The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen

Chapter 139: we are different

"What I'm going to say next may surprise everyone. After all, I was also very surprised by this incident, and I even lost sleep for several nights in a row." Zhang Yiyun endured The joy in the bottom of my heart, with a slight smile on the face, looked very calm and said: "Because, Xu Qian and I have received the marriage certificate a week ago, and we are really together."

Gossip and gossip turned out to be nothing but trivial matters.

And Jiang Yihan's first special variety show today, so many people came to help, and so many big stars exposed news that shocked the entertainment industry.

As other people guessed, they are two dead enemies who are incompatible with water and fire.

Meng Xiaomeng was so excited that she grabbed Gu Xunxue's arm and pinched her eyes to tears.

"I'm so moved, so moved, they are finally together." Meng Xiaomeng doesn't know the past of Zhang Yiyun and her mother, but sometimes she can guess from the attitude of her sister that she still has something in her heart. Another person exists. She used to be very distressed, thinking that her mother had cheated on her, so she divorced her father.

Later, she found out that her father was married to another man, and her sister told her that it was only a formal marriage.

Over the years, Meng Xiaomeng has been grateful to her mother and resented her father, but in the end, she could only listen to her sister. According to what her sister said, I hope my parents can pursue their beloved ones well. No one in the world owes anyone.

Xu Qian held Zhang Yiyun's hand firmly, as if she was afraid that her lover would leave if she let go, she stood beside Xu Qian and hugged her, smiling happily and looking at the camera: " I have one more thing to tell you today, this will be the last time we will appear on the stage, and I hope that in the future, we can focus on our family and loved ones."

Looking at this scene, Luo Xuange began to fantasize about the situation of retiring with An Ruoshui in the future, but she believed that even if An Ruoshui retired, fans would always pay attention to her dynamics.

It is impossible to live a truly ordinary life.

The two explosive news thrown by Xu Qian and Zhang Yiyun caught the audience by surprise.

And the show will continue, the online viewing volume of this show has actually overwhelmed the large-scale reality show held by Anshi.

Many industry insiders estimate that no program will exceed the number of online viewings of this program in at least 20 years.

An Junfeng was so angry that he immediately convened a board of directors to crush the opponent.

Xu Ru, who is far away in another country, is having dinner with her girlfriend and her parents at the moment.

After dinner, she wanted to help with the housework, but was stopped by Bai Liu's parents and asked them to go out.

The two left home like this, Bai Liu held Xu Ru's hand tightly along the way, feeling the temperature of her lover, she felt that the air around her was filled with happiness with pink bubbles .

"Will we be together forever?" Bai Liu believed in Xu Ru and this hard-won love, but still wanted to hear Xu Ru say it herself.

Xu Ru smiled lightly: "Yes. We will always be together, and we will never be separated."

"I want to hug you." Bai Liu was not sure how much she had recovered. When she wanted to approach Xu Ru, she would always ask her subconsciously, for fear that Xu Ru would be disgusted, and that she would be suddenly pushed away.

Xu Ru opened her arms and embraced her, whispering softly in her ear, "I love you."

The leisure time after dinner was very short. When they got home, Xu Ru hurriedly finished washing up. When Bai Liu went to the bathroom to wash up, she was quite bored lying on the bed looking at her phone.

However, I found that the mobile phone was full of various news, the marriage of An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange was exposed, and the flash marriage and retirement of Zhang Yiyun and Xu Qian, all kinds of news shocked She couldn't react for a while.

Dial Meng Xiaomeng's cell phone, Xu Ru patiently waited for her to answer the phone.

In China, Meng Xiaomeng just went to the backstage, and friends from all walks of life were waiting to interview them, but Meng Xiaomeng received a call from her sister at this time, and Xu Ru couldn't smile bitterly on the phone He asked Meng Xiaomeng: "Why is my mother married and I am the last to know?"

"Sister, I wanted to tell you. But..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I want to ask you, did your mother tell you this, or did you discover it by mistake?" Xu Ru felt that her mother was in this In fact, it is impossible to tell Xiaomeng without telling her that it must be Xiaomeng who broke it herself, and she will be unbalanced if she doesn't ask clearly.

Meng Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, I went to my mother yesterday to find a note, which was written by her when she was young. She asked me to pass it on to An Ruoshui. I forgot it several times, and I planned to give it to myself that day, but I didn't expect to see the marriage certificate in her bedroom."

