So he asked curiously: "Is everything you said true? Is there really a world beyond this world? Can you leave here by finding the "key"? How can I leave? There is no door! " A series of questions hit his forehead. If his life wasn't still in someone's hands, the Spirit King would have almost let this guy get away.

He forced himself to calmly explain: “That’s true.

No one knows who created the "key", but I know the method of using the "key", which requires passwords and energy.

"There are three kinds of energy, any one of which can drive the key."

The first is a large number of demon souls; the second is rich spiritual energy, it is best to directly find a vein of spiritual stone; the last one is the illusory human luck.

It can be used in places with large human forces, such as the City Lord's Mansion.

"Seeing that the young man's eyes were full of longing after listening to it, he was completely addicted to it.

The Spirit King then showed a confident smile: "Okay, please open the formation and let me out.

I can swear an oath that I will never take revenge secretly.

"In addition, I have a hard-earned "key" stored in the treasure house, along with the password to unlock the "key"... As long as I come out of the big formation, I will give it to you immediately with both hands."

” As for whether he will offer treasure or take his life after going out, that is not something the other party can know.

"I see..." The pensive young man seemed to finally come to his senses, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

He smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, King Spirit, for clarifying my doubts!" ​​King Spirit's expression became more and more calm, and he was about to wave his hands and say no, when he heard the young man's gentle voice continue to sound: "To express my gratitude, I will send you on your way. You are protected from suffering.

"The formation that had been silent and motionless suddenly burst out with unparalleled strong fluctuations, like a giant beast dormant at the bottom of the sea suddenly breaking through the water and breaking the sky pillar.

Then the sky fell and the ocean rolled back, as if a disaster was coming.

"You! Lord Xuandong!!" The Spiritual King, who had no idea that Yan Weilou would make such a choice, was caught off guard. He was like a piece of pork being twisted into a meat grinder, in the violent tumbling formation. Let out a scream.

"Madman! Shameless! Scum! Shame on the demon! Don't you want to get the key or know the password? You clearly promised to let me go!!!" "Did I agree?" The figure floated gently into the sky, Yan Wei Lou lowered his head innocently, his eyes clear and pure.

"...I just said I would think about it.

" He stretched out his hand, stretched out his slender fingers, and then clenched them, and the formation below burst out with the strongest aggression. The formation spirit, which was already at the end of its power, had to choose between preserving the formation and destroying the Spirit King. the latter.

boom! At the last moment when he lost consciousness, the Spirit King only heard the young man's voice: "What's more, when did I admit that I was a monster?" I...fuck! Finally, he vomited a string of fragrance in his heart, and the Spirit King, with his body and demon soul, was completely detonated by the formation.

Yan Weilou sighed with regret: "What a pity, the demon soul is gone.

” But the plan worked.

The reason why he never exposed his human identity, but used the disguise of a demon to deal with the Spirit King, was to let the Spirit King always have a glimmer of hope, so that he would be willing to compromise and reveal the secret.

If the identity of the human race is directly revealed, from the standpoint of humans and demons in this world, the Spirit King must know that there is no chance of his survival, and he will definitely fight to the death, and may even self-destruct the demon soul. How can he tell the secret of the Hanhai Order? come out? He even mentioned the Hanhai Order in a roundabout way because he didn't want the Spirit King to know that he attached great importance to it, so he could threaten him or lie to him.

After all this deception, it turned out to be successful.

Yan Weilou looked relaxed, standing firmly in mid-air, his clothes and sleeves flying, and his black hair dancing lightly.

Below him, violent energy fluctuations surged up like boiling hot water. If the formation spirit had not been restrained before it dissipated, most of the entire Qingyang City would have been destroyed.

Even so, extremely terrifying energy still rose from the spot, like a cannonball rising into the sky and piercing through the sea of ​​clouds.

The sky was full of clouds and fog, and the wind was raging.

Yanwei Tower was the first to bear the brunt and was completely submerged by clouds and fog.

His eyes penetrated the clouds and mist and looked into the distance.

He saw a mass of fighting on the ground, and the sea of ​​blood surged like a tide. A man in white clothes flew towards him, like the shadow of a wild goose crossing the sky, turning the sky and sea of ​​blood into irrelevant backgrounds.

"Cough cough cough..." Only one foot away from Yan Wei Tower, Su Xinghan's figure suddenly stopped and let out a string of eager low coughs. He glanced at Yan Wei Tower from top to bottom. No obvious injuries were found.

Then he whispered: "I got what I wanted, congratulations.

" Yan Weilou was a little curious and joked: "Mingguang is really good at predicting things.

How do you know I will definitely succeed? What if it fails? ” Not to mention that the Spirit King may not have fallen into the trap, but even if he did, he probably wouldn’t know anything about the Hanhai Order.

"I trust you.

"Xu Xinghan naturally crossed the one-foot distance and came to his side with a serious tone.

Before Yan Weilou could say anything for this natural trust, four human race grandmasters also came hand in hand, with smiles on everyone's faces.

Arriving in front of Yan Weilou, they all saluted: "Thank you very much for resolving the difficulties in Qingyang Mansion City. I dare not forget this great kindness!" Taking advantage of Yan Weilou to trick several demon kings into the formation, They no longer had any shackles, so they all went on a killing spree on the battlefield, killing nearly half of the little demons in a short period of time. Now that the human army had the upper hand, it was only a matter of time before the demon tide outside the city was wiped out.

Therefore, several people turned away from their previous sad faces and became cheerful.

"Wait, there's me!" Not to be outdone, another figure flew up, still wearing a blue gauze skirt, a jingle ring, pink face and red lips, showing a heroic spirit in her charm.

There was strong dissatisfaction in Chu Wushuang's tone: "It's easy to forget things when you get older, and even I, the real hero, have been thrown aside!" "If I hadn't worked so hard, risking my life to lurk for the sake of the people in Qingyang Mansion. Entering the demon camp, and seeing through the demon's sinister intentions, he worked hard behind the scenes to make plans, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his dignity as a man to inform you..." His voice was a little guilty at first, but the more he spoke, the more confident he became, and he gradually held his head high. , with a calm and arrogant expression: "Not bad.

It is precisely because of my silent dedication as a behind-the-scenes hero regardless of fame that we have today’s great situation where the demon is beheaded and Qingyang City is out of trouble... Ouch! " Before he could finish his words, he was immediately hit on the head. He covered the back of his head and raised his head aggrievedly, and saw the dark face of the great master named Lin with white beard and hair.

The old-fashioned grand master glared at him as he blew his beard: "Boy, you are blowing nonsense. Take care of yourself first before you talk!" As he said, the grand master was still upset and kicked him. Kicked him on the butt and kicked him out.

"Ouch! You are trying to kill people and silence them... Ouch!" Chu Wushuang screamed twice, then flew out directly with the force and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Is Brother Chu okay?" Yan Weilou politely expressed concern, and several great masters waved their hands: "Don't worry, you won't die.

" After saying such words very perfunctorily, several people immediately changed their faces and surrounded Yan Weilou and the other two enthusiastically: "Your Excellency has been very kind to our Qingyang Mansion City, and the people in the city will remember it.

Come with us into the city. We must repay you for such great kindness.


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