However, there was a civil strife in the Dayong royal family many years ago, and there seemed to be traces of the demon sect secretly instigating it.

In the end, the late emperor died of serious injuries, and several princes in front of Ji Fan were also dead or disabled.

So, this humble seventh prince took advantage and became the emperor.

Originally, the ministers were worried that the new emperor, who had never been trained by a prince, would not be able to manage the government well.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to be extremely talented and made a lot of jokes in the first few years. Later, his progress became more and more obvious, his political skills became more and more sophisticated, and he gradually gained the respect of many veterans.

"Why is it him again!" At this time, the highly praised Emperor Yong had a look of helplessness on his face, "The Ange assassin assassinated the Crown Prince of Qi? And also killed two Hou Tianqin at once?" Ange, in the Great Yong territory He naturally knows the notorious organization and has always only paid attention to getting money to do things.

Even if two Hou Tian Zhong were nothing to Ji Fan, but they were used to assassinate Yan Weilou... "...Is it worth it?" He blurted out while looking at the secret notes clearly written in black and white on the desk.

A chuckle came from the side, and the lazy voice was indistinguishable from male to female, but it made people feel chilled to the bone.

The man who had been standing silently beside him, slowly studying ink, raised his head: "If the prince of Qi heard these words from my father, I don't know how sad he would be.

I see that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince treats his father with great respect and love.

" Emperor Yong looked at her subconsciously.

The palace lanterns in the palace were bright, and the fine whale oil exuded wisps of light fragrance. The dancing firelight projected the woman's beautiful profile on the wall.

She was dressed in a red palace dress as deep as flames, with waterfall-like black hair falling from the side of her face, and the ends of her eyes were tinged with a faint red.

Her lips were painted with vermilion, her face was as white as snow, and her pupils glowed with a faint purple color.

It was clearly an attractive color, but as her eyes moved, it transformed into a majesty that no one dared to blaspheme.

She raised one wrist and gently rubbed the ink. Under the pale and fragile skin, blue blood vessels were clearly visible.

If other people were here, they would be shocked.

This person is clearly Ji Muyue, the ninth princess of the dynasty.

It was rumored that although she was a direct descendant of the middle palace, she was born with abnormal meridians and was unable to practice.

She has a moody temperament, and she is lawless because of the emperor's favor. She has three thousand faces in the princess's palace, and she is a figure that the princes of Shengjing will change their expressions upon hearing.

"His Royal Highness is also a wonderful person. He can attract three assassinations in a month... If Feiyuwei hadn't been secretly taking care of him over the years, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

"Ji Muyue said in a joking tone, "He is ignorant and still lives his life casually.

This time I accidentally missed two small fish, and unexpectedly bumped into Xiaoyao Tower..." She sighed quietly: "Such good luck is really enviable.

"Since Yan Weilou entered the capital, there have been countless waves of assassinations. These people come from all kinds of backgrounds. There are serious organizations like An Ge that use money to do things, there are also dead soldiers whose origins cannot be traced, and there are even people who died for money. People in the Jianghu, and even ordinary cooks who are forced to poison and poison... are really confusing.

“Foolish people are blessed with foolishness.

Emperor Yong commented lightly on this, and then asked, "Xiaojiu, what did you find out?" Ji Muyue frowned slightly and shook her head: "The prince of Qi has a pure nature and has never had any grudges with others."

Unless those people came because of his identity and to sow discord between King Qi and the royal family.

It's a pity that the people behind the scenes are cunning. They either place orders through An Pavilion or indirectly control the assassins, and never really show up..." "In this case, let Feiyuwei continue to monitor.

" Emperor Yong seemed to be particularly convinced and had no doubts about every word Ji Muyue said.

Yan Weilou had a special status, equivalent to the proton sent to the capital by King Qi, and both parties knew this.

Whether for his safety or for other purposes, people from Feiyuwei, one of the three major law enforcement agencies of the Dayong Dynasty, have been secretly monitoring him over the years.

However, these assassinations, which were carried out several times a month on average, gave Feiyuwei a huge headache.

During this time, they seemed to have developed various skills.

