The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1041: Thanksgiving

Although the sky fire is powerful, everything in the world is mutually reinforcing and restraining. As long as the right method is found, it is not impossible to recover the sky fire.

The senior leaders of the Protoss knew how to restrain the holy objects, but they could not collect all the relevant materials.

But Mo Xie was different from them. Although Skyfire was powerful, as long as the power of two phoenix divine beasts was gathered, and the Phoenix brothers and sisters of similar bloodlines, the divine fire power exerted by them could surely compete with Skyfire in a short time.

As long as you can suppress the sky fire for a short time, and then find a suitable device to suppress the sky fire, it means that the sky fire holy artifact will return to your own!

Watching Fairy Blazing Phoenix quickly withdraw the seal divine power, he turned around and stretched out his hand, grabbing it on the back of Mo Xie's neck...

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mo Xie was thinking about things, and she was grabbed by her neck, suddenly surprised.

"I'll take you out to fly, otherwise your strength is dead here." Fairy Flaming Phoenix didn't bother to pay attention to him, with a little toes, the hot figure suddenly rose into the sky, turning into a flame and flew towards the end of the dark forest. ...

"Ah, slow down..." Mo Xie was very nervous. He had ridden a dragon and had a flying pet, but it was the first time he had flew like this...


The sound of the wind passed quickly in his ears, and the light in front of his eyes flashed, and he had been carried out of the sealed forest by Fairy Blazing Phoenix.

Looking at the sunny prairie, countless elves are rushing wildly, a long line marching quickly towards the other side of the map, the back of the holy princess has already led the team far away.

"Hey, didn't you want me to help you save people? Where are you going now?" Fairy Fire Phoenix urged.

"Wait." Mo Xie has been in this game until now. He has met countless people, and many of them are powerful, but he has never been able to fight back when he encounters Fairy Blazing Phoenix.

This fairy-like beauty who has a simple and rude personality, a particularly hot body, and a stronger strength than Qing Binger, basically does not rely on brain actions, but completely depends on her own preferences.

Such a beauty is really unable to deal with.

With a wave of his hand, Mo Xie opened the territorial teleportation array once a day, and led Fairy Flaming Phoenix into the halo one after another...


In the next second, the two had appeared in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Wow, this is your city, it looks pretty good." As soon as Fairy Flaming Phoenix appeared, she was surprised by the majestic City Lord's Mansion before her eyes.

The high-level towns indeed already had a somewhat city-scale appearance, and Mo Xie was also very proud.

"Come with me, the person you want to save is inside." Mo Xie immediately took her to the door of the last compound.

Entering the door, stepping on the long stone steps, to the wide square in front of the three great temples, the two walked towards the door guarding the temple.

Mo Xie walked in front, Fairy Blazing Phoenix walked behind, and the closer he got to the divine beast temple, the fairy's pace became slower and slower...

Her beautiful face also showed a surprised expression.

"What's the matter, go quickly." Mo Xie could not help turning around curiously as he heard the footsteps disappearing behind him, but saw Fairy Flaming Phoenix had stopped there, staring at the entrance of the hall with beautiful eyes.


Her long fiery red hair floating on her shoulders suddenly stood up high, and a group of dazzling cyan flames slowly floated out of her long hair, floating still above her head.

Come on!

At this moment, the gate of the Divine Beast Hall suddenly opened slowly, and the slender figure of the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast had stepped out of the main hall, and also looked at Fairy Blazing Phoenix blankly.

Above the head of the fire phoenix beast, a group of brilliant scarlet fires appeared suddenly, flying towards the square automatically.

The blue-green flame above Fairy Blazing Phoenix's head also flew forward quickly, like a magnet that was attracted, rushing forward quickly.

Two groups of flames, one green and one red, flicked past Mo Xie, and they met in the air quickly, fusing together instantly!


Amidst the muffled sound, a huge fire ball appeared instantly, changing its color suddenly and red in mid-air, and the flame suddenly soared more than ten times!

The huge fireball exudes fiery fire wind, even if Mo Xie is a few meters away, he has to retreat quickly...

The color of the fire group is shining with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. At the end, a blue and white fire group will flash, and the temperature will reach the highest, and then the fire group will separate again. The two blue and white fire lights, each Flew to the sides, returned to the top of the owner's head and disappeared.

"What's the situation?" Mo Xie looked at the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast in surprise.

"Dear Lord City Lord, thank you for keeping your promise and helping me find my sister who has been lost for many years. Her blazing phoenix power has repaired my injury." The fire phoenix animal smiled and walked to Mo Xie and bowed in salute. .

"You are welcome, my lord, your injury has recovered so soon?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, as soon as my sister appears, our natural blood will resonate, helping each other to repair the loss of divine power, and even repair the hand parts in the body. My injury has been supplemented by divine power, and it only takes two or three days. The original strength is restored." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast saluted again.

"Brother, you are really my brother..." Fairy Flaming Phoenix looked dull in surprise, but she knew in her heart that what happened just now did not require much explanation, and it had already proved the blood of the two of them.

"Xiaoyu, I finally found you! You are my real sister!" The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast turned around, with guilt on his face and said excitedly.

"You know my name, you are my brother..." Fairy Flaming Phoenix flushed her eyes and rushed into his arms immediately.

"The last time you were surrounded by beasts, your brother went a little bit late. You have disappeared from Nirvana, and you have been taken to kill those beasts as your brother, but you have already lost your trace. I have been looking for you for a hundred years!" The fire phoenix beast stroked her long fiery hair and sighed.

"No wonder, in this life I hatched from an egg, I always remember my name is Xiao Yu, but I can't remember other things." Fairy Flaming Phoenix said in a daze.

"It's okay, our siblings have already met, and our respective divine powers are affecting each other. It won't take long for you to remember many things." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast said excitedly.

"Thank you guys, I didn't expect to save my brother and help me recall the lost memories." Fairy Flaming Phoenix's impression of Mo Xie improved.

"It's just a small matter. Now that your brothers and sisters are reunited, I won't bother you. You can live here for as long as you want." Mo Xie said goodbye with a smile.

"Don't leave. Although I have reunited with my brother, I have signed a contract with the Holy Princess. I will protect her for the rest of my life, and I will return to her in a while." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said.

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