The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1050: Resource monopoly

"Don't worry, Mr. Mo, I have discussed with brother Mo Xiaoyuan, making clay pots to store kerosene is quite troublesome. Now we have changed to using skins made of animal skins to store kerosene. Now we have stored more than 3,000 bags. The collection will be stepped up in these two days."

Brother Zhao quickly replied.

The last time I discovered a desert mining area, there are at least a dozen kinds of mineral veins.

Mo Xie didn't go through them carefully, and many mineral veins were still being surveyed. Some advanced mineral vein players could not reach the level, even if they were placed in front of their eyes.

As the skill proficiency of life players continues to improve, new life skills are learned one by one, and some previously unknown resources are finally gradually revealed.

For example, in the belly of the sand mountain, black viscous water pools were discovered. As a result, the players were surprised to find that the black water pools were all very dangerous black kerosene.

When this kind of kerosene encounters an open flame, whether it is a torch or other flames, it will immediately burn. A bowl of kerosene ignites the descendants and can burn quietly for ten minutes!

This black fire oil, called tears of death, is a high-level resource specially used to refine materials to make other props, but the unrefined fire oil is still very useful.

During this period of time, Li Hong surrounded the temporary resource mining area with a city wall, and Zhao Ge took the players to spend all of their daily online time crazy to improve their skill proficiency, and new resources were constantly being developed...

Nowadays, even Moxie doesn't know what new things have been discovered in today's resource mining area, so I have to ask about it.

"This is a kind of yellow gypsum found in the desert. It was originally used by alchemists to extract gold powder, but we found that this kind of stone will soften immediately after encountering a flame, and has a very high viscosity, and it will burn completely. It’s hard to pull it out of the ground as long as the player steps on it with one foot.” Zhao Ge explained quickly.

"For such a strange material, how long will it take to step on that foot to return to normal?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"We have tried it. It takes at least fifteen minutes before the foot can be pulled out. But if the plaster has been softened by high temperature, it can't be pulled out." Zhao Ge laughed.

"I understand what you mean. In the process of defending the city, throw the death **** downstairs and burn it to attack the enemy. When the flame gradually dissipates, throw the plaster again, and the enemy will be unable to move..." Mo Xie looked at him. Liang, instantly understood the other's thoughts.

"Ms. Mo is still great, and you can understand what we mean." Brother Zhao smiled.

"Very well, from now on, tears of death and this kind of plaster will be collected in batches as quickly as possible. The more the battle, the more resources will be needed." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mo, the miners on our side have been divided into two parts. One part collects materials normally needed, and the other part is specially prepared for battle." Zhao Ge said.

"Good job, how about the order now?" Mo Xie asked.

"There are more and more orders during this period. Our products are not only of good quality and quantity, but many guilds have already contacted us to order various equipment and materials." Brother Zhao said.

"Don't worry, Xiaomo, the investment of Life Corps is now decreasing and decreasing, and the return is increasing every week. From next month, you can continue to return the investment funds." As the chief financial officer, Mo Xiaoyu hurriedly put the current life legion. The financial situation is introduced.

"Very good!" Mo Xie couldn't help feeling ecstatic. The so-called continuous return of investment from next month means that Life Corps not only no longer needs to invest, but also can make employees' wages and all expenses self-finance, the excess It can also return to the income of the alliance...

After so many months, the ambitious plan of recruiting the commercial army has finally become formal!

In addition to the current stage, the Combat Corps is still in the stage of ascending and expanding, and must continue to invest every month, but as long as these two months have passed, the return will be clearly visible!

During the flight, Mo Xie learned about some major events in the recent alliance and some of the foreign business cooperation, and felt very excited.

With the efforts of him and a group of partners, the God Realm League has officially become a huge professional alliance. From the current point of view, whether it is an increase in manpower, an increase in strength, and ample funding, the entire alliance is in short order. Comprehensive and full-speed development stage!

Mo Xie actually didn't know that the reason why President Ma came to the God Realm League to investigate in person was not just because of his relationship with Uncle Guang. A super character like him didn't have so much time to waste.

It is because President Ma’s think tank has taken the most detailed investigation and survey of Moxie’s new game alliance, and even after several deductions on the future prospects, they decided on the last trip...

The current God Realm Alliance has not only achieved rapid and sound development, but also possessed a major strength in resource monopoly, so it is so optimistic about President Ma.

Mo Xie asked all the elite legions to concentrate on leveling and spawning monsters on the periphery of the imperial city one day.

The outer legions can level up with peace of mind, help complete alliance tasks, and accelerate the upgrade of the God Realm League from an advanced alliance to a junior large legion.

As long as the God Realm League is upgraded to a junior legion, their territory will also be eligible to upgrade to a junior city. By then, the first player city in the God Realm will officially appear!

Although there is only one word difference between cities and towns, in the setting of the system, the authorities and various specific systems owned by the city territories will also be opened one after another...

After deploying recent work, he flew all the way to the west of the imperial city.

Mo Xie landed in the gorge, led the magic craftsman of the mechanism into the cave of Tibetan soldiers, and finally brought another royal loyal minister to the holy princess.

Seeing the magic craftsman kneeling in front of the holy princess, and then tearfully embracing the magic craftsman Kuang Geng, Mo Xie felt that no matter how hard it was, it was worth it.

In the past games, they were just the background in the game world, and they were never taken seriously by the players. However, after arriving in the virtual world, these emotional settings make them more and more unable to distinguish. They are a set of data, or a living human being.

"Your Excellency, the old man used to be so rude to you, and please forgive me." The mechanism master stood in front of Mo Xie and bowed respectfully in salute.

"Master doesn't have to be so polite." Mo Xie quickly helped him up.

"Don't be sad, I've heard a lot about you from the Queen and the Princess. You can no longer thank you in words for your contributions to our imperial royal family. This princess solemnly promises to wait for me to drive away the Protoss and regain power. From that moment on, the imperial royal family will never forget your credit.” The holy princess also promised seriously.

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