The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1031: Ten days to prepare

There is only ten days left for the Empire State Council?

Mo Xie was overjoyed in his heart. Once the Great Dynasty was opened, it meant that the generals of the human race would launch a crusade against the gods, and a decisive battle was about to begin!

At that time, regardless of victory or defeat, the battlefield of the Sun Empire is already open anyway, and the battle between humans and gods is inevitable!

"What... General Yanghui is coming to Huangcheng Mountain? The Dachaohui only requires city owners from all over the world to come to participate in the meeting. It has never asked the guarding generals to also come to Huangcheng Mountain." General Zhen Guoda just read the beginning of the letter and immediately Frowned.

"General, you continue to look down. General Yang Hui will not only come by himself, but also the generals from the other two main cities." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Without your Majesty's summons, generals from all over the country are not allowed to return to the imperial city privately. What do they want to do?" General Zhen Guo said in surprise.

He hurriedly read all the contents of the letter, and suddenly stayed there with his mouth wide open...

"General, do you understand the situation now?" Mo Xie asked.

"They are so impulsive. The three frontier city masters will come without announcement. This is already disrespectful to your majesty. They will also take this opportunity to help you achieve the promotion of an imperial general. This is even more dangerous. mobilize the army privately. Siege of the imperial city is even more a crime of treason! Doesn't the Protoss have a handle in doing so?" General Zhen Guo shook his head and said.

"The general's words are also bad. Now the orc army is no longer threatened, and all the reinforcements that the gods can count on have been lost. At this time, when using the big dynasty, to force the gods to show their true colors, even if your majesty is embarrassed, he can do nothing." Mo Xie Said.

"But by doing this, do you have absolute certainty to defeat the Protoss? You know, on the Huangcheng Mountain, the Protoss has no curse restrictions, and they can fully exert their maximum combat effectiveness!" General Zhenguo warned.

"Our three main cities plus the three military camps, as well as the general's outer city guard army, are you still afraid of the resistance of the gods?" Mo Xie comforted.

"You forget, there is also an imperial guard army on Huangcheng Mountain, and it only obeys the orders of the imperial decree. In case your Majesty is controlled by the Protoss, the entire Huangcheng Mountain is under the control of the Protoss. What's the use of more legions? One day, we can only throw a rat avoidance." The General Zhen Guo said, shaking his head.

"You are right, but this opportunity must not be missed. We still have ten days to prepare for other details." Mo Xie smiled.

"Within ten days, can you control the guards of Huangcheng Mountain? And also prevent the Protoss from controlling your Majesty?" General Zhen Guo asked coldly.

"It's man-made, I believe I can do it." Mo Xie nodded confidently.

"You kid, everyone can speak big words, but this is related to the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the lives of all ministers, and the safety of the entire empire. If we are not careful, we will all become sinners in the empire. !" The general of the town country shouted coldly.

"The general is very considerate, but so many generals are not vegetarians. This opportunity is very important. You must prepare in advance. And I was not talking big just now, because I have already mastered what the Holy Princess might hide. Location, when the time comes to find the princess to come forward, even if your majesty is threatened by the gods, we at least have a second choice, the human empire will never collapse!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh, where is your Royal Highness now?" General Zhen Guo asked in surprise.

"I just have the general location of her hiding. After the general agrees to our plan, I will immediately look for the trace of His Royal Highness." Moxie said.

"I can give you five days. If you can find Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess within five days, ensure her safety, and bring me the Holy Princess's handwriting, I will promise to start this plan. If not, I will A military order was issued to prohibit all generals from the main city from entering the imperial city, and to order all imperial legions not to leave the barracks on the day of the Great Court." General Zhen Guo said coldly.

"Five days?" Mo Xie thought for a while. Since the General Zhen Guo insisted so, without his help, this plan was really difficult to implement, so he could only accept his request and search for the whereabouts of the holy princess within five days.

"I am willing to accept this task, but the general, please remember your own words." Moxie said.

"As long as the holy princess's handwriting is there and the determination to fight against the Protoss, the old man is more eager than you." The town country general said angrily.

"Okay, then you can give me a task." Mo Xie waited for a while, but did not see the system send a message, so he urged.

"No mission? This is just an agreement between the two of us. There is no mission relationship. You only have five days to find it." The General Zhen Guo said, shaking his head.

"So that's the case, then I will hurry up and find someone." Mo Xie nodded, apparently wanting to start a full-scale war against the Protoss. The appearance of the Holy Princess is the most critical clue to the mission.

But the Beastmaster repeatedly warned that not only the place is protected by a powerful beast seal, but there are countless special monsters. Don't approach it at will...

What is the situation?

To be honest, the seal of the sacred beast really did not scare Mo Xie, he had already seen the enchantment of the sacred beast once, and now this beast was acting as a guardian of the sacred beast in his territory.

Regarding the mystery of the seal of the beast, in the entire country, no one knows better than him.

The so-called divine beast seal refers to a divine power illusion that a divine beast uses its own divine power. In this illusion, everything is controlled by the divine beast. Unless the guy who breaks into the barrier is stronger than the divine beast, it will not be blocked. Sphere influence.

No matter what, let's check the situation first.

Mo Xie immediately rushed out of the general's mansion. Although there were still five days left, he didn't want to waste a moment.

He already had a plan in his mind. He must first find out the whereabouts of the holy princess, make sure that the Great Dynasty will proceed as planned, and then find a way to find the Elf King so that the entire Elf race can be rescued.

In this way, in addition to the emperor regiment, he has a huge help from the elven legion, and he can be more sure about dealing with the gods.

In addition to these, he also asked the players of the God Realm League to increase their strength and prepare for a battle when that time comes...

He rushed out of the general's mansion and immediately called out his mounts. Mo Xie didn't care about disturbing the players in the city. He rode directly into the air and flew towards the southeast of the city...

Allowing the mount to fly forward, Mo Xie opened the Alliance Command Channel and reported all the situation just now to his teammates.

"Are you looking for Saint Princess now?" Li Hong asked in surprise.

"Yes, without further ado, I will go and see what's going on now." Mo Xie nodded.

"Since the Beastmaster said it is very dangerous, you should be more careful." Mo Xiaolang exhorted.

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