Yan Weilou came to his senses and didn't hear clearly: "What?" "No.

I'm just curious. You haven't told me your origin yet? How did you end up here? " "I? "Yan Weilou put his hand on his chin and said casually, "Well, I'm just an innocent bystander who was implicated.

"I don't know if you have heard about Dayong. Shengjing is already in chaos."

The two groups were fighting for the throne and the Hanhai Order..." He sighed, "I happened to be passing by and accidentally picked up the Hanhai Order that flew out, and accidentally activated it.

" Speaking of this, the young man showed a hint of fear on his face: "I was almost chopped down by those people. It's really heartbreaking for a country's capital to be so arrogant! "Who is it?" "Xu Xinghan suddenly asked in a cold voice.

The surrounding temperature seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

"You want to ask who are there?" Yan Weilou was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand with a smile, with a magnanimous look on his face, "...Anyway, nothing happened, so I won't care about them.

"Xu Xinghan just stared at him silently.

Yan Weilou was quite surprised.

I didn’t expect this person to be so easy to deceive and have such a sense of justice? "Well, this matter is very complicated. In addition to the Dayong royal family, both good and evil seem to be involved.

"After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and told lies, "Beidou Demon Palace, Taishang Dao Sect, and maybe Xuantian Peak are behind the push..." Su Xinghan nodded seriously: "I remember.

"..." Are you serious? Yan Weilou took advantage of the situation and asked some things about the other party. This person could be said to answer all questions, as if he was completely unprepared, and he really knew everything.

"I lived in the mountains before, and I just came down from the mountains not long ago..." Hearing what he said, Yan Weilou suddenly understood.

The style of his clothes seems a bit old-fashioned, but the materials used are of high quality. He has profound cultivation, but he seems not to be very understanding of the world.

Yan Weilou thought he was an experienced nobleman from some noble family.

Now it seems that this is still a hidden family! The two chatted incessantly, one was enthusiastic on the surface, the other was cold on the surface, but the conversation was actually quite speculative.

To be precise, Yan Weilou felt opportunistic unilaterally.

No matter how casually he talked, the man who called himself "Mingguang" actually believed it and answered the words in a serious manner, which made Yan Weilou feel embarrassed to continue to deceive others.

Moreover, he himself has a very broad range of knowledge. Although he knows almost nothing about the current affairs of the world, when it comes to ancient legends and sect secrets, he is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

Many views coincide with those of Yan Weilou.

He is worthy of being the heir of a hidden family! The two of them were chatting more and more together when the convoy in front of them suddenly stopped.

I saw quaint houses appearing at the end of the road, with three or two wisps of green smoke slowly rising from the roofs.

Behind the stone monument in front of the door, there is a group of children playing together.

The place has arrived! A burst of cheers erupted at the entrance of the village. As soon as the two got off the carriage, they, along with the huge corpse of the monster, were surrounded by everyone in the village.

A group of children cheered and gathered around, some drooling at the huge monster corpse, and more of them gathered around the two of them, asking curious questions.

"Brother, are you from Qingyang Fucheng? I heard that Fucheng is very lively, and you can eat monster meat every meal... Suck!" A little fat man drooled with envy: "If only I could go to Fucheng too Just fine.

"No, I heard from my mother that there is a big demon occupying the mountain and blocking the road. No matter whether they are people coming from Fucheng or going to Fucheng, they are all swallowed up by the big demon!" "That's not right. I heard that the big monster only eats good-looking and skinny people. I won't eat this kind of thing!" "A group of children were all talking.

The two of them were dealing with all kinds of weird problems when they suddenly heard a drum sound coming from the village, and then a group of people walked past. The leader was the old village chief with white beard and hair, and a group of young men behind him were carrying the washing machine. Wang Jing's monster corpse walked towards the village.

The children immediately cheered: "Worship God!" "Worship God?" Yan Weilou followed curiously, "Is it similar to the Yuan Sacrifice Ceremony in the vast land of China?" curious.

When the two of them walked over with the crowd, they saw a simple and simple temple standing next to the ancestral hall.

The old village chief led the people behind him to the temple with respect.

Through the open temple door, Yan Weilou saw a statue of a god.

The surface of the statue is coated with gold paint, and it is clad in a jet-black imperial robe. It has piercing eyebrows and a powerful figure, making it look like a human emperor.

There are three big characters above the temple.

——Baidi Temple.

Chapter 33: Entering the Vast Sea (3) Although the temple is small, it has everything you need.

The villagers placed offerings on the incense table one by one, danced the Nuo dance for sacrifices, and a group of children peered into the temple.

Su Xinghan stared at the statue silently for a while, and suddenly asked: "Why do you want to worship this person?" It was rare for him to take the initiative to speak, but he asked a question that he shouldn't ask.

Based on their current status, this should be common knowledge to everyone.

Asking so directly may arouse suspicion.

Yan Weilou frowned slightly.

Fortunately, the two of them were surrounded by children, and they didn't think as much as adults. They just replied in a hurry: "I know, I know! Every time I hunt a big monster, I have to worship the emperor. If the emperor thinks it tastes good, he will eat it." I will protect everyone and catch more monsters next time..." "No! The village chief said that the emperor was a saint who saved the human race, and we must always remember his kindness.

"Xu Xinghan was listening silently. After hearing this, he seemed to be unable to bear it any longer: "Joke! " "Wow! "A few children shrank in fear.

It was rare for two guests to come to the village, and both of them were so good-looking. The children were very surprised by the two of them, and they all rushed to answer questions.

But they didn't expect that when they finished speaking, the good-looking big brother in white suddenly turned cold and looked a little fierce. Several timid children were suddenly frightened and cried "Wow".

Xu Xinghan stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

The movement here quickly attracted other villagers: "What's wrong? What happened?" Seeing that it was the two guests who had rescued the hunting team, they couldn't blame them, so they had to scold a few children in a low voice: "Cry. Why are you crying! You are disturbing this great day to worship the emperor.

"Xu Xinghan stopped these people: "Why bother with children! It's my fault..." As he spoke, he lowered his head and said a few awkward words of comfort.

Having a good-looking face is an advantage. Even if his posture is clumsy and his tone is stiff, he quickly regains the friendship of the children, and all of them laugh out loud and stick to this good-looking big brother again.

"I just neglected you two.

" On the other side, Fang Mingshan came to the two of them and said in a low voice: "I have discussed it with the village chief. There is an empty house in the southeast corner of the village. It was also a place for a passing cultivator to clean up. I just want to invite the two of them. Temporary stay..." He cupped his hands and said, "It's just that the place is not big, and it has been vacant for more than a year, so it needs to be cleaned up.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yan Weilou doesn't care about this. Under normal circumstances, he considers himself to be very easy-going. "If something happens, just point the way and we'll go there ourselves.

" Seeing Fang Mingshan's hesitant expression, he smiled and said: "It's just a trivial matter, but the sacrifice is more important.

"When he spoke, the look on the young man's face was so sincere and touching.

He couldn't tell at all that just before he came to the temple, he had never heard of the "White Emperor" and his ilk.

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