Chunyu Ying stepped forward to activate the mechanism, and the thick stone door slowly slid open.

“This is the sword-making pool.

"As soon as he stepped into the palace, an invisible wave of heat hit his face, layer upon layer. The extremely hot breath made people feel as if they were on top of a volcano, and it felt like even the skin and bones were about to be melted.

Gulu gulu... Yan Weilou looked over as Chunyu Ying pointed.

I saw a very eye-catching magma pool in the center of the palace. The pool was surging with red "magma" as red as fire. The red magma was boiling and bubbles emerged one after another. In the rolling heat wave, something similar to sulfur spewed out. The smell is extremely pungent.

"So familiar..." Yan Weilou didn't even bother to look at the condition of the person in his arms, and couldn't help but stretch out a hand to touch his forehead.

——His brain buzzed, as if being hit by a heavy hammer, and countless memory fragments vibrated.

Chapter 160 Ring of Time (10) The heat wave is rolling, and in the blood-red sword-making pool, the hot molten water surges in the angry flames, like crimson dragons, setting off waves in the crimson ocean.

Hot white air filled the palace.

Like an erupting volcanic crater, in the sword-making pool filled with red lava, a long sword floats and sinks.

The sword body is as bright as autumn water, with light golden lines spreading from the hilt to the tip of the sword.

Like the fine veins of leaves, or human meridians and blood vessels.

Invisible "qi" is absorbed from the hilt of the sword, and along the light golden lines, it is continuously transmitted to every part of the sword body, constantly nourishing the edge of the divine sword.

And this "qi" comes from Su Xinghan.

In the sky above the sword-making pool, the man in white was sleeping quietly.

Bright formation rays of light surrounded him, forming an invisible bed beneath him.

It is difficult for ordinary people to see it with the naked eye, but the Grand Master's soul can capture the countless strands of air that are constantly emanating from his body and flowing towards the morning and evening divine sword below, making his sword body more and more bright and attractive.

But Xu Xinghan's expression became increasingly pale.

Chunyu Ying controlled the sword-making pool, and wisps of molten magma were immediately separated, turning into thin red lines that traveled around the divine sword, and invisible energy fluctuations were fed back.

As he continued to control the sword-making pool and refine the divine sword with the molten water in the pool, he also became more and more familiar with the structure of the morning and evening divine sword.

Yan Weilou didn't know when he appeared beside him.

Chunyu Ying was so devoted that he didn't even bother to see him.

During this period, Yan Weilou's behavior was extremely abnormal.

Ever since he came to the sword-making pool that day, the other party has been in a state of confusion and trance from time to time, and he often wanders around the underground palace. His posture is more natural than the master Chunyu Ying.

Now, I don’t know which palace I came back from.

Yan Weilou was happy not to be disturbed and sat aside.

His mind was divided into two. While paying attention to the situation of Su Xinghan above the sword-making pool, he continued to piece together the memory fragments in his mind, trying to figure out what happened to him.

Those broken memory fragments were almost disconnected, as if a book had been torn apart, leaving only discontinuous pages, so that Yan Weilou's recall of the experience was extremely bad.

After piecing together these days, he only had a vague impression - I'm afraid he is not from this era, and should come from the distant future. As for how many years in the future he came from, and for what reason... Well, I can't remember. .

He must have visited this underground palace in the future. When he walked through those palaces, many familiar scenes flashed by.

He vaguely saw that at the end of the picture, he became the master of this place, and a group of subordinates who didn't look like good people were obediently prostrating themselves on the ground.

...Could he be a big devil in the future? Thinking back to the "yuan" that was "gentle, kind, generous and just" in Su Xinghan's description, Yan Weilou couldn't help but fall silent.

Could it be that Su Xinghan recognized the wrong person? Such a possibility flashed through his mind, making him suddenly feel unhappy.

... No matter if he admits his mistake or not, even if it is false, he will make it true.

Of course Su Xinghan was responsible for instilling his identity into him while he didn't know anything.

That "Yuan" didn't even know he had been missing for tens of thousands of years, how could he still accuse him? After a little theater going on in his mind, Yan Weilou snorted and made an overbearing and unreasonable decision.

Although the final decision was to seize the "Yuan" vest, what puzzled him was that instead of dissipating, the depression became deeper.

...I feel so angry just thinking about it.

Yan Weilou was confused, and several question marks appeared on his forehead: "Am I really such a stingy person?" At this moment, a voice of praise interrupted his train of thought.

"What a clever trick.

" Chunyu Ying didn't know when he stepped back from the sword-making pool, his eyes swept across the glorious divine sword, and then fell on Su Xinghan suspended in the sky.

Seeing Yan Weilou's doubtful gaze, Chunyu Ying paused and tried his best to explain in words that a layman could understand: "Your companion seems to be born with an extraordinary physique, echoing the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, and there is no need to absorb spiritual energy into his body. Obstacles, I am afraid that in cultivation it will be three points faster than that of the innate Taoist body.

"I'm afraid the person behind the scenes took a fancy to this and set up a special contract between him and the Morning and Evening Divine Sword. He could sacrifice all his energy and spirit to the Morning and Evening Divine Sword, and he could also use him to The physique gathers spiritual energy.

” To put it bluntly, Su Xinghan is acting as a bridge between the Chaomu Divine Sword and the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

It is completely a "charger" for charging morning and evening.

Moreover, the people behind the scenes have already planned to burn bridges - "Once the time is right and the divine sword is fully nourished, even his flesh, blood and soul will be sacrificed, so that the divine sword can completely transform and give birth to spirituality.

"And this period of time can be as fast as three months or as slow as half a year."

" Yan Weilou's expression became colder and colder as he spoke, and in the end, a storm gathered in his eyes.

Wisps of killing intent surged around him.

All the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind disappeared at this moment, replaced by an extreme anger, stirring in his chest.

Yan Weilou closed his eyes, and then opened them again after a few breaths, and his eyes returned to calmness.

Looking at Chunyu Ying again, he asked softly: "Then can you solve it?" Although the young man's eyes were unusually calm at this time, Chunyu Ying felt that he had become more terrifying.

It was not that calmness had truly returned in those seemingly clear eyes, but that all the storms were forcibly suppressed under the sea. When they erupted, they would bring unprecedented terror to the enemy.

He had a hunch that if he gave a negative answer, the storm restrained under the sea might break out in an instant.

And if he gives a positive answer, no matter how difficult the request is, the other party will complete it at any cost.

Chunyu Ying saw determination in his eyes.

"It's difficult to completely solve it... but I have an idea that might be able to save his life.

It's just that we still lack some materials..." Sure enough, Chunyu couldn't respond. As soon as he opened his mouth, Yan Weilou agreed: "You can just say it.

" Chunyu Ying was not polite. He opened his mouth and reported a bunch of things. After all, saving people comes first, and we have to race against time.

Of course, he also had a little selfishness mixed in and reported a few more materials that he wanted.

Yan Weilou may not have been unaware of his little move, but he just chose to ignore it for the sake of saving people.

At worst, this is just a reward for the other party.

Holding the list of materials, Yan Weilou walked out of the sword-making pool and immediately summoned four tool men: "魑, Mei, 魍, 魉..."

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