Rongfeng Pavilion suddenly appeared, deliberately imitating Xiaoyao Tower, and was suspected of buying people from the chamber of commerce inside Xiaoyao Tower; the Anqing Chamber of Commerce behind Rongfeng Pavilion and the disciples of the Beidou Demon Palace who haunted it; the old demon Tiankui had seen the fluctuating light with his own eyes The master of the palace entered the Ninth Princess Mansion; Mr. Shen had hinted before, intentionally or unintentionally, that the owner behind Rongfeng Tower was not simple; the Anqing Chamber of Commerce, which can spread all over Dayong without any trouble from the court... I am afraid that the owner behind this chamber of commerce is actually the Ninth Princess. Or the emperor himself.

The people in the Beidou Demon Palace reached some tacit understanding with them and hid here.

"I see.

"Yan Weilou suddenly nodded and gave the other party a happy surprise.

The man did not dodge and slowly closed his eyes with a relieved smile on his face. It seemed that dying like this was the greatest joy and satisfaction in his life.

Yan Weilou casually disposed of the horrific corpses on the ground, added some new fertilizer to the garden, and then stood up and left thoughtfully.

A light breeze ruffled the corners of his clothes, and the fragrance of the garden lingered around his back. The last trace of bloody smell also dissipated in the fragrance of flowers.

Everything is peaceful and beautiful.

·Rongfeng Pavilion.

This is a restaurant that has just recently become famous in Shengjing City, but anyone who knows the name of the Anqing Chamber of Commerce behind it will definitely not doubt whether this newly opened restaurant will end up in a mess due to poor management like many of its peers.

As night falls, the lanterns come on.

In a courtyard inside Rongfeng Pavilion that is not open to the public, lanterns are decorated, and the sound of singing and dancing can be heard all the time.

A beautiful girl wearing a light gauze dress swayed lightly, holding a silver tray, and various precious delicacies were presented to her like a flowing stream. The amber wine contained in an exquisite jade cup swayed gently as the girl moved.

They are like butterflies fluttering among the flowers, swimming back and forth between the tables, and their faint fragrance floats around, attracting people's reverie.

Although the banquet has not started yet, the atmosphere is peaceful.

Outside the small courtyard, two tall and burly men guarded the door like door gods, mercilessly driving away other guests who tried to come in.

In the middle of the night, the sound of carriages rolling was heard continuously, and carriages and horses came and went. In front of an alley only a few hundred meters away from Rongfeng Pavilion, a luxuriously decorated carriage drove slowly past, followed by two teams of Jingwang. Guard.

In the carriage, a wealthy businessman in brocade was arranging his clothes with a smile on his face. The carriage curtain suddenly shook slightly, as if a breeze had lifted it open.

Immediately afterwards, a figure flashed in.

A cold hand grabbed him mercilessly.

The guards outside the carriage and the driver were unaware of it. They dutifully guarded the carriage all the way to Rongfeng Pavilion and into the special courtyard in the back hall.

The two big men guarding the door of the yard stretched out their hands as usual: "Do you have an invitation for your distinguished guest?" The car curtain was opened, and the lazily voice of the young man said: "Of course there is.

"...In the courtyard, as delicacies were put on the table one after another, the banquet gradually filled up. If anyone who is familiar with the major business industries in Shengjing City comes here, they will find that everyone sitting at the banquet is a big business person. The president of the Chamber of Commerce and many other people who are closely related to the powerful people in Shengjing.

These people gathered here, naturally they were jealous of the profits that Xiaoyao Building had made in recent years, and wanted to join forces to take action - either Xiaoyao Building would let them get a share of the pie, or they would even take away their jobs.

The newly opened Rongfeng Pavilion is just a preliminary test.

"Who else hasn't arrived?" From the main seat, Chen Sansi, the boss of Rongfeng Pavilion, asked an ordinary-looking young man next to him in a low voice.

This is a distant cousin who came to him not long ago with a token. Although he is young, he is very capable. In a short period of time, he was given the important task of Chen Sansi.

