"The forbidden ground in the sky was shaking? Are there any remnants of the Great Netherworld appearing in the world?" Upon hearing the news from the messenger, Emperor Yong's face became increasingly gloomy, and he stood up from his throne.

"Pass on my decree to summon all the great masters in the royal worship hall.

” This time, none of the ministers stopped him.

Whether it is the forbidden land in the sky or the remnants of the Great Netherworld, they are cancers that must be eliminated for the Dayong royal family.

The former is extremely dangerous if something goes wrong, while the latter is related to the royal family's orthodoxy. The so-called "name and implement only, not fake people" must be suppressed as soon as possible.

Compared with these two things, even the ongoing war on the front line can be temporarily delayed.

Even if someone noticed the conspiracy behind it, it was more of a conspiracy than a conspiracy. Even Emperor Yong himself had no choice but to do this.

In less than half a day, most of the remaining Taoist Grand Masters in Shengjing City also left here, going to investigate the cause of the earthquake in the forbidden land in the sky and hunt down the remnants of Dayou.

Although 99% of the great masters have now left, the emperor is not worried about the safety of Shengjing City.

This capital city was originally the capital city of Dayou in the previous dynasty. The city is high and the pond is deep. It has experienced eight hundred years of continuous improvement and has become stronger and stronger.

What's more, there is a standing army in the city. Even if the army is overwhelming, there is no problem in holding on for half a year.

There is a special formation in the palace, and only the emperor himself controls the center of the formation.

Once an outsider breaks into the palace, even if they can break the formation, they will alert the person deep in the palace who has been practicing in seclusion.

——That is a genuine heavenly saint.

The same is true for the other two countries.

Since Dayong, Dongli, and Beimo were founded, no one has ever successfully invaded the capital and escaped unscathed.

After thinking about the current situation over and over again, Emperor Yong felt safe and secretly proud.

...It seems that there is no need to ask for more explanation.

In the bedroom, the imperial concubine was slumped on the couch, happily looking at some indescribable little picture books, imagining the fairy days surrounded by all kinds of beautiful young people. Suddenly she heard the message from the eunuch outside the palace, so she had to sigh and put the booklet away. It takes only a few minutes to tidy up your clothes and hair.

She walked out calmly and reluctantly automatically switched the face in front of her to the various handsome men she had just seen. Her eyes softened in an instant, and a sincere smile appeared on her face: "Your Majesty is here!" Looking at His beloved concubine looked like she had been waiting for him for a long time, which made Emperor Yong even more excited. He quickly strode forward and soon fell drunk in the warm fragrance of nephrite.

...At midnight, there was a sudden noise in the palace.

The sleeping Emperor Yong was roughly pulled up from the bed. When he opened his eyes, he saw the neatly dressed imperial concubine standing aside.

He still didn't react, so he stretched out his hand to touch the imperial concubine's hand: "My dear concubine, what happened?" "Bah, big pig's hooves!" The imperial concubine knocked away Emperor Yong's stretched out hand and changed her face very quickly. Shocking, she took three steps back, "What happened? This is not simple - you were abdicated!" Emperor Yong was furious: "What nonsense are you talking about..." "What the imperial concubine said is very... ..." With a long and lazy tone, the door of the dormitory was suddenly opened, and a group of people walked in. The one at the front was the extremely beautiful Ninth Princess Ji Muyue, who was dressed in complicated palace attire.

He raised the corners of his lips, his eyes filled with a heart-shaking purple meaning, and looked over with a half-smile.

"——Father, it's time for you to abdicate.

" Emperor Yong couldn't help but take a step back.

The imperial concubine took the opportunity to happily trot towards where Ji Muyue was.

This move stunned Emperor Yong.

Looking at Ji Muyue, who was still dressed in women's clothing, and then at the imperial concubine who quickly stood behind Ji Muyue, he felt a mixture of shock and anger in his heart, and his face was ashen.

"You..." He pointed tremblingly at the concubine with an indifferent face, not even bothering to pursue Ji Muyue, "You actually betrayed me?!" You must know that his most beloved woman has always been the concubine, so There are also many favors for the third prince, and the throne may be passed to the third prince in the future.

Instead of helping her son, this woman united with others to betray him! What else could a woman do to this extent? Thinking of Ji Muyue's true gender, a guess immediately came to mind.

Emperor Yong suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood and suddenly felt his head turning green.

"???" Looking at the twisted and angry look in his eyes when he looked at her, she thought that she was just an insignificant role in this palace incident. The most she could do was drag the emperor out of bed, but inexplicably she became the one with the highest hatred of the emperor. The imperial concubine's eyes were blank and she felt aggrieved.

……what happened? Didn't she just want to live a fairy life? Just thinking about it, she hasn't done anything yet.

Chapter 30: The Storm (14) Not to mention what happened in the palace, the time went back a few hours ago - after entering the underground passage through the pawn shop, Yan Weilou walked through a long dark passage.

There is nothing surprising about this passage, it is just dark and cold, with some machine formations popping up from time to time.

If you are a true disciple of Yaoguang Palace, you must know how to avoid or defeat it.

Yan Weilou is not.

So it took him quite some time.

When a little light appeared in front of him, Yan Weilou finally walked out of the passage, and what appeared in front of him was a quiet courtyard.

He looked back at the rockery behind him, and his eyes swept over the towering green trees around him, and the gurgling stream passing through the courtyard not far away. He couldn't help but secretly admire: "The spiritual energy is active, the feng shui is unique, and there is a formation that isolates the inside and the outside. It's a good place for cultivation.

" But, this doesn't seem to match the style of the Demon Sect, right? He glanced around, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the corridor not far from the rockery, a disciple of the Demon Palace came in a hurry. Before he took a few steps, a hand stretched out from behind him like lightning and dragged him behind the mountain wall next to him.

A muffled groan sounded faintly.

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Weilou, who had changed his clothes again, came out from behind the rockery and headed towards the front yard according to the route map just obtained from the exchange.

His figure was shrouded in an inconspicuous black robe, and his aura was barely maintained at the second level of shackles and soil, which did not seem to attract any attention.

Wherever he passed, the blood and true qi fluctuations from other people were all included in his perception.

The former were the acquired warriors who had not yet broken the second level of the shackles, and their number was the largest; the latter were the warriors who broke the second level of the shackles, opened the bridge between heaven and earth, and entered the realm of insight. Along the way, he met at least one or two local names.

... They were just some of the personnel of the Yaoguang Hall, one of the seven halls, stationed in Shengjing City. Perhaps they were just some peripheral disciples. With such strength, the Beidou Demon Palace was worthy of being the leader of the magic path.

Not to mention that Yan Weilou could also sweep out many kinds of formations with just a sweep of his soul. For ordinary people, this place might be like a dragon's den and a tiger's lair.

Yan Weilou looked at ease.

In his previous life, he had massacred hundreds of sects in Shenzhou in order to collect the power of light resistance and start the crime, and he did not distinguish between the righteous and the evil.

Even the celestial saints who were regarded as immortals by the world were killed.

These people now may have been fertilizer for the Time Dial in the past.

To Yan Weilou, they were just a group of walking light-blocking forces, and it was not surprising that there were more of them.

He walked silently deeper into the cave, and on the way he found a few more people to have a good chat.

After turning a few corridors, Yan Weilou paused.

In front of him was a closed independent building, and the locked door was emitting a halo of light covered by a lot of formations.

Due to the friendly exchange just now, Yan Weilou is now quite familiar with most of the buildings in this stronghold.

Comparing it with the map route in his mind, he immediately knew where this place was.

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