The gray sea of ​​fog that was originally so dense that it obscured all vision was now directly penetrated by the forest-white flames, as if a small hole had been shot directly through the hard stone. The mist burned directly through it, dragging an invisible air track in mid-air.

The gray mist that was supposed to corrode everything was instead corroded by the Heavenly Tribulation Fire and burned directly into nothingness.

"...It's really useful!" Both of them couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on Yan Weilou's lips, "This is easy, I know how we should go in.

"... In the thick gray sea of ​​fog, a ball of pale white light shone slightly. The two people wrapped in the center of the light moved forward in the sea of ​​fog at an unhurried speed, as if they were sailing on a boat in the deep sea.

Around the two people, there were wisps of forest white flames flying up and down, and the bright tail flames were extremely gorgeous.

The dots of flames surrounded the two people in the center like fireflies. Wherever the flames passed, the gray mist retreated and bright light shone.

A small circle was burned three feet around the two people.

As the barrier composed of flames moved forward, the two people continued to shuttle through the sea of ​​fog.

Xu Xinghan looked at the flames flying around with some surprise, and after a long time he sighed softly: "It's beautiful.

" He stretched out his hand and passed his slender fingers through the gaps in the flames, as if to catch the flames that filled the sky. The light spots were reflected in his eyes as clear as glass.

Surrounded by endless gray fog, only this three-foot area was lit by flames. The bright light reflected his black hair, his snow-white clothes, and the light curve of his lips.

At this moment, he himself has become a beautiful sight in the eyes of others.

A moment of surprise flashed in Yan Weilou's eyes, and then he frowned, grabbed Su Xinghan's disobedient hand, and scolded: "Don't be careless!" Su Xinghan looked over blankly, with a With a somewhat helpless expression, Yan Weilou did not soften his tone at all, but warned sternly: "The Heavenly Abyss Tribulation Fire burns nothing, and even I can't change its characteristics, so don't be careless.

"This was the first time he was so serious, with a bit of sternness.

Xu Xinghan responded, looking a little absent-minded.

Letting Yan Weilou hold one hand, he touched his heart blankly with the other hand.

Just for a moment, the place suddenly jumped very fast and fiercely.

That heavy sound still echoes in Su Xinghan's ears.

——He knew that was not his own feeling.

He quietly opened his eyelashes, glanced at the young man whose stern face had not faded, and curved the corners of his lips in a small arc.

Compared with the past, this arc has a bit of subtle cunning and joy, like a child who has eaten candy secretly, even the snickering is a bit sweet.

After Yan Weilou gave a warning, he saw Su Xinghan's expression was blank, as if he had been lectured at a loss. After that, he didn't respond for a long time, so he subconsciously stopped talking, and he couldn't help but start to reflect on whether his tone just now was too harsh. some.

Also, Mingguang was willing to take risks for him and come to the forbidden land in the sky together. He had suffered so much in the illusion before, so how could he be so harsh on him? Subconsciously ignoring someone's feat of shattering countless illusions not long ago, the aura around Yan Weilou gradually became calmer and gentler.

He coughed twice and then looked at Su Xinghan: "I didn't think carefully just now. In fact, Mingguang, you don't have to be so careful. You can trust my strength.

As long as I pay more attention and control every ray of flame, I will never hurt you at all.

"Xu Xinghan looked at him blankly again, the curvature of the corners of his lips deepened, and even the corners of his eyes curled up.


I believe you.

" He responded in a low voice, with a bright light shining in his pupils, and the face that seemed to be carved by ice and snow completely melted into the gentle smile like the spring breeze.

Yan Weilou couldn't help but smile, and breathed out softly in his heart, feeling inexplicably relaxed.

...Sure enough, this is the correct way to respond.

The worst thing is, just focus more on controlling those flames to prevent them from hurting Mingguang.

He gave himself a thumbs up and walked forward with ease, ready to control every ray of flame around him with distraction.

However, such an opportunity never appeared after that—Xu Xinghan remained extremely calm all the way back, with no intention of reaching out to stir up the flames.

This also made Yan Weilou worry a lot.

The visibility in this foggy sea was extremely low. Except for the small area illuminated by the fire, the other areas were still covered in invisible dense fog. The two could only rely on the surrounding firelight to grope their way forward in the thick fog.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden "click" under his feet. Yan Weilou looked down and saw that one of his feet was stepping on a few bones.

He leaned down and took a serious look, and was slightly surprised: "...the bones are as clear as jade, the bone marrow is as crystal clear as mercury, and there are faint traces of Dao left... Are these the remains of heavenly beings?!" Chapter 140 Journey to Heaven (10) Again and again After identification, Yan Weilou confirmed that this was indeed the remains left by a heavenly saint - with cultivation reaching the realm of heavenly beings, even the bones in the body would transform to a level unimaginable to mortals, and the appearance seemed as clear as jade. In fact, it contains Dao marks and is as solid as iron stone.

Even if a deity dies and his flesh and blood decays over time, the jade bones in his body can still remain immortal for at least a thousand years.

"I didn't expect that even heavenly beings had fallen here..." This complete corpse was clearly buried in the soil at the foot of Yanwei Tower, and it was not deep.

Only one hand bone is faintly exposed.

After Yan Weilou confirmed the situation, he did not exhume the corpse. He frantically destroyed the peace of others after death. He just shook his head and sighed twice.

However, it was rare for him to give him such face this time, but Wu Hai didn't seem to give him much face.

Just as he was about to lift his feet and leave, a cold hand suddenly bounced up from the ground and blocked one of his legs as he was about to step out.

——It is the hand bones that are as crystal clear as jade and as white as porcelain.

In the dense and obstructive gray mist, the skeletal hand that was originally lying on the ground suddenly stood upright under the influence of inexplicable force, and happened to hit the foot of Yan Wei Tower. It looked like a fake corpse.

This sudden turn of events was like the prelude to some supernatural movie, but Yan Weilou was just stunned for a second. Before even emotions such as surprise and astonishment could be expressed on his face, he stepped lightly with his other foot.

"Ka-" Although the remains of the Heavenly Man were not easily destroyed, such a simple skeleton obviously could not pose any threat to Yan Weilou. He was directly trampled to the ground and rolled to the side.

As if he had just stepped over a stumbling block lying on the road, Yan Weilou looked calm, and his steps forward unhurriedly were not even interrupted.

"What was that... evil spirit and residual thoughts just now?" After walking for a while, Su Xinghan, who had been thinking about the man's remains since he saw it, suddenly spoke with hesitation.

“French things have spirits, and millet things have thoughts.

There have been such sayings since ancient times.

Seeing Yan Weilou's confusion, he explained seriously, "As you know, Ayan, the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, magical weapons and rare objects can all give birth to spirituality. If the spirituality is enough and the opportunity is enough, the spiritual race will be born."

This is the spirit of gods.

As for obscurities giving rise to thoughts, it's just the opposite..." Jiwu refers to the remains and bones of people who have died for many years, or the weapons and personal belongings they have used for a long time... This kind of thing, under certain conditions of the right time and place, , being eroded by resentment and evil spirits for many years, residual thoughts will be formed on them, and this residual thoughts can temporarily control those Ji objects.

"...Then isn't this a different kind of resurrection from the dead?" Yan Weilou was surprised at first, then shook his head, overturning his previous statement, "That's not right. According to you, it is the residual thoughts caused by resentment. Even if the corpse does regain consciousness, it is no longer the same person as before.


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