The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1016: Heart attack

With the sound of the Beastmaster's willingness to surrender, the players were suddenly excited, and laughter resounded throughout the valley!

"Everyone, be quiet, and wait until all the orcs surrender." Mo Xie said quickly.

At the request of a group of commanders, the players finally calmed down.

"Your Majesty the Beast King, since you choose to surrender, I guarantee that your people will be properly protected, and you will also be protected, no one can harm you." Mo Xie immediately assured.

"I can't believe in human words, we must sign a contract." Beastmaster roared coldly.

"Yes, as long as your people surrender, we immediately sign the contract." Mo Xie smiled.

"All the people of the orc race, we have lost this battle. Following this king's order, everyone put down their weapons and accepts the enemy's command." The beast king's loud voice resounded over the canyon.

The moment they heard this sound, all the orcs seemed to lose their strength, sitting on the ground one by one, throwing their weapons in front of the players.

Jingle bells!

After countless orcs discarded their weapons, they sat there with their heads down, without any response.

"Take the orc weapons away, and all these tens of thousands of orcs are taken to the canyon near the Golden Crow barracks to take care of them, and none of them are allowed to run away." Mo Xie immediately ordered.

"Understand, brothers and I will take the prisoners." A group of commanders hurried forward excitedly.

It’s strange to say that these orc heads are extremely gentle afterwards. Players stand up when they want them to stand, and they want them to stand in groups. They also lower their heads without saying a word, and quietly follow the orders, which also makes the players relaxed. A lot.

As a team of orc captives walked towards the mouth of the canyon under the **** of the players, the number of people in the valley became less and less...

When a large number of orcs were escorted away, the eyes of a group of core commanders including Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang finally showed a large group of special orc legions wearing black armor and tall.

In the center of this group of tens of thousands of orc warriors, above a boulder, sits a burly middle-aged man wearing black armor, carrying a heavy wheel-like axe in one hand, and a bright golden crown on his head.

The image of the orc king finally appeared in front of all players.

His face is full of golden beard, as mighty as the long golden hair on the lion king’s neck, curly golden hair, golden eyebrows, a square face with Chinese characters, even after the defeat, a majestic aura is still on his face. Come.

Mo Xie had fallen from the air and brought a group of commanders to approach the group of Beastmaster Guards.

As he approached, the commander was surprised to find that nearly 10,000 people in the Beastmaster Guard had names displayed in purple font on the top of their heads, all of them were bosses!

"Oh my God, fortunately he surrendered. It's really hard to fight tens of thousands of people today." Lianna exclaimed.

"The Beastmaster is too good to break, so I have so many guards!" Mo Xiaoyuan said in surprise.

Seeing the large purple-named burly orc warrior, still guarding the surroundings of the Beast King, his cold eyes seemed to warn everyone not to be rude to His Majesty the Beast King.

And the middle-aged man sitting on the boulder, with colored light shining above his head, and the four characters of Beastmaster Xie Ri, all the players watching opened their mouths wide.

"Unexpectedly, the half-million army of the dignified orcs would be defeated by your mobs. Could it be my orcs!" Beastmaster Xie Ri gave the nearby players a cold look, and said helplessly. Sigh.

"No, your Majesty is mistaken. It's not that the gods are going to kill your orcs, but the gods are unpopular. You help the gods with all your heart, so you will have today's end." Mo Xie said lightly.

"The gods and the beasts are one. This is a contract for thousands of years, and this king cannot breach the contract. Now that the beasts are defeated, the contract will automatically expire, and I hope you abide by the promise you just made." Beast King Xie Ri said coldly.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that killing all the orcs is not good for us. Moreover, now that the orcs are defeated, the contract between you and the gods is ended. For us, there is no need to target you." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Very well, are you the highest commander of this legion?" Beastmaster Xie Ri looked at Mo Xie curiously.

"Your Majesty's guess is right, I can be the master." Mo Xie nodded.

"That's fine, this king has drawn up a contract. As long as you protect the safety of the orcs, this king is willing to stay in prison forever." Beast King Xie Ri sighed and waved, a cloud of golden light flew in front of Mo Xie...


The golden light hovered in front of Mo Xie, and a golden scroll slowly unfolded...

Orc surrender contract:

Proposed person: Orc King Evil Sun

The orcs are willing to accept the persuasion to surrender, and promise never to be enemies in the future, hoping to agree to the following requirements:

One: Ensure that the remaining people of the Orcs will not be slaughtered.

Two: Orc people have the same freedom as other ethnic groups.

Three: Orcs and other ethnic groups enjoy the same treatment as the empire.

Four: Orc people can have their own territory.

Five: The orcs promise to no longer have military armaments, and other ethnic groups are not allowed to recruit orcs to join the army.

Promise of defeat:

One: Beast King Xie Ri is willing to be imprisoned for life in exchange for the peace of the people

Two: Since the orcs dismissed all armies, there are no more orc soldiers.

Three: The orcs do not participate in any group struggle.

"Is there only these five requirements?" Mo Xie asked curiously after reading the simple jump above quickly.

"As long as these five requirements are met, this king will have no regrets." Beastmaster Xie Ri bowed his head and sighed.

"In fact, your Majesty doesn't need to do this at all. The orcs are a big ethnic group after all. If you do this, even if the orcs have peace, they will never become stronger again." Moxie said.

"Now I am the fish and you are the sword, what more dare I ask?" Beastmaster shook his head and asked.

"You are wrong, I am not a **** race, nor an imperial emperor. Since the orcs exist, they should enjoy a status equal to their strength. Otherwise, why bother to serve the gods?" Mo Xie asked.

"Then what do you mean?" Beastmaster Xie Ri asked curiously.

"These contracts are completely unnecessary. I never thought about killing the orcs. I only hope that the orcs, like the elves, are the common masters of this world and have their own territory to live in harmony, instead of being suppressed or restricted." Mo Xie said.

"What... Do you want to give us the orcs a place to live?" Beast King Xie Ri asked in surprise.

"The vast mountains and rivers are so huge, isn't there a place for your orcs? I suggest that your majesty can order a tribe you can trust to lead the remaining orc people to further places to find a place to settle."

"Your Majesty, you can stay with me for a few more days temporarily. After your race finds a suitable territory, you can go to meet your people before."

"As for the defeated contract, there is no need for me. I just hope that the orcs will not participate in any unnecessary battles."

Mo Xie said.

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