Meng Xiaomeng didn't forget to wave her arms when she talked about the excitement, hoping that she could describe it in more detail.

Xu Ru chatted with her clearly, and asked for some details, and finally saw Bai Liu come out of the bathroom, and she hurriedly hung up the call with her sister.

When all this was over, Meng Xiaomeng took Gu Xunxue's arm again and went to be interviewed by reporters.

Although their relationship has not been officially announced, it is self-evident to outsiders.

After the two were interviewed by reporters, they never thought that the conversation between her and Xu Ru was recorded, and the video and voice were posted online.

The limelight even overshadowed Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui who just announced their marriage.

Actually, the Meng family doesn't want to help Meng Xiaomeng hide her identity any more. They can understand the strength of their own children. Her tone made her go around in the circle and get ridiculed. It is better to announce her identity directly so that she can be taken care of by the seniors in the circle.

So Meng Xiaomeng is now not covering up the matter of her mother and sister. The media can find it better. If she can't find it, her family will find opportunities to reveal it to others.

Just this video alone has attracted Meng Xiaomeng's attention in the circle, and Gordon's hot search for a few days has also let many people know that she understands her, and the number of fans has doubled of rising.

Meng Xiaomeng just made a vase at Gu Xunxue's suggestion. Anyway, there are only so many acting skills, and she looks good, pure, cute and likable, so let's play to his own advantages.

The show finally came to an end, no matter how hot the Internet was, Luo Xuange followed Jiang Yihan for a work meal in the background like no one, and then got into Jiang Yihan's private car.

All the way, both of them were silent.

In the end, Jiang Yihan couldn't stand it anymore, she asked: "You, so ... what you told me in the future is true? An Ruoshui is really urging you to have children?"

"Well... yes or no." Luo Xuange nodded slightly: "She used to urge me to retire together and have another child, but I didn't agree at that time, I I don't like children. She gave me a lot of psychological counseling, hoping to change my thinking, and put up cute posters of various dolls at home, so cute that she can't wait to have her own child right away, but I see I feel a headache when I look at those. After a while I was tired and she was tired, so she took a rest. I mentioned it again a while ago, and she said that she would not force me, just let it be. "

"That's good, then what are you worried about." Jiang Yihan herself is an orphan who was abandoned. She felt that if the two really wanted a child in love, she would choose to have one, but at least To be at least responsible, parents like her and Xiaoxi must be irresponsible parents. It is better not to have children like this.

So in the situation of Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui, she can only say let it be. But An Ruoshui really likes children. If she doesn't have a child, it would be a regret in her life.

"I know it's good now, but it's good for me, Ruo Shui doesn't really dislike children anymore. She just doesn't talk to her anymore." Luo Xuan Ge's tone was full of disappointment.

She was even a little scared, would An Ruoshui leave her for the sake of the child in the future.

After all, she who lived 800 years ago has too many stories of divorce and divorce because of children, and it is always difficult for her to calm down.

And she loves An Ruoshui deeply. When An Ruoshui said 'you don't want children, I won't force you', she was full of guilt, and even felt that she could not satisfy her lover's wish. own fault.

"Forget it, you want to be more open about this kind of thing. Isn't it because of fate that I got a girl for nothing? You can come together with An Ruoshui, I think you are too It's because of a wonderful fate. Since many things in the world can be solved naturally, why do you keep worrying about these things?" Jiang Yihan guided her while driving.

Luo Xuange opened her mouth to answer her, but Jiang Yihan cursed in a low voice: "Damn, it's blocked again. I knew I wouldn't take this road."

Then said to Luo Xuange again: "Look, life is actually the same. I have to take this road to go home, and you have to take this road to go home. Hundreds of thousands of people have to take this road. Maybe we can listen to the news on the road and choose an unblocked road when we start. There is no way in life, who knows what will happen to us in the next second What? We have already embarked on this road, what else can we do? We are stuck here and go with the flow, follow the footsteps of the public, and it will always be smooth. The troubles will never happen to you alone. . Instead of being irritable, it's better to smile and look at the scenery along the road."

"We are different."

Master Luo listened to her pouring a big bowl of chicken soup for the soul, although it was very reasonable, but who stipulated that she would follow so many people and wait for the road to clear.

The moment Luo Xuange opened the car door and closed it, he said to Jiang Yihan: "We are different. I can fly, but you can't."

The author has something to say: 8

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