The young man glanced across the table and said, "There are also President Zhu from the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce and President Chen from the Shuncheng Chamber of Commerce..." The pot-bellied Chen Sansi nodded slightly, pretending to be noble.

Jiang Xuan was reporting the list seriously, but in his heart Jiang Xuan felt extremely aggrieved.

He suppressed his anger, a ferocious light flashed from the corner of his eyes, and his face still looked honest and responsible.

...If he had just taken the medicine and left, now there is no need to pretend to be a grandson here.

It was also his fault that he was too greedy and wanted to control the power of the Beidou Demon Palace in order to please his master who was always trying to stop him.

So I worked hard to get into the core of the Chamber of Commerce, but it was easy to get in but difficult to get out.

——There are surprisingly many masters here. If he shows any signs of weakness, he may have no choice but to go out sideways today.

Thinking of the days he spent working hard for the Anqing Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Xuan felt aggrieved.

Especially the fat pig next to him who was acting pretentious and bossing him around. When he found an opportunity to escape, he would definitely shave off all the fat from his body! Jiang Xuan secretly sneered, and while he was thinking about Baiba Tuzhong's tricks in his mind, he heard a loud bang from the door, and then, two figures flew in hard, directly hitting the pillar next to him, and fell to the ground. .

There was a burst of exclamation during the banquet.

The guards brought by the big businessmen stood up immediately.

"Who! Dare to act wild in Rongfeng Pavilion?" Chen Sansi was shocked and angry.

“You don’t change your name when you’re working, and you don’t change your surname when you sit down.

"With a burst of arrogant laughter, a figure walked in directly and kicked away those who were blocking the way.

"I'm here to meet you, General Xuan of Zuokui Gate, for an appointment.

"In the crowd, Jiang Xuan stood up pretending to be panicked: ??? The author has something to say: Jiang Xuan: Why are you wearing my vest? #最#新#网#地址# find#回#… …6u6u6u.ㄈòМ#最新#新#网#地址# bz2021.ㄈòМ Chapter 19 Dong Feng Yun (3) “I’m here to keep the appointment.

"The voice that suddenly sounded was hoarse and low, with a hint of coldness.

It's like the first frost and snow falling, making everyone around you feel a bit cold involuntarily.

At the same time as the sound fell, a gust of wind seemed to blow in the noisy courtyard.

Under the dim moonlight, a young man who had never been seen before appeared in front of everyone with the light evening wind and hazy black mist.

There was a cold smile on Zurou's handsome face.

He was wearing a black robe, and the bottom of the robe seemed to be burning with ghost fire; his messy long hair was scattered on his shoulders, and there were a few strands of silver in the jet black.

The evening breeze was bleak, and his clothes and hair were flying freely in the evening breeze.

This young man, who looked like he was no more than a wealthy man, had just appeared, and his strange aura overwhelmed everyone.

The faint black mist was like the wailing of thousands of remnant souls, and the sound of the wailing of thousands of ghosts could be heard around him.

——This kind of vision is clearly unique to those who have successfully practiced Xuansha Jue, one of the three sacred scriptures of Zukuimen.

Anyone with a little knowledge can confirm his identity.

Zhen Jiangxuan, who stood up from the table in shock, could no longer hide the expression on his face. His eyes were fixed on the fake that suddenly appeared in front of him, and his heart was filled with unspeakable complex emotions.

Anyone who sees a guy who suddenly appears and pretends to be himself, clearly has the same appearance as himself, but his charm and temperament have been greatly enhanced out of thin air, as if he had taken some medicine. It is like a three-dimensional beauty gap. In contrast, Now, he looks more like a fake... I'm afraid they all have the same mood as General Xuan.

Could it be that the legendary pirated version overwhelms the genuine version, with fans forcing the official version to death? Jiang Xuan, who had an ordinary face, felt very subtle when he looked at this person who had used his appearance to 200% advantage.

...Not only that, even the vision of the "Xuansha Jue" on the opponent's body was extremely realistic. This guy who suddenly appeared was really well prepared, and it seemed that he was determined to put the blame on him.

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