He breathed slowly and gently, all the breath in his body was restrained, and he only used the power of his soul to quietly sense the surrounding environment.

The surroundings were still safe. Yan Weilou took out a bottle of pills. He turned the white porcelain bottle lightly, poured the pills into his hand, and swallowed them one by one.

There was always a look of indifference on his face.

Too lazy to waste too much energy, he restrained his usual sunny smile and didn't have much anger at all. His only expression was calm and cold.

Like a ferocious beast that had put away its sharp claws, it was quietly dormant in the jungle.

"Grand Master of Dayong, ninth on the list of heavenly beings, Pei Buming!" "Not bad...ahem!" If one can only be regarded as a warrior in the realm of insight, and only by entering the Tao can he embark on the true path of cultivation, then what does heavenly beings have to do with it? To ordinary people, he is like an immortal or a god.

The place where heavenly beings are located is often filled with their "Tao", just like a realm, which will automatically reject other people's Tao. When other people are in it, they will be like traitors and rebels facing the just and legitimate emperor, even their own It is difficult to express Taoism.

When they attacked the palace at night, the fighting power shown by the great masters was not in line with their realm. It was precisely because there were heavenly beings in Shengjing City that their Taoism was suppressed.

With Yan Weilou's physical cultivation, which he could only see at the moment, he could face a heavenly being face to face and still escape alive. Telling the truth was enough to make him famous in the world in one day.

He had never fought against the Great Yong Master in his previous life, but he didn't expect that he would bump into him in this life.

Moreover, he was seriously injured in just one encounter, and his internal organs were severely damaged.

After swallowing a bottle of healing medicine like jelly beans, the wounds on Yan Weilou's body had healed, but his internal organs were recovering slowly.

"Ahem! First find out where this is. Life is full of surprises..." Originally, according to Yan Weilou's plan, he would leave Shengjing City quietly, but he didn't know that grabbing the Hanhai Order on a whim would directly invalidate all his plans. .

He didn't feel dissatisfied at all, but instead raised the corners of his lips with interest, and his eyes showed excitement.

This kind of unexpectedness and unknown is also a kind of fun sometimes.

Worried that this face was wanted, Yan Weilou first used some small things to modify it, and then slowly stood up from behind the boulder where he was hiding.

Dressed in blood, he set foot on the mountain trail.

At the end of his sight, there was a raging and violent fire, and dark smoke billowed up.

A large group of people came running from the fire, and they seemed to see him from a distance. The knight at the front shouted: "There is someone here!" Recognizing the origin of the group of people at a glance, Yan Weilou's body suddenly shook. , collapsed to the ground for a second.

His body was working hard, and the wounds that had just scabbed opened several times. The blood soaked his clothes, and his already pale face became even whiter.

The young man's eyelashes trembled weakly, his thin bloody clothes clung to his body, and the word "weak" was written all over his green face.

Poor, weak, and helpless.

"Where are you from? How come you are here?" The knight stopped beside him. He was about to question him sternly, but he saw that this was just a young man in his early years, and he saw a face that could not be covered even with blood. The good looks, as well as the fear and nervousness in the young man's eyes, made him slow down his voice.

Yan Weilou raised his head and answered the fake identity that popped up in his mind. His expression showed one part nervousness, two parts expectation, three parts anxiety, and four parts fear.

The expressions are rich and the characterization is subtle enough to win relevant trophies in another world.

"I am..." While dealing with the other party's various problems, Yan Weilou was still trying to clear up all the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

"Xiaoyao Tower... If you have any hatred, don't worry about it for the time being.

"It doesn't matter if something happens.

"King Qi... his death is coming, don't worry about it.

"The Secret Realm of the Vast Sea..." Considering that he was using his real body when he entered the Vast Sea Realm, if he met in China, he would not be able to conceal his true identity. Therefore, before returning, Yan Weilou had already taken the initiative to exchange his real name with Su Xinghan.

Thinking about all the things that happened in the Vast Sea Realm during this period, Yan Weilou felt a little regretful: "There seems to be many secrets in the Vast Sea Secret Realm. Maybe I will find an opportunity to go there again in the future..." There is no demon soul in the vast land of China. If you want to activate it again The Hanhai Order would either consume a large amount of spiritual stones, or directly find a big force to occupy their sect in order to absorb the luck of humanity.

etc! Thinking of this, a question suddenly crossed Yan Weilou's mind.

He accidentally activated the Hanhai Order because he was in the palace, where human luck gathered, but Su Xinghan was clearly being hunted by people from the Tianzong, so how did he activate the Hanhai Order? A suspicion vaguely emerged in his mind.

Having been placed in the carriage, he couldn't help but tighten the window sill, and the corners of his lips curved.

"Someone can actually deceive me..." At the same time, the Tianzong main altar was in a mess.

All the palaces and pavilions collapsed, as if there had been a great battle, and the bodies of the Tianzong people were scattered everywhere.

Blood dripped all over the ground.

The man in white stood firmly in the open space in the middle, stretched out his fingers and flicked, and countless sword energy was like plucked strings, and like falling leaves, flying in all directions.

"Stop! Do you really want to be an enemy of our Tianzong? What kind of righteous way is it to make a surprise attack while a few elders are not around!" A group of people from the Tianzong gathered around him. They were clearly on their own territory, trying to bully others. However, the tone of his words was somewhat weak.

Su Xinghan remained silent, but the sword energy from his hand became more and more powerful.

"Are you crazy? The Great Elder will return soon, and you will never come back!" No matter whether they threatened, induced or persuaded, the man in white turned a deaf ear.

The Tianzong people present looked at this expressionless face, and almost all of them had a mental breakdown, and their hands holding weapons couldn't help but tremble.

Just over half a month ago, I heard that this man secretly killed the great elder's precious grandson, which prompted the great elder to issue a kill order.

Unexpectedly, this madman took the initiative to kill Tianzong, and plausibly claimed that Tianzong had stolen his treasure, which was the Holy Fire.

This is really ridiculous.

Not only that, he also exposed the existence of Han Hai Ling and was besieged by several elders on the spot. If he hadn't disappeared inexplicably, he would have been besieged and killed.

Unexpectedly, after disappearing for more than half a month, this man reappeared inexplicably. However, several elders were not here. The entire main forum was about to be massacred by this madman Wang Jing! These are all the future seedlings of Tianzong! Amid the steady roar, the man in white finally spoke, his voice colder than the light of the sword.

"Do you know the feeling of always waiting for someone to arrive, watching him leave again and again, but never knowing when we will meet again...?" "Do you know that when I found the path he left for me, I was... "The feeling of being stolen and defiled by a group of thieves?" "Do you know the feeling of missing out again after a rare reunion?" His tone became more and more urgent, and the sword energy became more and more fierce. In the splashing blood, there seemed to be something burning in the dark eyes of the man in white. Intense light, there was a kind of crazy determination in his movements.

Everyone in Tianzong wanted to cry without tears, and they couldn't help but curse in their hearts during the fierce battle.

They don't know anything, they only know that the guy in front of them is really a madman! "You don't have to know.

"The surrounding flames were burning fiercely, the sword energy penetrated the firelight, and his snow-white robes flew in the firelight, like the only trace of ice and snow in the burning sea of ​​fire.

"Just knowing that I'm in a bad mood right now is enough.


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