The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1045: The heavily defended Huangcheng Mountain

Upon hearing the news of the Heavenly Fire of the Holy Artifact, even the saint princess, who had always been calm, was surprised and changed.

"I have known the whereabouts of the sacred weapon skyfire, and the Protoss also knew that they even did not hesitate to offend the dragon clan in order to obtain the sacred weapon..." Mo Xie immediately took the matter of rescuing the dragon and lifting the seal of the sacred weapon, and the princess Xiang Sheng Introduce...

"You did a great job, I didn't expect that the Protoss already knew the whereabouts of the sacred artifacts, and almost took the sacred artifacts away!" The Saint Princess said in horror.

"His Royal Highness, now I have thought of a plan. In any case, I have to transfer Skyfire from there to a safe area, and don't give the Protoss any chance." Moxie said.

"Do you have any ideas, what do you need me to do for you?" Saint Princess asked directly.

"It's very simple. I plan to let the fire and phoenix beast and the blazing phoenix take turns to transport the sacred artifacts, but their power can't compete with the divine power of the sky fire for too long, so I am also preparing to request the frost dragon to suppress the sacred artifacts with the power of frost. It can only last for a while, I need more time." Moxie said.

"I understand, you want to find another way to restrain the power of the holy artifact, so that the two divine beasts can safely transport the holy artifact to the location you want." Saint Princess thought.

"Yes, it's just a little bit of time now." Mo Xie nodded.

"I know a lot of sacred beasts, but the battle that year caused them to be scattered in every corner of the empire, but there are only a handful of them that can restrain or resist the divine power of the sky and fire." The holy princess rolled her eyes and said with a deep voice.

"Could it be that there is no other power that can temporarily restrain the divine power of Skyfire?" Mo Xie asked disappointedly.

"Actually, there is a way, but I don't know if the Governor is willing to give up your life pearl." The Saint Princess looked at Mo Xie and said embarrassedly.

"The Pearl of Life... can it restrain the sky fire?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"The Orb of Life is one of the sacred artifacts of the Temple of Life. It has been used to provide enough divine power for the City of Life. I was one of the sacrifices of the Temple of Life, and I was able to control the power of this orb. The Forest of Shura has already seen the Orb of Life in your hands, but it's not easy to ask for it," said the holy princess.

"Are you planning to use the power of this orb to personally fight the Holy Artifact Skyfire?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, as long as it is in my hands, I can suppress the power of Skyfire for a period of time." The Saint Princess nodded.

"It's easy to handle. I got this divine bead by accident. I can't use its original power in my hands. Now if your Royal Highness wants it, I will give it back to you." Mo Xie opened the package without hesitation. The **** beads were taken out from the inside and passed to the princess in front of her.

"You are so generous, it is beyond my expectation. However, this divine bead has been sealed with most of its power, and I still need some time to unblock it." The holy princess took the life bead in surprise, as if looking at her. Like a loved one, staring affectionately at this green pearl...

"If the princess needs any help in unblocking the Divine Orb, just tell me." Mo Xie smiled.

"No need, the way to unseal the Divine Orb is, whoever seals it, will open it." Saint Princess said coldly.

"Are you planning to let the Protoss unblock?" Mo Xie asked in shock.

"You don't need to look for people from the Protoss. As long as I bring the gods to the top of the imperial city, with the help of their magical power to seal the top of the mountain, I can unlock the seals of the gods. This is called leveraging power." The holy princess said solemnly.

"Okay, now the fire and phoenix divine beast still needs to heal for a few days before it can recover its full divine power. We can just help the divine bead to unblock it first. By the way, I have to go to Huangcheng Mountain to see the situation and unlock the secrets of your dictum. "Mo Xie said excitedly.

"It seems that this trip to Huangcheng Mountain is imperative." The Saint Princess nodded.

"Your Royal Highness, take me, I'm going to rescue the father and the elders." Princess Zixin asked excitedly.

"Since I have decided to go to Huangcheng Mountain this time, of course I can't waste the opportunity, but there are many crises on the mountain, and the number of people going may not be able to help. We have to think about it long-term." Moxie said.

"Your Excellency the Governor is right. It is not difficult to get to Huangcheng Mountain. The Protoss does not know that there are other passages, but once the Protoss is alarmed, we will never have a chance to sneak into Huangcheng Mountain. This opportunity must be grasped. "The Saint Princess nodded.

"His Royal Highness, I have never been to Huangcheng Mountain. I need all the topographic maps of Huangcheng Mountain so that I can make the plan more perfect." Moxie said.

"This is simple. I grow freely on Huangcheng Mountain. I am very familiar with the plants and trees there. When I escaped from Huangcheng Mountain, I expected to come back in the future, so I took one thing with me. I treat you very much now. It works." The holy princess smiled slightly, and gently waved her right arm, a white glare suddenly shining in the long sleeves, flying towards Mo Xie...


The glare flashed, and a huge table was placed in the middle of the hall. On the table was a huge sand table. The towering inner imperial city and the high mountains of the entire Huangcheng Mountain appeared in front of Moxie as if they were real!

"My God, the sand table model of the imperial city! This is great!" Mo Xie looked at the huge sand table in front of him, his eyes sparkling suddenly.

"This is the treasure that was specially made by skilled craftsmen in accordance with the actual scene of the imperial city back then, and placed in the father's study room. When I hurriedly escaped from the imperial city mountain, I brought it out." The holy princess said sadly. .

"It turns out to be your Majesty's previous object. This time, it happens to study the terrain of Huangcheng Mountain. It is much easier to deal with the gods." Mo Xie has already begun to study the mystery of this sand table...

The entire sand table was built from the inner and outer walls of the imperial city. The semi-circular wall separates the entire inner imperial city from the outer city. The three gates are located in the south and north of the city west, except for the east gate. The mountains block, and you need to enter and exit through the other three gates.

The tall Evernight Mountain lies to the east of the imperial city. On the top of the mountain, a round of eternal tribal sun always shines on the vicinity of the imperial city, forming the peculiar phenomenon of Evernight imperial city.

It is said that the entire Evernight Mountain contains extremely strong divine power, and it is also a guarantee for the Protoss to live on the mountain for a long time, and it is also a source of power for the sun to continuously emit light.

Mo Xie stared at the towers of the imperial city, and did not rush to see the situation of Huangcheng Mountain. He knew that he had to do it step by step, not too anxious.

Huangcheng Mountain is surrounded by towers on three sides and is heavily guarded. It is absolutely impossible to pass quietly.

The princess once said that there is a secret passage, that must be the location of the royal tomb on the back of Huangcheng Mountain, and perhaps there is a passage directly through the mountain.

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