However, he had been in the devil's way for many years and he had a heart in mind, and he didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the man in the wheelchair just now, so he didn't ask a word, his expression was still calm and calm, as if he had already known the news.

The disciples, elders, and guests of Xuantian Peak were even worse than him.

This short moment of reversal and reversal left them confused and at a loss.

At this time, the pale Xu Yuan was already standing together with Pei Buming and others. His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in everyone's ears: "Don't panic, everyone. This person is the master of Zhitian Pavilion and a first-hand director." The mastermind behind the demon war.

For many years, he has stirred up troubles between good and evil and the three great dynasties, and he also brutally killed my former Holy Master of Xuantian Peak. He has committed numerous crimes, and we only then joined forces to set up this trap.

"A scapegoat was thrown at him! But Xu Yuan continued, blaming him crazily.

If Xu Yuan was the only one to say this, it might not be weighty enough. There might be people who doubted whether he had any secret dealings with the devil, but Pei Buming and others all stood with him, so his words were particularly credible.

Everyone was talking about it for a while.

But Yan Weilou just stood quietly in mid-air, his consciousness secretly sweeping around and everyone.

Suddenly, his eyes moved.

"...It's true that it's fake. This is not his true body!" Yan Weilou raised his hand to take a picture. There was a breath on the fragmented body, and then it quickly flew in a certain direction. Yan Weilou followed the breath and lifted it. He glanced at a corner of the crowd.

"——Come out!" An unimaginable force stretched out along the breath and blasted into the crowd. When others fled in all directions, a seemingly ordinary figure suddenly flew out from the crowd, It's like a fish leaping into the water, and there's a sense of conformity to nature in the movements.

His figure seemed to be illusory, and he was about to leave Xuantian Peak.

Others also reacted, so how could they let him escape? The fastest ones caught up and blocked the way. Xu Yuan looked even more awe-inspiring. His long sword suddenly plunged straight into the ground, and formations of spiritual light intertwined rapidly, turning into water ripples and spreading in all directions.

When the man touched the water pattern, his speed immediately slowed down.

In the end, nine people were blocked in front of the mountain gate.

He let out a long sigh, stopped trying to escape, and turned around.

"...It seems like this was a trap for me from beginning to end? First, they invited good and evil spirits to attract me, and then they deliberately attacked and killed Xu Yuan, so that I had to rescue him... This This is the game set up for me.

" He was wrapped in a black robe, and his previously ordinary appearance slowly changed into the appearance of the master of the Zhitian Pavilion. He looked at Yan Weilou with a pair of deep and cold pupils, ignoring the other people around him.

Perhaps in his opinion, this person was the only one worthy of his attention.

No one else deserves to be compared to you.

Yan Weilou did not deny: "Xuantian Peak is such a useful chess piece. This sword that you specially sharpened to deal with me has not yet worked. How can you be willing to give it up? What's more, seeing that I have even taken advantage of the three dynasties, If the relationship is over, you are also panicking, right? If even Xuan Tianfeng, the biggest enemy, is wiped out, and there are three major dynasties as allies, I am afraid that the offensive and defensive positions will change between you and me.

Therefore, you must protect Xuantian Peak.

" He looked directly at the Master of Zhitian Pavilion calmly, with a calm smile on his lips.

"...Zhitian Pavilion is indeed very secret, but I don't have to look for it.

Even if you don't join the game this time, as long as you still want to kill me, as long as you are not willing to sit back and watch my power grow, as long as you are still obsessed with it, you will take the initiative to join the game sooner or later.

"You think so, Bai Di?" "The master of Zhitian Pavilion, or Bai Di, his pupils shrank suddenly, and for the first time he showed a look of disbelief.

He almost subconsciously took a step back, but fortunately he reacted in time to stand still, but he still looked at Yan Weilou in shock: "Have you remembered?" Yan Weilou smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

But Bai Di seemed to see in him the figure that made him admire, resent, and fear tens of thousands of years ago. Only then did he realize that there was a lump in his heart that had not dissipated even now. of blocking shadow.

"No, that's not right.

You are not him, you have not fully recovered..." After a moment of panic, Bai Di regained his clarity.

He once again regained his undisturbed and mysterious attitude, as if being surrounded by a group of heavenly beings was not a desperate situation at all.

But that's right, "Yuan" couldn't kill him completely back then and could only seal him in the vast sea. What can these people do to him now? He has experienced resurrection from the dead more than once.

Therefore, he did not panic at all, he just raised his hand slightly, and the illusory compass shadow appeared in his palm, and the starlight rippled on it, seemingly infinitely changing.

He asked with interest: “I didn’t calculate the game this time.

How did you hide this from me? "Chapter 178 Lifetime Wishes (10) The sky was as dark as ink, and the aftermath of the battle tore open several long holes in the sky. Hurricanes poured out from them, shrouding the entire Xantian Peak.

Perhaps because the movements of several heavenly beings were too loud, the celestial phenomena here were changing drastically, sometimes clear and sometimes blocked, sometimes like day, sometimes like night, and it was chaos.

Most of the people with poor cultivation have quietly retreated. After all, the situation here is too dangerous.

The three great dynasties, the three great holy places of righteousness, the Huangquan Sect, the Beidou Demon Palace, the Zhitian Pavilion...the top forces in the world have all gathered together. A total of nine heavenly beings are facing each other in the sky, and many people have spent their entire lives fighting against each other. It's hard to imagine this picture.

Above the sky, none of the nine heavenly beings paid attention to the group of people below. To them, perhaps those people were no different from the wild flowers and weeds that could be easily removed by the roadside.

Especially the Pavilion Master of Zhitian Pavilion, or Bai Di, not only did he not take the people below him seriously, but he also didn't pay attention to the heavenly beings around him.

His only target seemed to be the Yan Wei Tower in front of him.

As early as when he obtained the "heavenly book" that could reveal the fate of all living beings, he thought that he was no longer an ordinary person.

Only "Yuan" can be looked down upon by him.

Perhaps it's because the Book of Heaven allows him to calculate all living beings, but there are people in this world who are so lucky that they can never die.

"Yuan" is the nemesis of the Book of Heaven.

In the past nine lives, with the help of the Book of Heaven, standing in the dark, he has always been able to plot the reincarnation of "Yuan" until his death. However, every time, the cards are shuffled and he always loses the memory of the last period and regains it. At this point in time, another futile effort has been made.

"If this is because of the huge human luck gained from saving the world, so that Heaven is favoring him...then eight times should be enough. Nine is the ultimate number. If the luck is consumed eight times, it has hit the bottom. This should be Is this the last time?" Bai Di always thought reluctantly in his heart.

In this life, the other party is indeed no longer favored by the heavens in this world because of the exhaustion of human luck in the previous eight lives.

But also, his fate escaped the divination of the heavenly book.

Bai Di could no longer spy on him through the Heavenly Book.

This was an accident that even Bai Di had not expected.

What's even more surprising is that the other party seems to have known about his existence for a long time, and now they have specially set up such a rough and simple game for him, but he actually jumped in like this? ? ? Before this, there was no warning from the Book of Heaven.

“I didn’t calculate the game this time.

How did you hide this from me? "He couldn't help asking with interest.

“It’s very simple, improvise and improvise.

” Yan Weilou didn’t mind telling the answer.

He glanced up and down at Bai Di and let out a long sigh of disappointment: "You rely too much on the Book of Heaven!"

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