The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1065: Dangerous attempt

Under the leadership of Mo Xie, all teammates quickly rushed out of the square and large areas of the city, and returned to the vicinity of the ridge that had just been climbed not long ago.

Standing on the top of the hillside, watching the flames that have gradually disappeared into the sky on the other side of the island, what happened just now, if it were not for the collapsed buildings in the city and the smoke that has not yet dissipated, no one can believe it. The fire dragon appeared!


There was the cry of flying eagles in the air, and Li Hong rode his mount down from the ridge, coming to his teammates with lingering fears.

"It was so dangerous just now, it scared us to death." Lianna said, holding her arm.

"That guy's attack was too fierce. As long as any one of us is hit by its fireball, we will be instantly killed." Li Hong said.

"I've seen it just now. What we are going to do now is to prepare to harvest dragon scales and be careful for our own safety. Once anyone is killed, this mission will immediately fail, and our dungeon will be here for nothing. "Mo Xie warned.

"But, where are we going to attack Shenlong? There are still hundreds of meters between the other side of the ridge and the building complex." Mo Xiaolang said.

They are now at the edge of the abandoned city, between the last row of buildings.

Further ahead, there is an open area of ​​grass slopes two to three hundred meters long. Only by crossing this distance can we ensure to avoid the fire dragon's revenge attack.

But everyone knows that such an open area is no less than a death zone, and no one is sure that they can avoid the angry offensive of the fire dragon before escaping to a safe area.

"I didn't tell you to escape, I'll be the bait." Mo Xie said lightly.

"What? You are here to be the bait... But once you attack, you can guarantee that the fire dragon's hatred will always gather on you?" Mo Xiaolang asked incredulously.

"So, I can only take the dragon scales. You can assist in the attack and let me take advantage of it." Moxie said.

"Xiao Mo, just tell me, what do you plan to do to keep the fire dragon chasing you?" Li Hong asked.

"It's very simple. After a while, Sister Hong will lead the fire dragon to appear and lead it to this hillside. Then I approached it from the side and tried to use mechanical flying claws to remove a dragon scale, and everyone tried to hide it around. Truthfully, if I succeeded in getting the dragon scales, you would not move. If I did not get the dragon scales, everyone would be ready to attack the chasing dragon. Whoever can get the dragon scales, I’ll go and flee with him immediately, so the fire dragon only Will chase me." Mo Xie smiled.

"This method is indeed feasible, but it depends on Xiao Mo's escape level." Mo Xiaolang nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm used to being chased and killed, and escape is already my trick." Mo Xie said disapprovingly.

"Don't Xiaomo have Qingbinger, let her deal with the fire dragon, the frost dragon happens to be the nemesis of the fire dragon." Liana suggested with a smile.

"What is this place, do you understand? If Binger could help, I would have let her out as soon as possible." Mo Xie replied silently.

"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves." Ouyang Jiaojiao sighed.

"Well, we start preparing now. Xiaomo must remember that when you escape, you must pass through our ambush area to create more opportunities for us to attack. If anyone succeeds in picking up the dragon scales, immediately go from here. All lines escape, waiting for Xiao Mo to rescue you." Mo Xiaolang looked around and chose the buildings on both sides of a narrow street as the attack area for a while.

"Understood." All teammates nodded excitedly.

Many teammates used to do missions, as long as they encountered tasks that were extremely difficult and seemingly impossible to complete, most of them chose to give up because of the trouble and danger, but after following the core commanders to act together, they finally understood, Mo Xie The success is not without reason.

Just because of his reluctance to admit defeat, not afraid of trouble, and careful study mentality, he has exceeded most ordinary players.

Watching his teammates lie in ambush in designated buildings in pairs, Mo Xie called out his mounts to ride on, but instead of flying directly to the sky, Xiao Fei Dian swayed to one side and walked over, looking for a suitable one. The location of the attack.

And Li Hong had already followed the instructions and once again drove the flying eagle into the air, circling back and forth on the ridge.

"Okay, I will hide on the left." Mo Xie has also entered a building complex, quietly lying in the middle of the hillside away from the players.

"Well, I'm starting to attract strangers." Li Hong replied, directing the mount to fly to the side of the island again...

Seeing the flaming eagle flying over the hillside and large areas of the city, slowly turning into a small red dot in the air, all teammates couldn't help but become nervous.

This is a very critical first step if you can attract blame for success!

The most difficult task condition is that no one can hang up, which tests the players' ability to cooperate and respond to changes on the spot.

Fortunately, the team members who came this time are all the core leadership of the God Realm League. They can't help but have excellent skills, and their qualities have exceeded most of the players.

Moreover, Li Hong, who is in charge of the task of attracting the monsters, has not obtained the flying mount in a day or two. He drives the mount to fly around every day, and his flying skills in the air are a bit more adept than Moxie. You can see from just avoiding the fire dragon to kill. .

Although the journey was extremely thrilling just now, none of the attacks could get within ten meters of Li Hong's body, and the splashed stones did not pose a threat to her.

Ao Moo!

It didn't take long for the familiar roar of the deep dragon to sound from the distant air again, and the players subconsciously stared at the teammate list, lest Li Hong's portrait suddenly faded.

Because that means that all team members will be moved out of the instance, and this mission will immediately fail.

Fortunately, the sound of dragons continued to sound, Li Hong's head still shining, and after a minute or two, the still tenacious shop was still lit...

"Be careful, everyone, the fire dragon is coming soon." Mo Xie's voice suddenly sounded after a few minutes.

Hidden in the middle of the hillside, he has been riding a flying eagle lying on the ground, ready to fly at any time. However, over the large ruined city in the distance, the huge fire light shines again, and a series of fireballs are accompanied by explosions, flying all over the air. Flying, chasing and killing Li Hong madly!

All the teammates took a breath, suppressing the nervous beating heart, and all raised their heads to look towards the sky...

A small fire ball in the distance is flying from side to side, along a styling route, leaping quickly from among the buildings, and not far above the fire ball is like a flame train driving in the air, whistling. Coming in hot pursuit!

The fiery red light illuminates half of the city, and even the air starts to become hot...

"I'm here, 1000 meters away from the ambush!" Li Hong's delicate voice also sounded on the team channel.

"Be careful to avoid, and report the distance at any time." Mo Xie quickly reminded.

"Understood, 800 meters away from the ambush!" Li Hong reported again after a few seconds.

600 meters!

500 meters!

Ao Moo!

The deafening dragon roar seemed to sound in the ears of the players, so that not only their ears were numb, but even the building wall with their backs seemed to be shaking violently.

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