A strange and young male voice came over in a low voice, but it was not very clear because it was separated by a wall.

"I am not the person that fellow Taoist is looking for.

" Yan Weilou brushed away the slight disappointment that suddenly flashed in his heart, and immediately realized that this was the first time he met someone who was sane and able to communicate in the illusion, and immediately seized the opportunity: "You are? "After a moment of silence, the young man's weak but polite voice came: "In Xiayuan Daoyi, I accidentally entered this place in June of the eighth year of Jingtai. I wonder how long it has been since the outside world? What year and month is it? "" Taishang Dao Sect Dao Ziyuan Daoyi? Yan Weilou immediately became interested, "Why are you here?" "The forbidden land in the sky is not an ordinary place. The sealing barrier outside is enough to stop strangers. Just saying "entered by mistake" may not make sense.

Combining the experience of the other party in his previous life, Yan Weilou easily guessed the truth and exposed it unceremoniously: "He entered by mistake? He was forced into this place, right?" Wasn't this Taoist plotted by Qi Hongyu in his previous life, but he didn't die? In the forbidden area of ​​​​the sky, but near the Corpse Bone Forest, the corpse was later refined into a Corpse Master by the disciples of the Zukui Sect who did not know the inside story, which directly triggered a war between the Taishang Taoist Sect and the Zukui Sect.

Yan Weilou had never met him, but seeing this person who had been worse off than himself was rare and he didn't feel disgusted at all.

After being exposed by Yan Weilou bluntly, Yuan Daoyi was very good at cultivating qi, and his calm tone did not change much: "The scandal of the master's sect made fellow Taoists laugh.

But how did fellow Taoist know this? Could it be that that person has been exposed? "I'm afraid not. Maybe there will be a chance to inherit your position as Taoist disciple in the future."

"Yan Weilou said calmly, "It's September now, and it's only been three months since you disappeared. The news hasn't spread in the world yet. Except for the Taishang Taoist Sect, no one else knows anything yet.

" At this point, he changed his tone: "Oh, by the way, a few days ago, the Taishang Dao Sect changed from its usual low-key behavior and cooperated with the other two holy places to deal with the Beidou Demon Palace. I don't know if there was a misunderstanding? " There were various hints in Yan Weilou's tone, which made Yuan Dao clenched his fingers unconsciously, and thought to himself: "The master of the sect has always ignored worldly affairs and only focused on exploring the way of heaven. How could he suddenly be keen on eliminating demons and defending the way? ? Could it be that I was misled into thinking that Beidou Demon Palace was secretly harming me..." Yan Weilou was not just talking casually.

Thinking about the period when Du Jiuyou suddenly went crazy everywhere, it does match Yuan Daoyi's disappearance.

If Qi Hongyu was smart, he would have just put it on Du Jiuyou's head, and Du Jiuyou, who was in a state of madness, could not defend himself - perhaps even he himself did not know what he had done and killed when he was mad. who.

Separated by a wall, Yuan Daoyi sighed softly, his eyes as clear as a mirror: "Junior brother Qi, I didn't expect you to hide your thoughts so deeply..." He turned to look at the wall in front of him and knocked lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, my fellow Taoist should be a member of the devil's path, right?" Yan Weilou didn't expect him to be so sharp.

In just a few sentences, I even knew this.

Then I thought of the deeds of Yuan Daoyi - the innate Taoist body, the youngest grandmaster to enter the Tao before Yan Weilou was born, and he understood the laws of heaven just like eating and drinking.

There must be something extraordinary about such a person.

Yan Weilou admitted it directly and asked curiously: "...Since I know that I am a seeker of the devil's way, and I am a friend of the same way, why can't I be called a Taoist friend?" Yan Weilou chuckled lightly, neither agreeing nor refuting.

This Taoist disciple of the Taishang Taoist Sect is not as boring as the rumors say.

However, if his words spread, the countless righteous young heroes who regard him as the idol of the younger generation will probably become disillusioned.

