The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1007: Seal the Canyon


The continuous sound of breaking through the air kept ringing in the valley outside the canyon, and countless arrows flew horizontally, causing a large amount of damage in the dense beast crowd.

Even more rumbling sounds of mechanism opening continued to be heard, and the orcs were jumping while they suddenly found a black hole at their feet. Unprepared, they fell into one by one, and there were screams of wailing!

It is impossible for the orc who fell into the trap to get up again. Inside the seven-eight-meter-high black hole, there are bare rock walls all around, and there are sharp iron drills under the hole, and the iron drill penetrates the body. It is already difficult to move.

In addition, more and more of the same kind fell into the trap, pressed one by one, and the body was pierced by the iron, making it impossible to stand up.

The tens of thousands of orcs who had just rushed into the canyon disappeared from the horizon in an instant, and the red numbers on the ground jumped wildly...

"I'm going, it's too strong, give them a while!"


The second wave of organs was activated again, and the crossbow arrows flew horizontally. The orcs who had just rushed into the rocky area had not yet figured out what happened to the guy in front. Another trap opened, and countless arrows flew.

The roar kept reverberating in the valley. After the three rounds were finished, the orc army rushed to the forefront, and there were already very few.

The enemies who followed did not dare to rush forward forcibly, so they carefully explored the mechanism one by one and continued to advance.

"It's not fun, prepare the turtle shell, let's hide for a while, and watch the teacher and the archer." God Realm said with a frantic smile.

At the mouth of the canyon outside, the cliffs on both sides are also full of archers and wizard players. They have long found a place to settle on the cliff, and roped their bodies around trees or raised rocks. His hand was completely liberated, and he just waited for a full attack.


At the mouth of the canyon, countless players pulled long ropes, and the huge wooden shields they prepared were pulled up one after another, erected in front of the trench, and then fixed with brackets.

Within three minutes, a temporary tower appeared in front of the entire gorge, blocking the orcs under the hillside.

With this defense, players don't have to worry about the long-range attacks of the orcs. On the contrary, if the enemy wants to get close and launch the arrow rain and throwing axes, they must first face the long-range attacks from the players on the cliff.

Under Mo Xie's deployment, there were hardly any flaws here.

According to Mo Xie's design, tonight was originally a battle of encirclement and killing. I never thought that it would give the orc army any chance.

As the three young commanders of the God Realm League raised their wooden shields, the defense of the entire canyon mouth has been formed, waiting for the enemy to get out of the troubled times area, and then set foot on the long hillside.

And this slope, which is hundreds of meters wide and about a hundred meters long, is the death corridor Moxie gave to the orcs. As long as they rush up, they will be greeted by a rain of arrows and large magic clouds!

There are more rolling stones, also waiting for the arrival of the enemy...

"Boss, the defense of the canyon mouth is ready." The God Realm reported immediately.

"Understood, be careful of defense. If an orc rushes up, you can go back to me as the head of the branch, understand?" Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"No, it's the sub-group leader again? I have been the sub-group leader three times back and forth." The God Realm madly dragged silently.

"If something goes wrong this time, you will be your sub-group leader for a long time. When you have a more stable personality and make no mistakes, you can come back." Mo Xie said without giving face.

"Well, look at me this time." The God Realm madly dragged silently.

The three of them, as well as the Dragon Soul of the God Realm, were all senior commanders promoted by Mo Xie himself. They were entrusted with heavy responsibilities, and now they are all masters on their own.

For example, the Dragon Soul of the God Realm, now appointed by Mo Xie as the supreme commander of the Golden Crow Barracks, led more than 30,000 players from the outer legions, fighting the wild attacks of the orcs in the barracks and fortresses.

And God Realm Kuangyiao and his two classmates are young masters that Mo Xie values ​​very much. It's a pity that their personality is relatively frizzy, and they like impulsiveness. Not long after being promoted, they will be sent back by Mo Xie for a little mistake. Served as the sub-head of the grassroots.

Repeatedly like this, the God Realm madly pulled back at least three times to serve as the head of the division...

If it is frizzy again this time, I am afraid that in the future, as Moxie said, he will be the sub-group leader for a long time.

With the rapid growth of the scale of the God Realm League, the manpower is also more abundant, especially after the recent alliance affairs have all entered formality, more and more talents have been unearthed by Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan, each serving as a comparison in the alliance. Important positions, and all moved to the base to sign contracts.

The current God Realm League, whether it is an ordinary member or a low-level commander, is full of confidence in their future.

Because this is a brand new alliance, anyone who has the ability can rush to it, there is no such thing as a husband’s association where the relationship depends on seniority.

So now the players of the God Realm League, whether they are doing missions or participating in battles, almost use 12 points of power. This is completely unmatched by the Arrogant League.

Luo Feng may have never figured out that the God Realm League has no money and no one, even if there is a genius commander, it will not develop so quickly?

But he would never expect that the entire God Realm League is like a big family now, all players and commanders are working hard...

In the canyon, the battle is still in full swing. Mo Xie and Li Hong fly over the hillside, vying for the monsters with the arrogant alliance players.

The experience value and merit value numbers on the top of the head are constantly beating every second.

Anyway, they also have a bonus to the experience of the legion team. As long as they are not too far away from the team, even if they don't fight monsters, they can get a good percentage.

However, they are now specifically attacking the monsters in the arrogant alliance that fight residual blood, which is equivalent to getting a lot of extra bonuses, which is more powerful than in the team.

It has been almost an hour since the start of the battle. According to intelligence analysis obtained from various places, all actions are being executed in an orderly manner in accordance with Moxie's pre-war deployment.

Except for the fortress where the Elf King was held, it was too strong to attack directly. This was the only place beyond Moxie's calculation.

But it doesn't matter, it should be a piece of cake to wait for the end of the war to clean up a prison fortress.

After this hour, the first battle of the Golden Crow barracks was still in progress.

But the Orc Legion, blocked by the 30,000 players commanded by the Dragon Soul of the God Realm, still couldn't successfully occupy the fortress, but was struggling to attack outside the canyon.

As the orcs surrounded in the canyon are being killed by the players, everyone's experience bar is rising rapidly.

Especially the continuous acquisition of merit points makes all players excited.

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