However, this stunning moment only lasted for a moment, and was completely destroyed by the red carp in his hand that kept struggling with its tail and swung around.

A few drops of water splashed on his sleeves. Yan Weilou casually flicked the fish in his hand to the side, and the red carp was knocked unconscious by him.

He greeted Xie Xuan with a smile and invited: "Commander Xie came at the right time, I was about to grill fish.

It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. Let's go together! "..." Xie Xuan looked at the sincere smile on the young man's face and did not answer, but suddenly said, "...King Qi has rebelled."

" He added: "His Highness has been confined in the mansion these days. I'm afraid he doesn't know..." "I know.

" Yan Weilou spoke calmly, holding a leaf that he didn't know where it came from in his hand. He lowered his head and brushed it a few times, then cut open the red carp like a blade and strung it together in minutes.

"Not only that, I also know that the two great masters of Tu sent by the emperor were all blocked by Qiu Yuebai, the chief disciple of the Canghai Sword Sect who was holding a divine sword... Qiu Yuebai also entered the Tao in one fell swoop during this battle.

"Tsk! The true energy in his palms surged and turned into steaming heat.

The flame rose, and a faint fragrance spread unconsciously.

Yan Weilou sniffed it gently: "Yes, not bad.

"Xie Xuan was speechless for a moment when he looked at the extremely heartless His Highness in front of him, who seemed to be focusing only on food, as if he had no idea what consequences he would face.

There was a long silence before he spoke.

"Your Majesty has ordered that the King of Qi colluded with Dongli, and his crime is unforgivable.

As the crown prince of Prince Qi, His Highness will be detained in prison for the time being and will be punished tomorrow..." Xie Xuan frowned slightly, his face solemn. As soon as he finished his words, his brows jumped, "Huh...? ? ? " He lowered his head and looked at the half-piece of grilled fish that was thrust into his hand in astonishment. At the same time, the young man's casual voice sounded in his ears, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, even before going to jail, you have to fill your stomach first.

Isn't this a small request too much? "Chapter 29: The Storm (13) The atmosphere in Shengjing has been very tense recently. There are cavalry rushing back and forth on the streets from time to time, and there is an unconcealable air of chilling in their movements.

Some common people with a keen sense of smell noticed that something was wrong with the limelight, and were a little more careful when doing business at the stall.

Sure enough, for the next few days, Feiyuwei was arresting people everywhere.

Many high-ranking officials and dignitaries who were usually very famous were found to have close contacts with the King of Qi or the Dongli Kingdom, and were imprisoned.

Among them, Prince Qi is the most eye-catching.

"What a bunch of cowardly and stupid people. This time I can see through their faces! Even if it's just for the sake of years of friendship, I should take a look at you. How can your majesty punish you for this?" In the prison of Feiyu Weibei Mansion, across the room Looking at the prison door made of special black iron, Xue Hanshan cursed several times angrily, and punched the iron door in excitement.

Then, he held his fists and gasped, with a funny expression.

“The world is in trouble, it’s just human nature.

"The young man's calm voice came from inside the black iron gate.

Yan Weilou sat quietly against the wall, raised his head slightly and looked at him with a disapproving smile: "It's just that you haven't seen him enough in the past. You will probably know in the future that this is just a common rule in this world..." Xue Hanshan couldn't laugh or cry.

Looking at Yan Weilou, who looked calm and leisurely, without any trace of worry, but who was interested in educating him, he couldn't help but shook his head: "Your Highness, once you go to prison, you will understand the demeanor of an eminent monk. Coming?" He added: "...but the situation is unclear now, your highness should not be in danger for your life in the short term.

" Turning to look at the sullen jailer not far away, Xue Hanshan lowered his voice and told Yan Weilou about the current situation in the outside world.

Originally, the country of Dayong was powerful and far superior to Dongli in the Northern Desert. However, this time the King of Qi suddenly attacked, and everyone in Dayong was unprepared. What's more, Dongli was also involved in the conspiracy. Therefore, so far, the front line is still stalemate. , the outcome is hard to decide.

In this way, Yan Weilou, the crown prince of Prince Qi, would be safer.

As for the Northern Desert... "...the Northern Desert now has no time to go south.

"Xue Hanshan's tone was a bit gloating. After all, Dongli and Dayong had the same culture and race, so they could be considered brotherly nations, but those tribes in the Northern Desert were truly foreign races.

He laughed and said: "I don't know why the evil Tianzong in the Northern Desert has gone crazy. He has mobilized several clans in the south, large and small, as if he is looking for someone..." "Huh? Looking for someone?" Yan Weilou, who had a calm face, his eyelids twitched, and he suddenly raised his head, "Who are you looking for?" Has this happened in the previous life? Xue Hanshan spread his hands with confusion on his face: "I don't know about this..." Yan Weilou stopped asking questions, and just said one more thing before leaving: "By the way, it's not peaceful outside these days, so don't run around. Remember to stay in the house and don't go out.

"After Xue Hanshan left, Xie Xuan walked in.

He seemed to always be wearing the Fei Yuwei's crimson robe, with one hand resting on the simple black long knife at his waist.

His expression was solemn and meticulous.

Glancing at the dark iron door, Xie Xuan suddenly said: "Do you need me..." "No.

" Before he finished speaking, Yan Weilou shook his head and replied with two simple words.

Xie Xuan glanced at him and saw that the young man looked serious, so he put down his hand on the handle of the knife, backed away slowly, and disappeared into the shadow again.

Behind him, Yan Weilou, who had been leaning against the wall in the same position, his eyes moved slightly, and his figure suddenly became illusory for a moment and then solidified.

"The power of light resistance seems to be insufficient..." He murmured in a low voice, and his lips curved.

·The seventh lane in the north of Zhuque Street is at the entrance of the hall where Zukui Gate is located.

I don’t know if the Zukuimen here was really chosen for the convenience of hiding, or because I was short of money and lacked funds. This "slum area" has always been the most chaotic area in Shengjing City, with hooligans, rangers, thieves, and hidden There are almost all heroes in the forest, and they can be said to be "hidden dragons and crouching tigers".

Outside this seemingly inconspicuous house, there are crisscrossing alleys.

Two people who looked like wandering warriors passed by the alley one after another. Their pace became faster and faster, and they quickly blended into the crowd without being noticeable at all.

The person in front lowered his voice and said happily: "After several days of squatting, it must be right.

It must be those grandsons from Zukuimen! I can smell the familiar stench of these guys from a long distance away! Someone behind him asked softly: "Are we going back to meet the palace master?" "The voice seemed a little hoarse.

"How is it possible? The master of the palace is so high up there that you and I can't see anything at will -" the people in front laughed out loud, "What sweet dream are you dreaming about?" "However, this time we actually discovered the Zukuimen When the palace master learns about this, he will definitely be happy.

"After a pause, he said again, "Wait a minute, that old guy Zhi Changsheng dared to overestimate his own ability and provoke the palace master... When we report it to the palace master, none of his disciples and grandsons can escape! We can also remember a great achievement, and maybe we can go one step further! " His tone was full of unconcealable excitement.

"So, our appearance here was just an accident. Even if one of us dies, no one will care, right?" The person behind him asked again.

"Why are you getting weirder today? Don't think too much. Are you still expecting the protector to collect our bodies when we die!" He replied impatiently, adhering to the attitude of seniors educating newcomers: "Boy , in our Yaoguang Palace, the most important thing is to see more, listen more and ask less, so that you may live longer.


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