For example, the "Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes max" skill can be used to identify assassins waiting for opportunities in the crowd at a glance; and for example, as long as the assassin hears a sound once, no matter how the assassin changes his appearance and approaches Yanwei Tower, he can accurately identify the person by hearing the voice max "Skills; For example, after dealing with the poisoned cook and the poisoned pastries, you can still make a plate of it as it is, with the "God-level cooking max" skill that is full of color, flavor and flavor; for example, After discovering that the actor who was about to go on stage was up to no good, he accurately captured him and put on his costume as soon as possible with the "opera master max" skill... In this way, he originally just secretly monitored Shengjing City and occasionally performed some shady things. Fei Weiyu, who was on a new mission, transformed inexplicably.

If they can't eliminate the danger before it arises, and the Crown Prince of Qi finds himself surrounded by so many dangers, and his life is in danger at any time and anywhere, giving him the opportunity to question the ability and sincerity of the royal family... then right? It was convenient to have an excuse to leave Shengjing and return to Qidi.

The commander of Feiyu Guard has a heavy responsibility.

...I don’t know if it’s because of too much pressure, but Feiyuwei has had five commanders since the end of the year.

"It seemed like he was crazy again in the past two days," Emperor Yong suddenly asked when he mentioned Feiyuwei. "It seems that another commander requested to be transferred in the past two days?" Ji Muyue nodded with a smile: "I have appointed a new commander, Xie Xuan. Commander Xie has always fulfilled his duties since he took office, and he will surely be able to last longer.

” “Xie Xuan, I remember he was born a soldier, it’s hard for him.

"Thinking of the previous leaders of Feiyu Guard, even the always suspicious and cold Emperor Yong could not help but be slightly touched.

It was precisely because the new leader of Feiyu Guard, Xie Xuan, had just taken office, and the New Year's Day was full of mixed people, Yan Weilou, who originally did not intend to attend the ceremony, suddenly changed his mind, and the Feiyu Guard who was supposed to have been monitoring him lost him inexplicably... Under a series of coincidences, the two assassins from the Dark Pavilion were able to approach him smoothly, and thus fell into the trap.

Of course, in the eyes of others, it was just that the prince of Qi was lucky and was rescued by Xiaoyao Tower.

The appearance of Xiaoyao Tower made Emperor Yong alert. As an emperor, the most intolerable thing was this kind of unknown force hidden in the dark.

He looked at Ji Muyue again.

This time Ji Muyue did not disappoint him.

She was skilled in her posture, and she reached out and found a few books from a pile of secret reports placed in a corner of the imperial desk, and presented them to Emperor Yong with both hands.

"All the information about Xiaoyao Tower is here.

" "According to the order of the emperor, I sent people into Xiaoyao Tower and secretly controlled several small chambers of commerce under it..." She explained her arrangements word by word, "In my opinion, the emperor does not need to care about Xiaoyao Tower.

Xiaoyao Tower may seem glamorous, but it is not.

The owner of Xiaoyao Tower... is really too naive! "Although Xiaoyao Tower has made a fortune in recent years, the owner Yan Wulun obviously has no ambition to expand further.

In Ji Muyue's opinion, this person is full of talent, but he doesn't understand people's hearts at all.

He is only satisfied with the current wealth, but has he ever thought about whether other people in Xiaoyao Tower can be so content with the status quo and be content with what they have? Back then, Yan Wulun brought this group of people together to break the monopoly of the Chamber of Commerce and create the foundation of Xiaoyao Tower from scratch. Wasn't it because of their unwillingness and ambition? But now, this burning fire of ambition has burned him in turn.

"In the past, Yan Wulun was the leader who led them to break through the difficulties, but now, he has become an obstacle to everyone-if they continue to follow Yan Wulun, they will never be able to go further.

"Facing the curious eyes of Emperor Yong, Ji Muyue's voice was cold, "Xiaoyao Tower has long been disunited, and a little trick can change the world.

"...After all, the owner of Xiaoyao Tower is a lovely person who never kills or injures anyone, never forces anyone to do anything, and even cannot bear to punish a servant who makes a mistake.


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