The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1035: Tree House Kingdom

The Dragon Girl could not be summoned, and Mo Xie lost a capable assistant at the critical moment.

Especially in such a dangerous environment, it is difficult for him to do anything on his own, let alone searching for the existence of the seal of the beast.

It's a pity that the Beastmaster didn't come in person at the beginning. From his description, Mo Xie had very little information, and how to find it was also a difficult task.

Staying on the big tree for nearly half an hour, Mo Xie thought hard about what to do next.

Fortunately, his current position is not far away from the forest exit, which is really impossible, and he can also exit to ensure safety.

The Beastmaster said that the secret agents of the orc race came here quietly after chasing the holy princess all the way, only to find the dangerous map and the seal zone of the beast...

There seems to be a special message in this sentence!

You know, the monsters in this cross-regional map are not only a huge threat to yourself, but also very terrifying enemies for the orc spy and even the Saint Princess.

Since the orc spy is chasing the Saint Princess' team and can find the place where the beast is sealed, it means that the map of the beast seal must not be particularly dangerous, and it is not far from the edge of the forest!

Only with this analysis, Mo Xie always felt that it was correct.

Since this is the case, he doesn't need to continue to venture into the forest. Maybe he can find what he wants in other places near the edge of the forest.

Mo Xie patted the back of the head and was very surprised.

He quickly climbed down from the tree, carefully followed the original road, and rushed out of the forest...

After a while, he rushed out of the black curtain and once again came to the sunny grassland.

Looking at the large grasslands and lakes, as well as the mountains in the distance, the map here is beautiful, but the only downside is that because it is already on the edge of the region, the surrounding grasslands and mountains in the map of Nuo Da, except for Moxie Apart from a person, no creatures can be seen anymore.

It's a pity that this large map doesn't even have a monster refresh area. How could the system be so set...

Taking a look at the distant environment, Mo Xie turned around and continued to think about how to find the seal of the beast.

According to the analysis, the seal of the beast must be not far from this forest, but the forest map is too large, and it is very difficult to determine a prescription location.

With a wave of his hand, he called out Xiao Feidian and rode to the sky again, intending to take a circle along the edge of this dark forest to see the situation.

Flying quickly into the sky, Mo Xie began to fly horizontally at the junction of blue sky and black sky.

In order to see a larger map range, Moxie let the mount rise to high altitude until Xiaofeidian's flying altitude limit.

At this moment, he was already thousands of meters away from the ground, and a large area of ​​dark forest appeared in his sight through the dark curtain.

However, it is a pity that there is pitch black everywhere, and you can only vaguely see the canopy over the forest.

But at this moment, Mo Xie was not in a hurry. He drove his mount along the edge of the dark curtain and flew slowly to the side of the forest, always focusing on the forest area...

During the fast flight, a large forest map kept passing by in front of his eyes, and there seemed to be no abnormalities in the pure black environment.

But what Mo Xie has is patience. Since he has already come here, even if it takes a little time, he has to check it again slowly.

Just like this, they kept flying towards the side of the map. On the big map, there were only a few inches of distance left in the corner of the border, and the actual length of the flight could be completed in half an hour.

It was also when he was about to fly to the ridge position on the other side of the map, looking at Mo Xie in the dark forest, his eyes suddenly brightened...

I saw in the dark forest in the distance, in the originally dark environment, there was a small magical light green halo. Although it was inconspicuous, it was difficult to see if it was not noticed, but Mo Xie swept all the way attentively, of course not. Miss this situation.

Worrying about the visual fatigue caused by his eyes looking at the same environment for a long time, Mo Xie immediately turned his head to one side and let the mount hover in the air until after reading the grassland map for one minute, he carefully turned his head to look at the shady area again...

The little green light zone still exists where he first discovered it.

There is a situation there!

Mo Xie had determined in his heart and immediately ordered the mount to slowly descend, and his heart was firmly locked in to discover this strange area.

According to his judgment, walking toward that area from outside the black screen, that is, a distance of four to five hundred meters, as long as it is not discovered by the monster, it can be approached within a few minutes.

When the mount landed on the ground, Mo Xie also jumped off the grass, recalled the mount and stepped into the dark zone again.

The system prompt still sounded, he locked the target position tightly, and quietly moved forward again into the dark jungle...

With the experience of the last time, he paid special attention to the surrounding environment. Once he noticed the sound of Xisuosuo nearby, he immediately threw a bamboo pole in the opposite direction. This method worked every time, relying on the sound positioning. The black robes were all gathered where the bamboo poles fell, giving Mo Xie enough time to get rid of the enemy's entanglement.

All the way forward, he has rushed hundreds of meters in the dark forest.

Gradually, there really seemed to be an abnormality in front of him. In the pitch-black environment, a little halo suddenly appeared from a distance.

After he quickly rushed out of a few big trees, the environment in front of him completely stunned him...

I saw in the dark forest, in the large forest in front, a semi-circular green mask covered a large forest.

Moreover, between each of the big trees in front, they were entangled by thick green vines, forming a grid-like fence. These green vines also shone with a faint blue light, seemingly always a very strong defense force.

Within the forest covered by the green mask, the big trees have thick leaves and thick canopies, but among the dense leaves, Mo Xie still sees the green huts hidden on the branches!

This large forest area was enveloped by a seal. Someone built a huge tree house kingdom in the seal zone!

Based on such a large forest area and so many trees, the number of tree houses in it is probably over tens of thousands!

Mo Xie strode excitedly to the green mask, watching the faint green light shining, couldn't help reaching out to try the special features of this seal...


As his finger just touched the green light curtain, red light suddenly appeared in the muffled sound.

A huge explosive air wave shook his whole body tens of meters away, and fell straight to the ground.

Damage -3855!

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