The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1053: Huangcheng Mountain Project

The ore that is the size of a cigarette case can be enlarged to the size of a double-door refrigerator, and it is very strong and cannot be damaged by knives and guns.

Mo Xie took a lot of tears of the death god, metamorphic iron and gold overcast stone, yellow gypsum and fluorite mines, and packed them into packages for later use.

A group of teammates are not polite, each of them uses a lot.

"Well, the mining area is finally finished. Tell me what new discoveries will be made in the future." Mo Xie smiled.

“Do you want to visit our manufacturing workshop? Now my brothers are full of horsepower and are manufacturing various props in large quantities. One part is to fulfill sales orders, and the other part is to meet our internal needs.” Mr. Mo asked.

"No, I believe in your abilities, but remember that when receiving an order, both equipment and weapons can be received, but when it comes to mechanical equipment and some high-end props, we give priority to satisfying ourselves. Especially some special props, more It is sold carefully." Mo Xie reminded.

"Don't worry, we won't do things that strengthen others to harm you." Brother Zhao nodded.

"It's enough to have you, you are busy, I also have to hurry up to prepare for the plan." Mo Xie smiled and said goodbye, and immediately used the City Return Scroll with a group of commanders...

Huh huh!

Countless beams of light landed in God Realm Town, and Mo Xie led his teammates to the City Lord’s Mansion immediately...

Entering the City Lord’s Mansion, closing the gate, a group of people stood there, preparing to discuss the upcoming operation during this period.

"Everyone knows. The day after tomorrow, I will visit Huangcheng Mountain with Saint Princess. It is very dangerous and there are many secrets waiting to be revealed." Moxie said.

"Yeah, we are all a little worried. Huangcheng Mountain is the place that the Protoss cares most about now. They have been operating there for so many years, and the defenses on it must be tight. If you go up, you must be extra careful." Mo Xiaolang said.

"That's why I asked Her Royal Highness to borrow a treasure. Everyone will help me to see it." Mo Xie opened the package, took out the scroll of the sand table, and chose to use it directly.

In an instant, light flickered on the open space in front of everyone, a huge sand table model appeared instantly, and the tall Huangcheng Mountain was clearly revealed in front of everyone...

"Wow, what a magnificent model, except for the size, it's the same as it really is." Lianna exclaimed.

"With this model, being able to grasp the terrain of Huangcheng Mountain in advance can greatly reduce the danger of Xiao Mo going up and exploring." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Yes, so I borrowed the sand table, just to discuss with you how to go up without disturbing the Protoss, unlock the secrets, and sneak into the top of the mountain to rescue the Elf King." Moxie said.

Everyone nodded, gathered around the sand table, and began to check carefully...

"Xiao Mo, the three-sided tower on Huangcheng Mountain cannot be attacked by force. It is impossible to sneak in. The only secret passage is at the location of the royal tomb behind the mountain." Mo Xiaolang pointed to the building behind Huangcheng Mountain, halfway up the mountain. Said the group.

"Yes, although the royal tomb is on Huangcheng Mountain, because it is behind the mountain, it does not belong to the jurisdiction of the imperial city. The holy princess also said that there is indeed a secret passage to the imperial palace on the mountain, but only the royal family Only the members can pass. I have no way to go. I have to ask the general for help and get in through the gate of the inner city." Mo Xie nodded.

"You mean, you go in through the gate, and then follow the long winding mountain passage all the way up, and trek thousands of meters to reach the outskirts of the imperial city to meet the princess?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"Yes." Mo Xie nodded.

"Then it's even more dangerous. Ten steps on Huangcheng Mountain, even if the general helps you get rid of the guards of the Human Race Legion, but you only need to get close to the palace, what if you encounter the guards of the Protoss?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"His Royal Highness has said that she will consider these. And the Princess has said that flying pets can be used on Huangcheng Mountain, but they are not allowed to fly on top of the palace or on the top of the mountain." Moxie said.

"This will be easy, as long as you enter the city gate of the inner city, you hurry to this place..." Li Hong said quickly.

The direction of her finger is exactly the depression in a mountain range on the left hand side of the inner city, which seems to be an unguarded place.

"When you get there, when there is no one around, you quickly use Xiaofeidian to fly vertically. After flying over a large cliff, you land directly on this place. It may not happen that you can avoid the guard's eyeliner, and you can meet the Holy Princess earlier." Li Hong said.

"This route is good, it saves time and is very safe." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"I just don't know if there are soldiers guarding here, even if there are people, I will find a way to transfer them away." Mo Xie nodded, having already noted the location in his heart.

"Sister Hong just pointed out the route to outside the palace, do you have any other suggestions?" Mo Xie asked.

"We've all seen it. If you want to bypass the road to avoid danger, the red beauty's suggestion is very effective and can be adopted. But for the sake of caution, I think there can be a passage here. Even if you don't use a flying mount, you can use a rope to slow down. Climb up slowly, and you won’t be spotted.” Mo Xiaolang pointed his finger at the back of the imperial city, behind the junction of the city wall mountain range, and the side cliff of the mountain...

"My God, this is too dangerous, at least a thousand meters high, Xiao Mo will crawl to death!" Lianna said in surprise.

"Although this route is difficult, it can be foolproof and can also be used as an alternative." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Brother Wolf, this is a safe way. In case the route that Sister Hong said doesn't work, I can still try this." Mo Xie smiled.

"This route can be used not only as a secret way in, but also as a way for you to escape. It can be reached from the side of the ridge without going through the inner city gate." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Yes, in case of failure and being discovered by the Protoss, when the city is tightly locked, you can escape from the city." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

"There is still a lot of people and power. I found two routes in a while, and I wrote down this one. Everyone will help me look again. What should I do when I approach the palace?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

Everyone's eyes moved from the foot of the inner city mountain to the seat of the palace group halfway up the mountain.

Looking at the vast expanse of magnificent palaces, protected by three city walls, there is a steep cliff on one side that leads directly to the summit.

The palace complex occupies a large area halfway up the mountain, but there is a square in front of it, surrounded by gardens and large old trees.

If Mo Xie climbed halfway up the mountain, he would definitely take refuge in the gardens and woods near the square, waiting for the Holy Princess to come and meet.

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