But the whole process was extremely long, accompanied by severe pain, which was equivalent to smashing the bones and flesh and blood and putting them back together again.

Big drops of sweat broke out from Yan Weilou's head.

It wasn't until the dark night gradually began to glow with white light that the injuries in Yan Weilou's body were mostly healed, and the broken bones grew back together.

A thin layer of flesh and blood re-covered the original wound... He took out a brand new robe from the Qiankun Ring, put it on his body, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

The moonlight that had not yet faded and the looming sunlight fell on him at the same time. The young man's crow-feather-like hair drifted wildly along with the dark grandmother, and his pale face was still spattered with a few drops of blood.

It added a cold and indifferent temperament to his whole person.

He reached out and gently touched the blade.

"Ahem..." After spitting out the last bit of blood accumulated in his chest, Yan Weilou felt much relieved, "I haven't been so embarrassed for a long time.

” The worship of a half-step celestial being from Beimo alone is certainly not enough to seriously injure Yan Weilou to such an extent.

Last night, he was attacked by four people at the same time, two great masters who were at the pinnacle of Taoism, and two powerful practitioners who had half-stepped beyond the boundary between heaven and man.

If it were anyone else, facing this kind of formation, they would probably have no choice but to wait for death.

However, Yan Weilou killed three people, broke through the siege, and walked the most powerful Bei Desert priest alive for nearly a thousand miles like a dog, and finally killed him.

"What happened? Someone from the Northern Desert actually got involved..." Thinking secretly in his heart, Yan Weilou's consciousness continued to settle, connecting with the released vests, trying to find an answer.

He didn't recognize the four people who attacked him yesterday. At most, some of them looked familiar. Maybe among them was a small figure whose previous life was erased by him. Only the one worshiped in the Northern Desert, because his dress was different from that of the Central Plains people, Yan Weilou recognized him at a glance. revealed the other party’s identity.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"...The post house was destroyed and the Northern Desert Mission was destroyed?" Yan Weilou repeated the message he received word by word, his eyes slightly cold.

Du Jiuyou has found out the whole story - just yesterday, near the Daheng Mountains, a group of demonic practitioners attacked a certain righteous mountain gate. I wonder if it was a side effect of the demonic exercises, and some of them were not strong-willed enough. The people in the demonic path were so furious that they slaughtered everyone in the surrounding area, including one of the post houses on the official road.

There was a delegation from the Northern Desert there, including a Northern Desert prince.

Fortunately, the last time Du Jiuyou went crazy, he went on a killing spree in the Daheng Mountains, slaughtering three mountains and nine villages, frightening many people.

Today, except for the mountain people deep in the mountains, the foothills have long been deserted, and many villagers have moved away.

Therefore, apart from the inn, the only unlucky people this time were a few passers-by.

And those demonic practitioners who were suspected of going crazy and suddenly going crazy were also wiped out by Dayong's army who came later.

But this move was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the two great dynasties of Beimo and Dayong, dragging both countries into the water who had been watching the drama from the sidelines.

"No wonder..." Yan Weilou finally understood why he was suddenly attacked, and why Beimo, who was supposed to be watching a show, took action, "...it seems that the other three are probably from Dayong.

"After receiving a message from Du Jiuyou for thousands of miles, Yan Weilou knew that not only himself, but Du Jiuyou was also attacked, and it was a celestial being like Pei Buming who took action personally, making the situation even more dangerous.

This time it happened too suddenly, and it first broke out in a remote place like the Daheng Mountains.

Even the intelligence from Xiaoyao Tower failed to be sent back in time. In addition, the demonic people who attacked the post house were completely wiped out and no one sent back the news. As a result, Yan Weilou was not informed of the situation at the first time and was attacked by surprise. caught off guard.

After all, the Beidou Demon Palace took longer to develop. Just before the attack by several heavenly beings, Du Jiuyou happened to receive the news from Anzi, and then hurriedly left the temporary residence, with several "little tails" behind him. .

While Yan Weilou was communicating with the consciousness of "Yan Wulun", he replied to Du Jiuyou through a thousand-mile voice transmission: "... He went crazy and attacked the post house? Does anyone believe this kind of thing?" Du Jiuyou naturally didn't believe it either.

"It is true that demonic skills tend to be eccentric, and when emotions are extreme, it is easy to go crazy. But it is just a small sect massacre. How can there be several great masters who have entered the Tao? They are so excited that they go crazy?" He sneered softly, “Once alive, twice familiar.

It’s not the first time that a clan has been massacred, so is it worth making a fuss about? "In his words, annihilating a sect is as easy as swatting a fly to death, because swatting a fly to death will make you go crazy and kill people with red eyes, which is simply unheard of in the world.

And the great master of the demonic path who can practice to the realm of Taoism, would he be so stupid and ignorant? Combining some specious clues from "Yan Wulun", Yan Weilou made a firm guess: "...that is, someone deliberately dragged Beimo and Dayong into the water and used them as guns.

"This is a clear conspiracy.

There are so many smart people in Beimo and Dayong. Even if someone realizes something is wrong, they will definitely take action for the sake of the face of the two countries.

What's more, not to mention Yan Weilou himself, Du Jiuyou's hiding place is also extremely secret. Even Yan Weilou, an ally, didn't know about it. How could Pei Buming and others be able to make such an accurate surprise attack? If no one else behind the scenes provided information. , Yan Weilou never believed it.

——As for this, it is also possible that the Dayong Dynasty found out on its own? If they really had such means, the Beidou Demon Palace would have been destroyed long ago. How could it still develop to this day? This method of being able to be traced no matter how hidden it was made a name pop up in Yan Weilou's mind - the Master of the Zhitian Pavilion.

In his previous life, he had witnessed the opponent's miraculous fortune-telling ability. Except for Yan Weilou's fortune-telling, which for some reason was ineffective, he was 100% accurate for others.

However, calculating the secrets will inevitably involve paying a huge price, so the opponent will not use their methods easily and must be ready to kill them all.

Just like Yan Weilou was trapped in the net of heaven and earth in the previous life, if the master of Zhitian Pavilion takes action, it means that he will be killed.

Although this speculation is a bit alarmist, it really has to be guarded against... Yan Weilou's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression solemn.

He once again sent a message across Jiuyou and told all the guesses in his mind.

After all, he is also a celestial saint and a giant demon. With Du Jiuyou's strength and character, he has made preparations in advance and should know how to deal with it.

And Yan Weilou is not alone here.

As soon as the thought came into his mind, Yan Weilou suddenly raised his head and looked at the white sky in the distance.

The dark smoke rolled across the sky, and a figure wrapped in a black robe seemed to shuttle through the illusory shadows. After several weird flashes, his figure crossed hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye, and passed in front of Yan Weilou. The shadow of a big tree faintly emerged.

“…It’s finally here.

" Yan Weilou took a look at the helper who suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face.

Chapter 145: Journey to Heaven (15) Forbidden Land in Heaven.

Yan Weilou's true form was attacked by two half-step heavenly beings who were at the top of the Dao. During the brutal fight, the incarnation had just communicated with Su Xinghan and explored a special area that he had never set foot in before.

When he stood up with satisfaction and was about to take Su Xinghan to explore the gray stone town in front of him, he had already killed the last enemy and fell to an unknown place with horrific injuries. On the island in the middle of the lake, healing began.

"Well -" Among the bones on the ground, Yan Weilou, who had just stepped into the stone town, immediately received the severe pain that came along his consciousness, which was continuous and gnawing at the marrow and bones.

A very light groan escaped from his lips subconsciously.

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