"...Ayan?" The curtain of the sedan chair was opened by a plain white hand, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone down, reflecting on a face that was as beautiful as a fairy and unreal.

No matter how the fantasy changed and what roles they took on, the two of them still looked and dressed as they were in each other's eyes.

But against the backdrop of the crimson curtains around him, the man who always wore only white clothes actually had an unearthly beauty.

The two looked at each other.

Yan Weilou put away the robbery and suddenly smiled: "...It seems that he is really going to be a bride-stealing bully.

"The moment he saw this person, for some reason, Yan Weilou's previous eagerness and impatience disappeared. He was no longer so eager to break through the illusion, but instead had the heart to appreciate the plot of this illusion.

His tense heartstrings relaxed, and a relaxed smile appeared on his lips.

Immediately, he waved to the younger brothers around him, like a real bandit leader: "Brothers, come on!" In the wilderness, many bandits swarmed up, and the young man in black tapped his toes and took the lead. It rises like a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss.

His clear and broad laughter could be heard in the wind.

"The bride is being snatched! Keep the groom!" Accompanied by laughter, the black shadow leaped up like a black dragon emerging from Xiu Xiu. The wind swept away a group of intercepting guards and headed straight towards the sedan chair like a strong wind.

The sedan door was wide open, and pieces of silk were flying like flowers and rain. Yan Weilou and the person in the sedan looked at each other, and in his clear and soft eyes, he saw himself smiling happily and high-spirited.

Su Xinghan stretched out his hand towards him.

He grabbed it with ease and picked up the person who didn't resist at all.

The crimson sedan curtain spread out like petals, and two figures, one black and one white, suddenly flew out from it.

Finally successfully meeting up with Su Xinghan, a certain bandit leader who committed the act of robbing a bride in broad daylight showed a cheerful smile: "...No matter what the original plot of this fantasy is, now I declare that the bully and the groom... .

"Chapter 134 Journey to Heaven (4) Yan Weilou's random behavior on a whim is obviously not the correct direction for the fantasy plot.

So, of course, the moment he landed on the ground with Su Xinghan in his arms, the entire illusion slowly turned dark like a game about to be refreshed.

Seeing that the second round was about to happen again, Yan Weilou's eyes turned cold, his fingertips moved slightly, and a wisp of dark white flame came out with a "chi" sound.

This scorching flame cannot bring any warmth to people. Instead, there is a terrifying chill that seems to freeze the soul.

As if sensing a threat, the illusion that was about to go dark suddenly ended like a laggy game screen. The dim sunset glow had long been replaced by half-done darkness. At this moment, the entire world faded into a dim and gray color.

The sound of joy had long since stopped, and the funeral procession and bandits had disappeared without notice, leaving only the lonely and empty sedan chair in the middle. The crimson curtains fluttered in the strong wind, becoming the only color in this gray world.

This scene looked a little weird and sad in a different way.

“This illusion is unusual.

"Xu Xinghan had been quietly watching the crimson curtain swaying in the wind, and suddenly said, "It's different from anything I've encountered before.

"As he spoke, the faint breath between his nostrils touched the side of Yan Weilou's neck, bringing a moist warmth.

This is a distance that no one has ever come close to.

Yan Weilou's skin felt like electricity was flowing through his skin. Only then did he realize that the two of them were so close just now, and his left hand was still on Su Xinghan's waist.

He almost subconsciously retracted his hand and took a step back, exhaling deeply, and then calmed down the emotional ups and downs that even he himself was not aware of at that moment.

He looked at Su Xinghan as naturally as possible and asked curiously: "What's different? What did you find?" Su Xinghan quietly curled his lips and smiled, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, his expression returned to calmness, and he analyzed it seriously, as if he didn't notice Yan Weilou's gaffe just now.

"I have cracked several illusions before, and usually I will come back after dying once. Only one of the environments is more special..." There was a bit of humor in Su Xinghan's tone: "The owner of that illusion is a Rich businessman..." At that time, he appeared on the street as soon as the game started. When he didn't know the situation, he naturally let his body continue to move forward. Unexpectedly, he only walked a few steps and nothing happened. His vision went dark and he started over. Passed.

"...Later I found out that there was a bunch of silver on the ground at the feet of the wealthy businessman at the beginning. Because I didn't pick it up every time, the illusion started from scratch..." And the real obsession of that illusion was actually to catch up He successfully saved his family before his rival destroyed his family.

As for the piece of silver that fell by the foot, it is equivalent to a dispensable subplot in the main plot of the game, and it is not important at all.

However, after his death, this man was obsessed with saving people, but he still didn't forget the piece of silver he missed before. He had to pick it up in order to continue the main plot.

It can be seen that this stinginess has been deeply rooted in my bones, and I will never forget it even after I die.

When Yan Weilou heard him talk about the obsessive soul, he felt a bit dumbfounded, but he also understood what Su Xinghan wanted to express.

Although it is not clear what his obsession is in the fantasy of a mountain village murder that Yan Weilou experienced before, it is obviously allowed to make various attempts. Every time Yan Weilou dies, a new episode will be refreshed.

But the illusion where "you have to pick up the silver on the ground" to continue is obviously different.

Even after his death, this obsessive soul never forgot the piece of silver he missed when he rushed home to save others, which shows how persistent he was.

He thought thoughtfully: "Mingguang, what you mean is that this fantasy is the same. We must ensure the smoothness of the bride-to-be team before it can continue?" "Well, it is indeed a bit different from other fantasy..." A total of Someone who had only tried it seriously a few times in an illusion, and who had completely physicalized and violently cracked it all the way, looked thoughtful and said with a very experienced look, "According to what you said, as long as this life is still there, the illusion will not It will restart so easily.

"After all, even if the bandits succeed in snatching the bride, there might be a heroic hero who appears, successfully counterattacks, and snatches the bride back again!" Even if there are no masters in this illusion, maybe I, a bandit, am actually kind-hearted and just want to admire the groom’s appearance and put you back in the sedan chair safe and sound? " He teased and winked at Su Xinghan, his expression extremely relaxed.

"Also, the bridegroom is so charming that he might be seduced by him, and he might be able to recruit bandits to surrender, and become the escort of the bride-to-be escort.

"Xu Xinghan's face turned slightly hot, and he showed a rare hint of embarrassment: "...No way.

" He whispered softly in a very low voice, and Yan Weilou didn't hear it clearly, and he was still writing the script in an imaginative way.

After casually talking about several directions, Yan Weilou shook his head: "This obsessed soul is too unimaginative. Just seeing the groom being robbed, I have to start all over again.

Little do we know that there are many more possibilities.

" Yan Weilou just snatched the person out of the sedan chair, and the illusion was restarted directly, leaving no room for him to use various wonderful scripts.

This made Yan Weilou a little disappointed.

Obviously, his behavior has touched a direction that is unacceptable to the soul of obsession.

Perhaps this interrupted wedding is where his obsession lies? I just don’t know who is the subject of the soul of obsession? Is it the groom who resents being robbed of his bride and ruined his whole life, so he weeps silently all day long, and will never forget it until his death; or is he a bandit who enjoys robbing his bride now, but later regrets that he should not have robbed her, crying and shouting that he just wants to send him away?

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