The two communicated for a while, and Yan Weilou lowered his guard a little, exchanged names with him, and then asked Yuan Daoyi: "Since you came in a few months ago, have you discovered anything? How can you crack this?" Endless fantasy?" Although he asked this, Yan Weilou didn't have much hope for him.

Judging from the fact that Yuan Daoyi opened his mouth to ask what year and month, he was obviously confused by this illusion, and he didn't even know how long he spent in it.

To his surprise, Yuan Daoyi really provided some information that Yan Weilou didn't know: "I wonder if you have discovered that this place is more real than the original illusions. If you stay there for a long time, you will still feel hungry... because here It is the boundary between reality and reality. If you break through this layer, you can reach the real forbidden land in the sky.

"As he said this, he revealed his findings one by one.

"...According to my guess, there should be a consciousness controlling the illusion behind these obsessive souls. It is found that too many obsessive souls have been permanently eliminated, and the illusion has also been permanently destroyed. In order to avoid further losses, external sources will be The prisoners were directly transferred here and imprisoned.

" Hearing what he said, Yan Weilou immediately thought of the illusions that he had destroyed with his tribulation fire, as well as Su Xinghan's action of directly killing the soul of obsession, and felt that it made sense.

If there really was a manager behind all the illusions, seeing them wreaking havoc, he would definitely not let them continue, but would isolate them and protect the remaining souls of obsession.

——Obviously, this seemingly peaceful, indifferent, and good-tempered Taoist is not really that harmless.

He also took an unconventional approach and used violent methods to crack the illusion, so that he was imprisoned here early.

There will be no hunger in the illusion, but this place is neither real nor illusory, and there is no spiritual energy replenishment between heaven and earth. Even if the great master who has entered the Dao has abundant true energy and self-sufficient spiritual energy in his body, it is no wonder that Yuan Daoyi's voice is consumed if it is consumed without going out. It sounds so weak.

Well, in this way, everything makes sense.

Yan Weilou did not doubt that Yuan Daoyi deliberately tricked him.

After all, it was a fact that Yuan Daoyi was forced into the forbidden land in Tianzhong, and it was also a fact that he could not get out by himself, and he needed help.

Even if the other party was two-faced and scheming, at least, he who needed Yan Weilou's help at this stage would definitely show the greatest sincerity.

Sure enough, the next moment Yuan Daoyi stated his purpose: "I know where to leave, but my strength alone is far from enough, and I need fellow Taoists to help together."

Yan Weilou agreed without hesitation: "No problem, but I have to find someone first."

After listening to Yuan Daoyi's analysis, Yan Weilou was more certain that this was indeed not the illusion before, and Su Xinghan must have been imprisoned here, but he didn't know which cell he was in.

There was a noise from the cell next door, and soon, a strange young man appeared at the door of Yan Weilou's cell.

This man looked like a young man, wearing a white Taoist robe and a black outer robe. His long black hair was tied up with only a wooden hairpin. He looked solemn, cheerful and upright.

Although he was a little weak, his temperament was indifferent and detached, which made people ignore his appearance at a glance and only notice his eyes that were black and white and as calm as water.

Yuan Daoyi, with a Taoist posture, pried open the lock of the prison door with a few strokes. This neat and skillful unlocking action surprised Yan Weilou.

The prison cells here look ordinary, but they are not.

Especially the door lock. Yan Weilou only took a glance and could see that there were three layers of formation restrictions on it.

If he spent some time studying, he should be able to crack it.

But like Yuan Daoyi, he opened it with just one look, Yan Weilou thought he couldn't do it.

Yan Weilou didn't say much and walked out of the cell to meet him.

The dim light shone on him, and Yuan Daoyi finally saw the appearance of the boy clearly.

The same simple black robe appeared on this young man, as deep and unfathomable as the night. He had an overly handsome face. Although the slightly raised corners of his lips diluted the sharpness of his facial features, making him look bright and easy-going, Yuan Daoyi still felt an inexplicable danger.

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