The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1047: Seductive mechanical weapon

Walking through deep valleys several kilometers long, what Mo Xie saw along the way were all solid defensive fortresses and city walls.

Until I turned a valley, at the end of the valley ahead, a huge black hole suddenly appeared, like a tunnel, directly deep into the belly of the mountain.

"Come with us, this is the place where we old fellows have been sheltered from wind and rain for more than ten years." said the master Kuang Geng.

Walking into the cave all the way, the craftsmen lit the oil lamps on the walls on both sides, and a large space was finally revealed.

In the space of the mountain belly, there are stone tables and stools everywhere, countless flaming stoves, and metal ingots, wood, leather and other materials all over the floor.

"We found a material mine here, so we simply settled here, while building a defense system, while making weapons on the spot, this saved our lives." The master Kuang Geng walked forward with Mo Xie, non-stop. Introducing the situation here.

When a group of people walked deeper into the belly of the mountain, they saw rows of neat wooden frames in front of them. On the long wooden frames, there were countless clusters of arrows and crossbows flashing coldly, and countless strange spears. And some weapons that Mo Xie didn't recognize...

"This is a lightning hook spear. With a strong crossbow, the range is very long, and the hook spear can be connected to the rope. Once it hits the enemy, it cannot be pulled out, and then the rope can be pulled to pull the enemy over." Kuang Geng said.

"I'll go, this weapon is good." Mo Xie's excited eyes lit up.

"This is a renju crossbow. It is filled with 20 crossbow arrows at a time. It can be fired continuously in one breath. After a large number of soldiers are equipped, a renzhu crossbow squad of one hundred people is comparable to the power of thousands of archers. Suppress the opponent's attack." Kuang Geng said, pointing to a crossbow machine that players can operate with both hands.

"Good thing, there are no professional restrictions, right?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"They are mechanical equipment. They don't need to be restricted by combat occupations, so mages can also use them. Otherwise, why do we craftsmen make them?" Kuang Geng asked rhetorically.

"Ah... such a small organ weapon!" Mo Xie heard the other party's answer clearly, and this was even more pleasantly surprised.

This small mechanical weapon has no restrictions on the user. Level 0 players can directly equip and use it, and the attack issued is calculated based on the fixed damage value of the crossbow bolt, and has no relationship with the player’s attributes...

In other words, a mechanical weapon such as a renju crossbow can use different quality materials to create different quality props. The higher the quality, the stronger the attack power and the greater the damage to the enemy.

Looking at the Lianzhu crossbows placed on the wooden racks, there were at least a thousand crossbows, and Mo Xie had already wished to sweep them directly into the package.

But he understands that this Kuang Geng master craftsman has the same temper as his elder brother, the master craftsman. The props they make will only be dedicated to the royal family.

"This is the storage place for all the weapons we built over the past ten years. Except for some used to deal with the enemy, all the others are here. It can equip a 50,000-strong imperial army." Kuang Geng said.

"All these things must be taken away, but you have too few people. I'd better hire someone to help." Moxie said.

"That's what I mean, but all these weapons can only belong to the Imperial Army. I don't want to be taken away by others." Kuang Geng said.

"I also understand what you mean, don't worry, all of the items will be assigned to Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess, so you should rest assured?" Mo Xie knew that the system would never let the players take advantage of it in vain.

"Then thank you, Lord Governor." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

Mo Xie shook his head, opened the Alliance Channel, directly contacted other teammates in the commander interface, reported his coordinate position to Mo Xiaolang, and asked him to bring tens of thousands of players to carry it.

If packages can be used, with players’ current package capacity, as long as there are less than a thousand people, all weapons can be swept away.

It is a pity that the master Kuang Geng does not trust the players and can only use the means of transportation...

After waiting in the cave for a long time, Mo Xiaolang sent a message that a large number of players had already seen the entrance to the canyon and would be able to arrive immediately.

"Great God, I want to discuss something with you..." Mo Xie thought about it for a long time, and finally hesitated.

"Master Governor, what needs our help?" Kuang Geng asked curiously.

"It's like this. Now the Divine Tribe is restricted by the Protoss everywhere. Many battles cannot be participated in. Most of the main legions that deal with the Protoss are my people. Can the Great God help us build some weapons?" Mo Xie asked. .

"Our identity is a royal craftsman, and we only obey the orders of the royal family. If your majesty or the princess make a request to let the craftsman corps build weapons for you, the old man will certainly not refuse. But let us take the initiative to build weapons for your legion, this It violates our rules, please forgive me, Lord Governor." Kuang Geng said lightly.

"This is what you said, as long as your majesty and the princess make an order, you are willing to help me build weapons?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"Yes, as long as there is a will, the old man will absolutely obey. But you still have to prepare the materials." Kuang Geng nodded.

"The great **** remembers today's words, I will definitely give you the will." Mo Xie was overjoyed.

At the same time, he thought of those imperial wind gods, which were now taken away by the magic craftsman of the organ. If the princess can authorize her, maybe he can get those treasures back!

Even if you can't get it back, as long as you have the Shenzhou construction drawing, you can ask the craftsmen to rebuild it!

But the premise is that the materials are ready now...

At present, under the leadership of Zhao Ge, the Life Corps has begun to collect resources in an all-round way. The types of resources in the hands of the God Realm League have reached no less than hundreds, which almost meets the basic material requirements for any prop production.

The only thing missing is some high-level rare auxiliary materials, which will definitely be found in the new map in the future.

After a while, a large crowd of footsteps sounded in the cave, and Mo Xiaolang led a group of players into the cave where the weapon was placed under the guidance of the old man.

"Wow, so many babies!" Mo Xiaolang and the players exclaimed.

"Hurry up and help them transport the weapons to the Saint Princess." Mo Xie said quickly.

"Xiao Mo, are you stupid, why are so many babies cheap to others?" Mo Xiaolang asked softly.

"We can't get these, Master God Crafter won't give it, but I have already thought of a way, we will get more treasures than this in the future." Mo Xie said with a smile.

Mo Xiaolang anxiously wanted to see the appearance of the divine tool, but he couldn't help being surprised when he didn't find that Mo Xie was equipped with any weapons.

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