the rumors about the forbidden land in Tianzhong are so terrifying, and there may be reasons for them.

No one knows whether there is any danger in it. No matter how hard-hearted Yan Weilou is, he will not let Su Xinghan take the risk for him.

If possible, he actually wants to go alone.

And Su Xinghan will never agree.

Finally, after some discussion, they were completely unable to convince each other, so they decided to go in together.

The first thing to solve is the seal barrier with the two energies of life and death as the core outside the forbidden land in Tianzhong.

No one knows who set up this seal in the first place. It only distinguishes between life and death. The stronger the vitality, the more targeted the person is.

If Yan Weilou breaks in regardless of the consequences, let alone whether he can succeed, even if he succeeds in breaking through this barrier, at least 90% of his vitality will be devoured, and he will be seriously injured and dying instantly.

And he doesn't know how many dangers are waiting for him inside the barrier. He is seriously injured and weak. He will enter it without any defense and will have no power to resist.

This is clearly a ban on living people.

However, fortunately, Su Xinghan's special case gave Yan Weilou new inspiration.

As long as he is in a state of neither life nor death, seemingly real and virtual, he can naturally break through the seal barrier and enter the forbidden land in the sky.

——Isn't his vest this kind of existence? On the one hand, it is lifelike and no different from a real person. On the other hand, once the light blocking force is insufficient, or he himself has a thought, it will turn from real to virtual and disappear into nothingness.

Such a vest that is purely transformed by the light blocking force is naturally neither life nor death.

There was neither death nor life in his body.

Because his life and death depended on Yan Weilou's own thoughts.

With Yan Weilou's soul strength, it was already his limit to support his original body and four vests.

Fortunately, the vest "Yan Qingshuang" had been temporarily recovered not long ago, so he was not stretched to the limit.

In front of Su Xinghan, a golden flame suddenly burned in Yan Weilou's dark left eye.

The blazing flame formed a sundial-like pattern. In the center of the golden flame, an illusory pointer gently jumped with the flame, and it seemed that a golden flame was wandering in his dark pupil.

Under Su Xinghan's curious gaze, where the light golden flame shone, an illusory shadow slowly emerged in front of Yan Weilou. At first, it looked like a misty cloud. With the consumption of a large amount of light blocking power, this figure became more and more solid, and in the end it became exactly the same as Yan Weilou himself.

Dressed in black, with black hair casually scattered behind him, a face with sharp lines and deep dark pupils, he looks energetic, confident and proud, and there is a dazzling brilliance between his lazy eyebrows that cannot be looked at.

This time, just to explore the forbidden land in Tianzhong, Yan Weilou was too lazy to create a new vest, and temporarily wove a temporary incarnation, which would be recycled on the spot after use.

But looking at the incarnation that was exactly the same as his own, he still had a strange and subtle feeling in his heart.

Su Xinghan looked at this one and that one, with curiosity and expectation flashing in his eyes, and a smile with a bit of surprise, showing the true nature of the sea king.

His eyes were slightly curved: "Two A Yan..." Yan Weilou: "???" ... Curiosity is fine, but what are you looking forward to and surprised about? I always feel that you have some fantasy that you shouldn't have, Orz.

In Su Xinghan's smiling eyes, Yan Weilou felt an unprecedented embarrassment.

He quickly stepped aside and entered the turbulent spiritual energy tide outside, then sat down cross-legged and began to practice at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

The temporary incarnation looked at Su Xinghan and took the lead to the sealed barrier: "Okay, let's go."

Yan Weilou's guess was correct.

This time, he really did not encounter any obstacles, as if he had penetrated a real water curtain, and the whole person easily entered the barrier.

Su Xinghan glanced at Yan Weilou's original body who had already started practicing, then forced down the corners of his lips, said "um", and followed behind.

He walked forward slowly, his figure sank into the water curtain little by little, and the last corner of his snow-white clothes disappeared completely.

· Yan Weilou originally thought that the forbidden land in Tianzhong was similar to the secret land of the vast sea, and it would be a brand new small world after entering.

But the fact is that as soon as he stepped into the barrier, his consciousness sank, as if he had completely fallen asleep under the influence of some force. When Yan Weilou woke up, he found himself lying on a thatched mat.

Surrounded by a very simple house, there was a big hole in the roof above his head. Through the big hole, he could still see the sky covered with a layer of black fog.

And Su Xinghan was nowhere to be found.

A big question mark popped up in his head. Yan Weilou slowly stood up, checked his body, and found nothing wrong. He looked around the thatched house again, and found nothing.

It was simply poor and clean, and it was clear.

So he pushed the door and walked out.

What appeared in front of Yan Weilou was a dilapidated mountain village. Almost every household looked equally poor, the kind that even robbers would not be willing to patronize.

Every house looked empty, and there was no one around, dead silent and deserted.

Before he could figure out the situation, he suddenly heard a panicked shout from the entrance of the village: "It's bandits! Bandits are coming! Hide quickly!!" Several villagers ran in from the entrance of the village in a panic. The houses that were empty just now immediately rushed out of hundreds of villagers, men and women, old and young, all running out in a panic.

There was also an old man passing by Yan Weilou and shouted: "Goudan, why are you still stupid here? Bandits are coming, why don't you run!!!" Yan·Goudan·Weilou: "???????" Dust rose at the entrance of the village, and a cavalry in red helmets and armor suddenly rushed in, with their horses' hooves raised high, directly rushed into the crowd, and slashed down mercilessly.

The village was suddenly flooded with blood.

At this time, Yan Weilou suddenly found that his body seemed to be suppressed by some invisible rules, becoming as weak as an ordinary person. He even turned around and ran before he made a decision. It was like an NPC body that he could not control at all, mixed in a group of NPCs, running for his life.

Ordinary people with two legs certainly cannot outrun four-legged horses.

The end is obvious.

Sure enough, half a minute later, the sound of horse hooves sounded behind him, and in the splashing blood, Yan Weilou's consciousness darkened again and sank completely.

When he woke up again, it was the same scene as before, appearing in the thatched house.

This time, Yan Weilou did not go out rashly, but sat quietly on the bed to analyze.

"According to the "plot" that happened before, this village will be bloodbathed in about five minutes.

Although my body is still my own, it must have changed in appearance to others.

It is estimated that I have taken on the identity of an ordinary villager, Goudan..." Thinking of this down-to-earth name, Yan Weilou was silent for a while.

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