The most important thing is that with his strength, he didn't even notice the slightest clue until several people died.

His expression became more and more cautious. The more discerning people are, the more they can see the real horror from this trivial detail. They couldn't help but think deeply: "It seems that everyone in the world has underestimated you.

With such great strength, but still willing to hide in the Zukui Sect, he must have a bigger conspiracy..." After thinking about it for a while, Chen Sansi was deeply impressed: "It seems that after today, the name of General Xuan will be revealed. Then it will truly spread throughout the world.

" At this time, he had ignored everyone around him, and his eyes were only fixed on Yan Weilou.

He didn't notice that not far from Yan Weilou, the "distant cousin" he had recently taken in had a cold expression, uglier than a dead person.

Jiang Xuan stared at the fake who had stolen his identity. He didn't feel the slightest joy at being praised. Instead, his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was cold.

He held the empty pocket in his sleeve with one hand.

"When exactly..." Chapter 21 Dong Feng Yun (5) While Jiang Xuan was still thinking deeply and fearfully, the two people on the other side had seamlessly switched from "suddenly falling out and drawing swords at each other" to "friendly conversation, Beware of temptation.”

"I see that your Excellency is full of energy, the aura around you is condensed and not dissipated, and there is a vague Taoist intention. I think you are close to entering the Tao..." Chen Sansi's expression became more and more serious as he stared at Yan Weilou, constantly thinking about himself. , the trembling fat on his face became tight.

Yan Weilou was startled for a moment.

...the embryonic form of Taoism? Entering the Tao? Why didn't he know? --etc! As soon as his thoughts changed, Yan Weilou suddenly understood the cause and effect.

Although you have to go through it all over again and have to start over from scratch, your spiritual realm will not deteriorate.

At that time, he also understood the Taoist heart, planted the Taoist seeds, and defeated the heavens and humans. Although his Taoist heart was later broken and the Taoist seeds were lost, he had finally entered the Taoism, and there was always a trace of the Taoist spirit remaining in his soul.

It's okay to hide his aura on weekdays, but when he condensed the time projection body, he didn't worry too much, so he leaked it.

When the thoughts in his mind were turning, Yan Weilou's expression was naturally surprised for a moment.

But in Chen Sansi's eyes, his expression was exactly the reaction of someone seeing through his cultivation.

Boss Chen couldn't help but smile with pride, quite proud of seeing through the opponent's trump card, which diluted the momentary panic he felt when he saw the way the three people died.

He asked calmly: "Your Excellency is so powerful, yet you are still dormant silently in the Zukui Sect. You must have a big conspiracy.

Is it possible that I came here just to kill a few lowly characters? "I didn't expect to be discovered by you."

"Yan Weilou shook his head, and his pale, villain-like face suddenly became awe-inspiring.

"Yes, I am here today out of righteous indignation.

"A vein popped out of Chen Sansi's forehead.

...Since when can Zu Kuimen be associated with the four words "out of righteous indignation"? These guys who spend their whole day thinking about extracting souls and refining souls are probably the most troublesome people who need to be eliminated with righteous indignation.

Could this person be playing a trick on him? “Don’t look at people in the same light.

"The dim moonlight reflected the faint black fog, and a smile appeared on the face of the young man shrouded in the fog.

"I fell in love with the owner of Xiaoyao Building a few days ago. I am deeply in awe of his gentle and open-minded heart and tolerant and generous actions. I can't help but admire him..." "Cough cough cough cough cough!" A violent cough suddenly sounded next to him. , I saw the young man who poured wine for Yan Weilou fell to the side, choked and rolled his eyes.

Not only that, but other people around him also had weird expressions on their faces, trying to decide whether to smile or not.

Yan Weilou was very surprised.

He just wanted to have a logical excuse to take action, so he specifically referred to many online novels he had read in his memory before time travel.

Being impressed by the protagonist's charisma, he is willing to follow him and become a thug and younger brother... Isn't this a common routine? Why are these people acting so weird? It's really rare and strange.

Seeing how ignorant these people were, Yan Weilou paused and swallowed the remaining 999 rainbow farts back into his stomach.

"I'm here for Xiaoyao Louzhu - a traitorous dog and an ungrateful person. What's the point of dying?" His eyes casually glanced at the corpse on the ground, then moved to Chen Sansi. He smiled politely and said, "Don't mention it. There is another reason why those dead people are here.

""I heard that Rongfeng Pavilion is an industry secretly developed by the Demon Sect, and Boss Chen... you are a member of the famous Beidou Demon Palace! "Everyone's expression changed in shock, but Yan Weilou seemed completely unaware and continued: "I also heard that... the Beidou Demon Palace wants to bring chaos to the world, and Shengjing City is the first to bear the brunt.

"The courtyard fell silent, and everyone's faces turned pale.

A group of big businessmen trembled, rolled their eyes inwardly, and cursed that this was a bad year.

They thought it was just a feast to discuss the carving up of Xiaoyao Tower, but unexpectedly it was involved in the infighting of the Demon Sect. In the blink of an eye, they themselves became fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others.

“Gossip stops with the wise.

Young man, trouble comes from your mouth, I advise you to think twice! "Chen Sansi's voice suddenly became sharp.

What was more sharp and decisive than his voice was his action.

He launched a straight punch suddenly, but in the blink of an eye, he changed into the Tu Qi Ba Road boxing technique. The shadows of the fists were superimposed on each other, like a mountain and river pouring, and it was unstoppable.

The surrounding ground, the tables and chairs placed on the ground, and the continuous walls nearby all trembled under the forceful fist, as if they were shaking endlessly in a tornado.

But this punch with a lot of power was blocked by a pale and cold hand. The hand turned flexibly and slashed horizontally, cutting Chen Sansi's wrist like a blade. Blood gushed out, and the bones were almost visible.

At the critical moment, if he hadn't withdrawn in time, his entire wrist would have been cut off.

"See that you dare to take the initiative to attack me, but you are only so strong?" Yan Weilou retracted his hand and sighed softly.

There seemed to be ghost fire burning on his black robe, and his eyes were calm, but there was an indescribable contempt.

"Of course not only!" Chen Sansi sneered.

Huh - the courtyard seemed to suddenly blew up a strong wind. Chen Bushi took a breath and a breath, and the green air flow around him surged, and the white fat on his body trembled.

He stomped his foot on the ground and flew up.

In mid-air, the whole person has changed his body shape. In a few breaths, he turned from a fat white man into a muscular and thin man. The legs wrapped with misty green air whipped towards Yan Weilou like a steel whip.

The eyes of the others were blurred, and they seemed to see a hungry tiger pounce fiercely, and the illusory tail whipped fiercely.

It was about to stab the young man in front of him to death.

The young man still had a smile on his pale face, and he went forward without hesitation. His black sleeves fluttered, and his pair of fleshy palms stretched out from his sleeves again.

The next moment, a torrent of black fog surged out, blocking everyone's sight.

A strange sound came from the fog, like the sound of something being corroded.

After a loud bang, a figure flew out backwards, flipped several times in the air before staggering to the ground. He seemed to be pushed out by an invisible force for more than a meter, and hit the wall behind him, plowing two deep gullies on the ground.

Chen Sansi, whose body had become bloated again, relied on the fat on his body to relieve the impact, and his face was extremely gloomy.

The black fog dissipated, and Yan Weilou's figure appeared in the original place. Although his robe was a little messy, his expression was calm.

"Crack, crack..."

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